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01-04-2008, 03:50 PM
FYI - David's Bridal is holding their big sale right now through January 14!

01-05-2008, 02:00 PM
I thought it was until the 16th- Thanks for the heads up.
I need to get on getting a dress for the Angel Bsll.
Has anyone gotten their's yet?

Dawn Torrence Ireland
01-05-2008, 02:11 PM
I've been looking but haven't bought anything yet. My mom is trying to get me to alter an old wedding dress that I had from the ex-marriage (I had 2 dresses - long story). But it's so *huge* and bulky and it will be July and I want to be able to move around and mingle and dance without a train. I'd hate to cut it up for the ball when my niece wants it to be married in someday. So I'll probably go to the sale but wow, bad timing when most of us are pinching pennies from recovering from Christmas! I might wait a while to shop - hoping to lose weight before July.

Corin Nava
01-05-2008, 06:20 PM
I'm waiting till the last minute to find my dress-hoping to loose a lot of weight after Makayla is born :)

01-05-2008, 08:53 PM
Doubtful I go looking this month. I'm aiming to take off a few pounds first. I'll probably try to make a purchase in March. For now, I'm going through www.theknot.com and looking at all the dresses on there and saving the ones I like. So far I'm really liking Mon Cheri Destination dresses.

Dawn Torrence Ireland
01-06-2008, 01:55 AM
Admitting a goofy issue I have.....

I always wanted to wear a red dress to my senior prom. Long story to short - my mom found a blue one on sale and that's what I wore. For *years* I dreamt about trying to find a red dress for a dance. In these dreams I went through bridal shops, departments stores, flea markets, swam across ponds to get to stores..... yeah, I probably should have all that analyzed. LOL. So I finally went out and bought a red dress 7 or 8 years ago and the dreams stopped. Until I quit smoking and gained 30+ lbs and didn't fit into the dress that was in my closet and the dreams started again. Went out and bought another red dress (which I love and wore to a formal Christmas party this year).

Now guess what? Same dream, white dress. Almost every night this week. I'm going to have to go buy one fairly soon and get it so it can be altered if I lose weight. I can't take 7 months of a white dress nightmare!

Yes, I know I'm strange. LOL. Just thought I'd share this, not even sure why! :)

Corin Nava
01-06-2008, 08:07 AM
lol, thats too funny. Dreams are so odd sometimes. I guess you really want the perfect dress :)

01-06-2008, 08:17 AM
I am not trying to plug for any particular weight loss remidy BUT I wanted badly to lose weight after Shannon died so I could be healthy my next pregnancy. I went to Jenny Craig. Now, it is a little exspenive, but it's just my husband and I and we have the extra cash, anyway. . . it's about a hundred dollars a week (cost of food), 20 to join. I ate all Jenny meals the first two weeks and lost 12 pounds. I exercised everyday, I walked maybe about one or two miles. Here I am like 6 months later and I have lost 30 pounds. I only did Jenny for like two months and lost 20, but, I really know how to eat and watch what I eat. I really don't trust weight loss pills or anything, I watch what pills I put into my body since we don't know what happened to Shannon or the miscarriage, I get paranoid! Just some "food" for thought since we were talking about losing weight!

Corin Nava
01-06-2008, 08:34 AM
Kate- I completely agree with you on the diet pill stuff. I won't touch them, mainly thanks to my husband. Nate is a dietitian, and every time a new "miracle pill" or crazy new fad diet comes out, he looks into it and after telling me how they work and all the side effects, I'm not tempted anymore. It sucks, but the only healthy way to loose weight is the good old fashion balanced diet, portion control, and exercise. Thats what places like Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers are all about. I did weight watchers a few years ago, and was really successful on it, its all about portions. I think thats probably what I will do again this time.

01-31-2008, 06:01 PM
Im kinda new here, where is this Angel Ball?

