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  1. At this time last year . . . (6 replies)
  2. Just wanted to share my little ones accomplishment! (8 replies)
  3. Quinn is going to make it! (12 replies)
  4. General edema (8 replies)
  5. What could this mean?? (30 replies)
  6. At MGH in March of 2009 (0 replies)
  7. Pacifier? (7 replies)
  8. Left side weakness (10 replies)
  9. Reflux in older children (3 replies)
  10. Please don't think I am nuts (15 replies)
  11. Jaxon's turning ONE!!!!! (9 replies)
  12. Kiyari Juliet is TWO!! (5 replies)
  13. reflux medicine-question? (20 replies)
  14. herniated lung- any help please? (12 replies)
  15. Work Place Not Understanding (10 replies)
  16. Am I crazy?? (12 replies)
  17. One year ago today... (6 replies)
  18. 1st Birthday - flameless candle? (8 replies)
  19. Disagrements with the Surgen (4 replies)
  20. My RCDH survivor...there is HOPE! (6 replies)
  21. Should I be worried about Tummy pains ? (12 replies)
  22. another quick update on sunshine Lewis (4 replies)
  23. Update on Dakota's check up with surgeon (7 replies)
  24. paradoxical breathing (0 replies)
  25. Indoor swimming pool? (9 replies)
  26. Braden is coughing...AGAIN! (9 replies)
  27. update on quinn. we're home! (18 replies)
  28. Slow weight gain??? (12 replies)
  29. Baer still has pnuemonia (13 replies)
  30. Overdue Update on Lewis (8 replies)
  31. first foods (9 replies)
  32. Keeping Secrets (19 replies)
  33. The mighty Quinn is born!!! (17 replies)
  34. My son's story (14 replies)
  35. Oxygen Only At Night (10 replies)
  36. DHREAMS Study? (11 replies)
  37. Feeding problems (22 replies)
  38. Ericka's 1st Birthday! (10 replies)
  39. Homeade Blended Formula in G-tube? Good Idea??? (4 replies)
  40. Help, need info on why smoking around Jax is bad!!! (6 replies)
  41. Adrian update (5 replies)
  42. Developmental Delays (11 replies)
  43. Reherniation (5 replies)
  44. Whose child has had the Laproscopic Repair? (13 replies)
  45. updated pics of Sofia (1 replies)
  46. I'm back... (2 replies)
  47. Hyperal Causes Galstones Even In Babies (5 replies)
  48. My poor Jaxon is in the hospital. (23 replies)
  49. sucking reflex (4 replies)
  50. Cora (8 replies)
  51. looking for a formula to add to breastmilk for more calories (2 replies)
  52. Lung Function test? (3 replies)
  53. Hello (31 replies)
  54. Braden's 2 yr. check up (12 replies)
  55. Can I pick your brains loose patch or hole? (12 replies)
  56. feeding,reflux and gagging (5 replies)
  57. Help Pls! RSV Shot denied! (18 replies)
  58. Need ideas for high calorie foods (13 replies)
  59. our Sunshine Warrior Lewis is HOME :) (10 replies)
  60. Missing everyon (21 replies)
  61. How do you meet.... (7 replies)
  62. My little guy (6 replies)
  63. Update on my cherub Savannah (24 replies)
  64. Not on here much, But I do think of you all! (3 replies)
  65. Created a blog for Jonah (1 replies)
  66. Interstital Lung Disease (0 replies)
  67. Need advice - bottle feeding (5 replies)
  68. Pediasure? (6 replies)
  69. Just a little update. (17 replies)
  70. Pulmonary Hypertension (10 replies)
  71. Happy 1st Birthday Nayeli Faith! (10 replies)
  72. Pulmonary function tests (11 replies)
  73. Elinor is coming home!!! (36 replies)
  74. swine flu vaccine for your cherub (61 replies)
  75. I can't seem to get her to eat. (5 replies)
  76. Feeding (7 replies)
  77. looking for advice (17 replies)
  78. Braden's 18 month check up (4 replies)
  79. My introduction! (4 replies)
  80. Clodaghs gagging and severe tummy pains, please help (4 replies)
  81. Our Own Little Cherub Survivor - Riley Koen (12 replies)
  82. Juan's 6 month check up. (28 replies)
  83. Second winter (7 replies)
