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Dawn Torrence Ireland
12-19-2007, 10:54 PM
CHERUBS site, and my entire client server was down for 6 hours tonight. It's all back up and we're investigating what happened and how to prevent it from happening again. I'm sorry for the inconvenience everyone and I thank you so much for your patience!

Dawn Torrence Ireland
12-20-2007, 02:07 AM
CHERUBS site was attacked by a company using computers in Holland. They sent a program that tried to log in 100's of users at once to overwhelm the system. It worked. CHERUBS site went down, all my client sites and dozens of other sites of other designers that were also on the server. About 100 business sites went down all because of this.

This has been fixed and any future attacks blocked so this shouldn't happen again. We will find out who is behind this and my company and several others, including the hosting company, will take legal action. This cost a lot of people a lot of money.

The reckless and thoughtless cruelty of some people never ceases to amaze me.

12-20-2007, 09:46 AM
Your kidding.
In Holland......do you think a certain someone would go to the extent of doing this?
It is just plain out cruel and is getting so out of hand.
I guess I do not understand how people can be plain out mean.
CDH is a hard enough road to travel. No one needs this additional drama.
Please let your Christmas miracle come true and all this just stops.
We can move on and get awareness out there- that is SO needed.

Hang in there Dawn. We are all here to support you and CHERUBS and whatever will come our way next.

12-20-2007, 09:54 AM
Reading my daily word and thought this was quite the saying for the day...
"I am ready to experience a fresh, new Day!
I do not move backward by rehashing details of how I was wronged. I let my positive, forward thinking move me on.
God is my source of Love, a love that soothes and strengthens me. Becasue God loves me and Divine Love is expressed by me, I am forgiving. I forgive others and myself for anything said and left unsaid, done or left undone. that could possibly keep me from living in the fullness of the day.
I am ready to experience a fresh, new day. If any negative thoughts do rise to the surface of my mind, I imagine myself deleting them. I am creating a beautiful and fulfillling story of life that continually unfolds.

Dawn Torrence Ireland
12-20-2007, 10:13 AM
We are still tracing who did it, they just happened to connect to a server in Holland - could be from anywhere. We'll figure it out though. Could be just a random attack (those happen). The timing is suspicious but I won't guess who did it and won't accuse anyone without proof either.

I *love* your second post, Stephanie, that is just beautiful. I need to print it out and memorize it. :)

12-20-2007, 11:48 AM
Stephanie, that sent chills to me. That is so wonderful and worth each of us printing out and reading every day! Thank you for sharing.