01-31-2008, 06:29 PM
The Angel Ball will be a formal affair held at the Duke Gardens in NC.
Date is July 26. Time- I believe 7:00.
July 25th-is the International Conference-hotels and guest speakers are being worked on.
Every member of CHERUBS is invited to all events that week-end.
There will also be a Golf Outing and I believe that will take place Monday.
If you look under 2008 International Conference posts-you will find all kinds of information.

01-31-2008, 06:35 PM
I am going to look it up so I can give you the right place.
It will be a wonderful week-end. A great chance to meet members of CHERUBS and enjoy their company.
We are looking very forward to this event. It hasn't taken place in a long time-due to funds-so it will be extra special.

03-16-2008, 09:23 AM
I went out yesterday and ordered my dress for the ball. I know a lot of you are waiting till the very last minute so that you can hopefully lose the weight. Keep in mind that you can always buy a size big and have the dress altered down if you do lose weight. Time is of the essence and if you don't want to get hit with rush order fees you need to shop now.

I ordered yesterday and my dress is expected to be in the first week of July.

Happy Shopping!

Barbara and KevinWagner
03-16-2008, 10:11 AM
whoo hoo Kara!! Ok now give us the scoop......what did u buy?!?! Describe it please! LOL

03-16-2008, 10:23 AM
A Jordan Couture dress. No that isn't me in the pic, but don't you think it resembles Dawn?


03-16-2008, 10:24 AM
Oh yeah, the dress is full length and a chiffon fabric.

Barbara and KevinWagner
03-16-2008, 10:27 AM
Oh Kara it is beautiful!! You are right it does like Dawn!

Dawn Torrence Ireland
03-16-2008, 12:51 PM
Resembles me? Oh you are far too kind. Maybe if I lost 20 lbs - I ate way too much in December and January! :(

I love that dress, Kara!!!! You are going to be a knock out!!

Cristin Russell
03-16-2008, 07:30 PM
Wow... that dress is gorgeous!! You'll look great in it!

03-16-2008, 08:12 PM
Kara-your dress in beautiful!!
I have to agree--it sure does resemble Dawn!!!!!
I intend to get on the dress shopping again this week!!! Wish me luck.

Corin Nava
03-16-2008, 08:17 PM
That dress is absolutely beautiful! I can't wait to go dress shopping! I have lost 15 lbs since I left the hospital and now fit back into my fat jeans (its an improvement over the maternity jeans)! Another 15 lbs and I will consider starting looking at dresses.

Dawn Torrence Ireland
03-16-2008, 08:42 PM
I probably won't by a dress until May or June but I've started looking. I have no clue what I want except no train to trip over.

I started the grapefruit diet today and I am back to doing 50 push ups a day... ok, so it's like 20 a day, but that's all I can do right now! lol. It's a start! :)

Dawn Torrence Ireland
04-05-2008, 05:44 PM
http://formalwearoutlet.com/ - I was in there yesterday... it's formal wear paradise. Craig dragged me a hockey game last night to "get all the estrogen out of his system after being dragged through there". LOL. Not a lot of wedding / white gowns but there are some. Awesome place for tuxedos and prom dresses.

Also, I saw some white formal dresses at Marshalls and Ross for under $150 that were really pretty.

I'm boycotting David's Bridal since they are the only formal wear store in 3 counties here that wouldn't post flyers for the Angel Ball.

Corin Nava
04-05-2008, 08:23 PM
Dawn-I am with you for the boycott for Davids Bridal. I had such an awful experience there with my wedding. They sent the wrong size brides maids dresses and then wanted to charge them for alterations! I had also picked out very specific dresses one set for the bridesmaids and one for the 2 maids of honor-when they all went to get sized they told them they could pick out what ever they wanted as long as it was in the right color...grrrr... I went to complain and get everything straightened out and I was treated awful! I had to fight to get the right dresses I had specified in the begining! So there is my rant about Davids Bridal-just beware!