  84. worried (26 replies)
  85. Periactin (11 replies)
  86. Surgery Date Set (16 replies)
  87. Reglan/Prevacid/Zantac (16 replies)
  88. early intervention evaluation tomorrow (28 replies)
  89. Did/Does your tube fed baby act hungry?? (7 replies)
  90. Proof that things happen for a reason ... (11 replies)
  91. Prevacid for reflux (6 replies)
  92. Weaning from continuous feeds? (4 replies)
  93. Results from Baer's GI study ~ Need lots of help! (17 replies)
  94. Update on Jonah (8 replies)
  95. Our Up-Coming Family CDH genetic study day (5 replies)
  96. So proud of my little princess (15 replies)
  97. Rollercoaster Ride (4 replies)
  98. Help, trying to stick with NG tube (7 replies)
  99. Got good news on Kiyari (11 replies)
  100. About our cherub. (7 replies)
  101. How to parent the non-cherub (10 replies)
  102. What NG Equipment Works For You? (5 replies)
  103. getting nervous about traveling with Braden (18 replies)
  104. Bad Circulation? (26 replies)
  105. feeding clinic appointment-HELP! (26 replies)
  106. Weston's turning ONE (12 replies)
  107. Fresh start~!!! (27 replies)
  108. finally walking...:) (13 replies)
  109. Excessive Coughing (26 replies)
  110. Gaining weight issues and throwing up (13 replies)
  111. Re-herniation - Worried (12 replies)
  112. Braden's 15 month check (24 replies)
  113. Celebrating a Year of Miracles (27 replies)
  114. Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy (36 replies)
  115. Follow up appointment for PHP Clinic @ CHOP (6 replies)
  116. picture of my cherub (9 replies)
  117. meet other parents of surviving cherubs (7 replies)
  118. Elevated Diapghram (20 replies)
  119. Ordering CDH Awareness Bracelets (13 replies)
  120. Adrian's Birthday Pics (23 replies)
  121. Worrying about Ericka being "confused." (7 replies)
  122. Dealing with GI doctor (4 replies)
  123. Possible Reherniation or Stretching of the Patch? (21 replies)
  124. FDA approves new drug for Pulmonary Hypertension (1 replies)
  125. Going home on oxygen (12 replies)
  126. Worried about Weston (13 replies)
  127. Any other Southwest Florida Parents? (0 replies)
  128. Ng tube to G-tube (33 replies)
  129. When can I stop being scared? (9 replies)
  130. Birthday for Elijah (7 replies)
  131. Question About Regurgitation (1 replies)
  132. Reflux? (27 replies)
  133. Nobody could've prepared me for this... (299 replies)
  134. Update on Braden (17 replies)
  135. experience with not eating before surgery? (6 replies)
  136. New Here With Questions (72 replies)
  137. not gaining enough weight (23 replies)
  138. Ending isolation (9 replies)
  139. UGH Football (11 replies)
  140. How do you "parent" a miracle baby?? (27 replies)
  141. Any Cincinnati Families Out there? (5 replies)
  142. Update on Weston (10 replies)
  143. Weston's in the hospital with RSV (7 replies)
  144. Braden's 1 year check up (16 replies)
  145. We're back...... LONG STORY (12 replies)
  146. Braden's birthday pic (14 replies)
  147. have any of your cherubs had croup? (12 replies)
  148. Braden is headed to CHOP on 3/3 (28 replies)
  149. John Michael's CDH Journey video (6 replies)
  150. Did anyone deliver in Cincinnati or University of Michigan? (2 replies)
  151. Chronic Bronchitus-anyone else had this problem? (4 replies)
  152. Transition from J to G tube (7 replies)
  153. Claire update (6 replies)
  154. Chewing foods (4 replies)
  155. Adam and Esophagus question (10 replies)
  156. I'VE MISSED SO MUCH!! (16 replies)
  157. Very Good News (29 replies)
  158. Tracleer? (7 replies)
  159. Can You Say "Diaphragmatic Hernia"? (12 replies)
  160. Ian Meats' CDH video - journey in pictures (24 replies)
  161. Explaining CDH (22 replies)
