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  1. The countdown continues

    We went in for another appointment yesterday-and all still looks good. She is still measuring on the large side and I am getting increasingly more uncomfortable as each day passes! We discussed the possibility of induction. I am 2cm dilated so an induction would be possible if necessary. It looks like if I don't go into labor naturally before my next appointment (next Tues) than they will most likely schedule a date for around the end of next week! I am hoping to go into labor naturally and avoid ...
  2. New Stuff

    I have a job interview tommorow with the assisted living rehab home. I landed it being as I have experience with the "handicapped" that the average bear doesn't have. I don't like thinking of Jeremiah as handicapped, but to the real world, he was. I have new pictures in my album today. Am still working out the legalities for the car show. Have basically been trying to find a common ground with the rest of the world, but I have a feeling that I will always feel that there is a sort ...