04-08-2008, 01:29 PM
Kara, that dress is beautiful! Is silver ok? I saw this dress at the store a few weeks ago that I loved. I need to go back and try it on. There is a new store at the mall that had some great dresses under $100! My kind of place LOL. They had an ivory one in a different style that I liked but I really liked the silver. I need to do some sit-ups. I did Jenny Craig a few years ago and lost 30 and have kept it off but would like to do lose 10 more and firm up. Can't do that sitting on my arse though!


Dawn Torrence Ireland
04-08-2008, 03:04 PM
Corin, that's horrible! When I went in there about the Angel Ball, they seemed so annoyed to have to take time to talk to someone about a charity.

In their defense though... I'm sure there are great employees there as well. We just didn't get those. ;)

Tara, I think silver is ok. I know not everyone is going to wear white, and that's ok. I found a couple of white dresses with silver and gold on them that I like so I might go that direction. I hear ya on the toning up... I haven't done a single sit up since January and it's showing. I have to start doing that again and I'm investing in some Spanx as well.

04-08-2008, 05:08 PM
Chadwicks is another place to look for formals. www.chadwicks.com. I've ordered formals from there before and had good luck. Sign up for emails or catalogs from them and they often send you coupons for money off.

What's up with tuxedos? We were going to have Chuck go to the Men's Wearhouse here and pick up down there in Raleigh. You mentioned there might be a place, Dawn, that'll work with you on discounts or something?

Dawn Torrence Ireland
04-08-2008, 05:29 PM
Yes, but I don't have that in writing yet so let me confirm it first. Should have that by next week.

04-09-2008, 03:16 PM
Dawn ,,, why didint you tell us you are a model ?LOL
That does resemble you though !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK girls ... Penny is really really really sorry but I just know how I am going to wear a dress ............................. I am skipping the angel ball, .. dont hate me too much!!!
!Ohhhhh where will all the kiddies be during the BALL

Barbara and KevinWagner
04-09-2008, 03:57 PM
Oh all you little "skinny" girls crack me up!!! situps r not gonna help ME! ROFL

Tara...I hav a GREAT idea....I will find a dress that will look AWESOME on you....but u have to find one for ME....and before u ask...NO JEFF can not help pick it out! although I might be able to spray paint that brown "UPS truck" white.....hmmmmm

04-09-2008, 04:00 PM
Skinny, my foot! Well, even that isn't so skinny!

I'm just gonna put on my gown and let the blubber be on display!

04-09-2008, 08:40 PM
Girl, it's just because I am not a fancy dress up gal, i would really look like a fish out of water ... that pic above is about as dressed up as I get LOL!

Barbara and KevinWagner
04-09-2008, 08:43 PM
LOL Penny! I know what u mean.....I do not like to dress up either.

And Kara...just stand next to me all night!! LOL No one ill even notice YOUR blubber!!

04-09-2008, 09:00 PM
I have gained weight since Baer was born in Dec. I lost 10 lbs during pregnancy, but have gained 25. I have had a major problem with Post partum depression(wonder why). Every one in my house except Baer have birthdays from 3-31 to 4-16 so we eat to much junk this time of the year. Starting next week, I am going back to LA weight Loss. I hate David's as well. They would not shorten a bridesmaid dress or steam it after shipping. I guess you really do get what you pay for!

04-09-2008, 10:16 PM
Well that makes me feel better, i attended 1 prom and that was just to say I did LOL
oh well different strokes for different folks..
Lynne..... are you on any meds for the depression? That is an awful thing to suffer from !!!! It's hard to even take showers some days ! BEEN THERE!
I started weight watchers and it is awesome ... !

04-10-2008, 07:01 AM
I found the gown shopping intertaining. These makers size things really off but it made me feel GREAT! I normally wear a 14/16 in clothing, but the dress I tried on was an 8 and it fit - a bit snug, but it fit. I ordered a size 10 and figured I would have it altered to what I need.

May all the rest of you find a gown that is 3 sizes smaller than what you actually wear!