  163. Boston CDH clinic (10 replies)
  164. Nayeli's First FU at UCSF (4 replies)
  165. Question about CHERUBS talking and breathing (3 replies)
  166. Baer got a Haircut, he looks like a little man! (15 replies)
  167. My special Christmas gift (89 replies)
  168. Braden needs to gain weight! (90 replies)
  169. special christmas (13 replies)
  170. Braden's 1st haircut (16 replies)
  171. Problems with the battle (30 replies)
  172. Its almost here (25 replies)
  173. Nayeli (15 replies)
  174. More on our precious daughter Isabel! Five months old! (6 replies)
  175. Weston was in hopsital with pneumoina (8 replies)
  176. More on Weston (3 replies)
  177. Get Weston to take the bottle (13 replies)
  178. learning to crawl (24 replies)
  179. Happy Birthday Par! (3 replies)
  180. Duke vs. Cincinnati (1 replies)
  181. How did you pay for medical care? (8 replies)
  182. so Grateful!! (7 replies)
  183. Adrian's baptism photos (13 replies)
  184. Follow up CDH clinic (14 replies)
  185. Any Suggestions...Oral Aversion (10 replies)
  186. What is synagis (palivizumab)? (97 replies)
  187. Nicole is walking!!! (24 replies)
  188. RSV Season already? (24 replies)
  189. Baer at the Pumpkin Patch (35 replies)
  190. Braden's video (5 replies)
  191. pulmonary hypertension (9 replies)
  192. Juan Pablo's 4th surgeon appt. (23 replies)
  193. Please pray for Isabel Ruth (23 replies)
  194. Juan Pablo walking (20 replies)
  195. Hey (4 replies)
  196. Update on Henry (82 replies)
  197. Intestinal Issues and older CDH kids (13 replies)
  198. Ayda is 1 year old tomorrow (10 replies)
  199. Update on baby Angelina's 4th Surgery (19 replies)
  200. 9 months! (19 replies)
  201. Australian gathering?? (11 replies)
  202. How is Liam? (49 replies)
  204. Adrian (47 replies)
  205. How is Baby Louis? (98 replies)
  206. Good visit (8 replies)
  207. ARGH! (14 replies)
  208. Your Cherub and Preschool (19 replies)
  209. Happy Birthday, Kristin (11 replies)
  210. 4th Surgery for Angelina (21 replies)
  211. Ciao a tutti (1 replies)
  212. Caden started preschool! (7 replies)
  213. Adrian is home (27 replies)
  214. Baer has a virus? (100 replies)
  215. Maternity leave is over.... (7 replies)
  216. what / when did you tell your cherub about CDH? (20 replies)
  217. 14 Month Old Check Up (16 replies)
  218. Hi Shanell (3 replies)
  219. A huge milestone!!! (20 replies)
  220. Bottle feeding a breastfed baby (13 replies)
  221. over inflated lungs on x ray? (3 replies)
  222. Talking with other Cherubs (3 replies)
  223. Cole Asthma (33 replies)
  224. Gabriel Athan Update (11 replies)
  225. The 1st birthday (24 replies)
  226. Adrian up Date (5 replies)
  227. Toni is out off hospital 1yr on Sunday (9 replies)
  228. Physical Limitations of Your CDH child (71 replies)
  229. survivor-35 days on ECMO (9 replies)
  230. Feeding Issues (26 replies)
  231. Off To Baltimore (17 replies)
  232. no dr's appts!!! (17 replies)
  233. enough is enough (41 replies)
  234. Why is he doing this? (42 replies)
  235. When did your Cherub get to come home? (31 replies)
  236. Let's see if this works (10 replies)
  237. Am i the only one? (41 replies)
  238. Duocal (0 replies)
  239. Trouble Transitioning to solids... (10 replies)
  240. Nissen...What are your thoughts? (13 replies)
  241. Michael's latest echo (4 replies)
  242. gagging and reching (20 replies)
  243. Pics of Happy Cherubs (62 replies)
  244. I LOVE my daycare (8 replies)
  245. New meds (8 replies)
  246. Any babies having / had a lung function test? (3 replies)
  247. help with reflux (again!) (52 replies)
  248. Big Appointment Today (25 replies)
  249. Intensive Feeding Therapy (51 replies)
  250. Braden's appointments (12 replies)