04-10-2008, 05:33 PM
Yes, I am on Zoloft. It was really helping at first, but last week was tough. Being on here with you guys has really made all the difference. Baer went for his 4 month check up and he is up to 13 lbs. Almost doubled that birth weight! The doc says he can even start eating veggies and fruit now! That has really helped wit putting my mind at ease!

04-10-2008, 05:36 PM
I think that is great news Lynne!!!Go Baer GO!!!!!

I have to get on this dress shopping.........it's getting very close to the event.

Is Kara the only one that has her dress?????

04-10-2008, 09:05 PM
When will the ticket prices be posted and available for purchase on the website?

Corin Nava
04-10-2008, 09:31 PM
I know you all think I'm crazy, but I am probably going to wait till the last minute to buy my dress.. I really hope I loose some weight :) I figure I will look around end of may or June so I can look at the prom dress clearances

04-11-2008, 02:36 PM
All tickets will be on this site for sale.
Dawn is working on getting it all posted.

04-11-2008, 02:37 PM
I wanted to add I hope you and Steve do come---I would love to meet you both!!!!!

04-11-2008, 07:09 PM
We are looking into coming to the conference and ball. Steve also wants to go to FL and out west this summer. So we will see what our vacation plans are.

04-11-2008, 08:15 PM
Barb, I will look and see if I can find a dress for you. You should come down for a weekend and we can shop :). I need to go to the mall and see if that one dress is still there and try it on. I keep telling myself to do some sit ups but I keep sitting on my butt thinking it will go away on its own LOL.

Lynne, that is awesome news for Baer and the fruits and veggies!


04-11-2008, 10:00 PM
Is everyone buying new dresses? What about doing a wedding dress exchange? I think that I would have to drop 20 pounds to fit in mine! Steve and I are still discussing the details about our summer vacation. I really hoping that we can make it to the conf. and angel ball.

Dawn Torrence Ireland
04-11-2008, 10:05 PM
Ok, finally the Angel Ball site is up and you can purchase tickets! This is at the $50 price, still need to talk to the committee about a discount for members.


04-14-2008, 12:16 PM
I am buying new Amy. My wedding dress was just a short ivory colored dress, nothing spectacular (Jeff was my second husband-first one was a dud LOL- and we didn't want the whole big fancy thing) so I don't really have a special dress. I may have my first wedding dress somewhere but I would have to some serious surgery to get into that one! :)


Dawn Torrence Ireland
04-14-2008, 01:36 PM
I'm buying new too. I'm divorced and already gave that dress away (my niece fell in love with it and since I had no daughters and her mom never married, just seems right she has it). Plus, that dress was huge... 1991, big hair, big dresses. lol.

I will probably wait until June to buy my dress... I want to lose weight and I have no idea what type of dress I'm looking for. I don't want to wait until July... I have a fear that it will be the week before the Ball and I still won't have a dress.

04-14-2008, 03:49 PM
Dawn, you say a discount for members, but isn't it only for members?


Dawn Torrence Ireland
04-14-2008, 04:23 PM
The discount is only for CHERUBS members (for example, my family is paying full price, so am I because I'm not staying at the hotel). And only if they book their hotel room by April 30th.

The Angel Ball is open to the public, anyone who buys a ticket can come - most of the Angel Ball tickets will be sold to the public.

BUT we reserve the rights to not sell ball tickets or golf tournament registrations to those banned from CHERUBS (as noted on the site) to avoid any drama queen crashers.

We'll actually be advertising all over the place to sell tickets to the public.

Dawn Torrence Ireland
04-14-2008, 04:36 PM
The discount is only for CHERUBS members (for example, my family is paying full price, so am I because I'm not staying at the hotel). And only if they book their hotel room by April 30th.

The Angel Ball is open to the public, anyone who buys a ticket can come - most of the Angel Ball tickets will be sold to the public.

BUT we reserve the rights to not sell ball tickets or golf tournament registrations to those banned from CHERUBS (as noted on the site) to avoid any drama queen crashers.

We'll actually be advertising all over the place to sell tickets to the public.

04-14-2008, 04:56 PM
Dawn, I emailed the Angel Ball site to a couple of friends. One works for Schwan's (do you have those down there?) To see about sponsors. I'll let you know what I hear or will direct questions to you.


Dawn Torrence Ireland
04-14-2008, 05:09 PM
Great! Thanks, Tara! Yes, we have Schwans here and I actually know someone who worked for Schwans up there (has since moved here).

04-14-2008, 10:50 PM
Sounds great that it is open to the public. I will spread the word and see if my friends want to go to the ball!

Barbara and KevinWagner
04-14-2008, 10:59 PM
Tara we might just have to go shopping!! It has been way way way too long since we have got together!! But will Jeff make that funny beeping sound at me again? I would rather have the "chipmunk Cheeks" instead! LOLOLOL

Dawn Torrence Ireland
04-14-2008, 11:30 PM
Oh man, I want to go shopping with you guys!!! Darn Airbus folded before I use it to fly up there! lol.

Forgot to say that the Golf Tournament is open to the public too!

The only events that ever members only are our conferences and get-togethers (including member picnics, etc). Fundraisers and awareness events are open to the public.

Barbara and KevinWagner
04-14-2008, 11:45 PM
Darn Airbus!! Geez! Keep your fingers crossed that Airtran does not follow.......this is my worst nightmare right now.....Airtran folds on April 25th.......lol....we fly with them on the 26th!

Dawn Torrence Ireland
04-15-2008, 09:56 AM
Oh no, that would be horrible, Barb! Saying a prayer!

04-17-2008, 10:01 PM
ok, not about the angel ball dress, BUT are the Tshirts conference T shirts ... can we get a BOY on them, or are they all going to be girls? just wondering/hoping I can .. Any help please !
I am getting ready to order as I LOVE tee's but really wanted boy.
thanks you guys

Barbara and KevinWagner
04-17-2008, 10:30 PM
Penny if you go to our cafepress store you will see all the different CHERUBS t-shirts.....you can get ones that have the boy cherubs as the logo. Let me know if you need help finding them.

04-18-2008, 06:33 AM
The weather has been inspiring and beautiful this week so each day the boys and I have been going walking. Woo hoo - I've lost 6 pounds of the winter weight I packed on.

04-18-2008, 02:14 PM
Good for you Kara! I have walked the dogs a couple of times but I am stuck at my weight!

Yes Barb and Dawn come shopping.

Dawn we had Skybus tickets for June to Philly. Thankfully our credit card company reimbursed us. We just bought them four days before they went under. You think they could have had the website down or something since they KNEW they were going under!


Barbara and KevinWagner
04-18-2008, 02:49 PM
Oh Tara that is awful!! So glad that you got it taken care of! 4 days?! OMG!! Your right you would think that they knew and would not have been taking reservations.....

I found a dress! Yeah!! It should be here this week. I hope.....if not then Shane will get it while I am gone and that could be bad. I had found another one and when I got it I did not like it....I asked him what he thought and his only comment was "BURN IT!" YIKES!! LOL I really really hope that that brat likes this one if he gets it in while I am gone!

Did you go back and see if they had the one that u liked Tara?

04-21-2008, 04:14 PM
I'm soooo bummed!!!! We are just not going to be able to make it. I was trying not to get my hopes up once they predicted the gas prices. and yep. there is just no way we can make it from oklahoma to NC at 3.50 a gallon. Have fun for us. And i was even going to get to wear MY DRESS!!! i'm so jealous of all you getting a night out in your evening gowns.

04-21-2008, 07:33 PM
Carrie-you will be missed!

I have to find a dress!!!!
We should all make a week-end out of it and go somewhere and look together!!!!

04-21-2008, 09:30 PM
I am so proud of all of you finding dresses !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-21-2008, 09:32 PM
I ahve not even looked yet for a dress. If I don't loose some weight, I can just wear a tarp!

04-22-2008, 05:50 AM
Bedsheet Lynne! Egyptian cotton white bedsheet is much classier than a tarp and quieter!

04-22-2008, 02:11 PM
OMG Kara you crack me up. Are you guys driving or flying Kara?

Carrie I am sorry you aren't going to make it. I looked at airline tickets today and it is pricey so I need to talk to DH about what we are going to do.

Ok I just got back from the mall and I don't know what to get. I saw about four dresses I liked that were reasonably priced. I just don't know if I want to go pouffy crenlin (sp?) style or a more elegant straight. I didn't try anything on yet. I really, really liked this one that was sleeveless, white and had burgandy "things" on the bodice. It was the pouffy style. I am 40 yrs old so I don't want to look like a high school wanna be if you know what I mean. I had the youngest girl I baby sit with me and she kept showing me these bright pink, lavendar dresses and this canary yellow one. Good grief I would have looked like a mini big bird in it. :)


Dawn Torrence Ireland
04-22-2008, 03:38 PM
Oh Carrie, we will definitely miss you!!! :(

I know gas is high and it's going to be tough for a lot of people. Just a thought... train rides are about the same prices as plane tickets. Carpooling too would make things easier if some of you live near each other.

Dresses... at this point, the sheet isn't sounding so bad!

Corin Nava
04-22-2008, 06:50 PM
Oh Carrie, I wish you could make it! Gas is really ridiculous, it costs a small fortune to drive anywhere now!

Ok, well I have been saying I am going to loose weight, but its 10 weeks postpartum and I haven't lost barely anything!! Grrrr.... Ok I vote to turn this in a toga party, lol, I'll come dressed in a sheet too! I am so afraid of dress shopping!

04-22-2008, 07:24 PM
I don't even know what size I wear now? Lg, xl or Oh my god it's coming toward us!

04-22-2008, 08:33 PM
Wait a minute - large masses parading in bedsheets. Think about that one. It takes me right back to my original statement that we're going to look like marshmallows floating across the dance floor.

Tara - I can't see you in puffy. Excuse the bluntness, but you're somewhat vertically challenged and you should probably avoid the puff.

Tara, again - we are actually driving. We're leaving July 20 and driving into Myrtle Beach for 3 nights of beach fun! From there we'll head back up to Raleigh on the 24th for the CHERUBS events.

04-22-2008, 08:49 PM
I have never been to a Toga party! I vote for bedsheets! I haven't even started to look for a dress yet. I was hoping some prom dresses would go on sale soon!

Gas just went up 30 cents here today! YIKES. We are driving to NC from MI. We have a small car but may be able to carpool if someone needs to.

04-22-2008, 08:53 PM
Stay puff marshmallow man comes to mind.

04-22-2008, 09:00 PM
Kara, I see you are going to Myrtle Beach first or as we southerners call it "the Redneck Riviera". There are shopping outlets galore! You can see live alligators, take in medievel show or a celeb look alike show.

04-22-2008, 09:17 PM
Me vertically challenged? LOL Nah. I don't think I'll keep heels on all night long either :) Good point though Kara. I'll have Jeff go with me hopefully this weekend and we'll do some looking. Olivia was not into it today.

I have never been to a toga party either. Watch out Dawn a new idea has formed.

Amy, gas prices stink right now. Jeff is in Las Vegas so I am hoping he wins big so he can pay for the trip. Won't happen though. We are in Ohio so will pretty much be driving the same route.

Kara you guys will have fun in Myrtle first. That's a good idea.


04-22-2008, 09:19 PM
I am a redneck or didn't you notice by all the "ya'll" that I use. Actually, I was born in West Virginia and lived there till I was 6. Then moved to Northeast Ohio which happens to be the melting pot of rednecks. My sister remained in West Virginia till about 8 years ago then moved to Raleigh. I have to sometimes work hard to be not so hick in language. I really have some hillbilly expressions that I use a lot and people look at me like "what the heck". For instance - when it rains I say "it's wettin down out". I can't just be hungry - I'm usually as hungry as a lil ole bug in a tator patch and when I'm sad I'm in the mulligers. I should fit right in to Myrtle Beach. We went there once before and noticed there were an awful lot of goober looking folk. Hopefully we won't run into that this time. We're staying at Marriott Oceanwatch Grande Dunes (vacation club).

04-22-2008, 09:40 PM
can't promise about the goober folks. They will probably be there again. Can we wear off white or ivory to the Angel Ball?

04-22-2008, 09:56 PM
I know Dawn said we could wear gold or silver to the Angel Ball.
It does not have to be white.
I would think off white or ivory would work.

04-22-2008, 09:59 PM
I better be careful! I have gained so much weight and since I have blonde hair, if I wear a silver dress, I will look like a baked potato!

04-22-2008, 10:23 PM
My dress is light ivory. It's such a light ivory that it essentially looks like a dirty white.

04-23-2008, 04:52 PM
I purchased my tickets on-line today! WOO WOO!!! But I didn't see anything about a discount for members anywhere except for one of the posts here.

PLEASE PRAY that my health allows me to attend! Thanks!

Also, I see that we have to make our reservations at the hotel before the 30th of this month in order to receive the discount. Do you have to pay the full amount at the time of the booking or just give a credit card number?

I bouught my dress about a month ago! I hope it's going to be ok since it's not a wedding dress or prom dress. I'm almost 50, never married (although engaged three times before the age of 26 - though never long enough to even make wedding plans, let alone trying on dresses). I've also got a huge problem with my weight - I lost 3 inches in height and am now 5'4 and I've balloned to let's say the 250 range due to medications, cortisone, being bed-bound a lot barely able to move - let alone trying to do a sit-up or push-up or walk, let alone run a half mile these days! I'm disgusted with my body from what it used to be like.

Anyhow, I saw a picture of a friend of mine who recently renewed her vows on her 50th anniversary in an outfit that I fell in love with. When I asked her where she got her dress, she told me Ross and that she paid $39.95 for it! I was doing errands one day when I actually felt good and decided to stop in at Ross on my way doing errands. I actually found this beautiful outfit, similar to Rita's, in my size. I hope it's ok to wear to the Ball since I think I'm getting to be too old (almost 50) to be looking for a wedding dress that I probably would look like a Michelline Tire Ballonman or Overstuffed Marshmallow Fluff person in, let alone a prom dress. I think it's more "age" appropriate, let alone "budget" appropriate.

The outfit is a 3 piece white suit. Long mid-knee length skirt, back zipper with elastic on both sides of the zipper (YEAH!!!!) . It has a sleeveless blouse (YEAH - for my excessive sweating) that has beautiful clear, but shimmering light pastel sequins in a beautiful design along the neckline. The jacket is hip length with long sleeves and absolutely beautiful with the same sequins in a beautiful design on both sides of the front of the jacket and also a smaller sequined design from 2 inches from the bottom of sleeves to about 6-7 inches in the outside area and it's surronds the whole sleeve. I thought that that was more "age" and "size" appropriate than trying to fit into an expensive wedding or prom dress that I probably would never wear again, let alone fit into. Oh, and the price was absolutely fabulous! $34.95!!!!!!!!! Hopefully, I won't put on more weight, even though I'm on such a strict diet - diabetic, renal and coumadin diets, but still putting on weight!!! URGH!!!

What is ya'll's opinion? Or should I look for a floor length dress?

Also, Dawn is there going to be a cake at the ball? If you haven't found a bakery that's willing to donate one, I'd be willing to donate the price for a wedding cake style cake decorated with angels from one of the local bakery's. Let me know and I can start finding a bakery in the Durham area that would be willing to do one at a discounted rate and have it delivered to the Ball location. If something happens and I can't make it, I'd at least like to have something that everyone can enjoy from me in Christopher's memory.

That's it for now. I've got to make something quick to eat and then take my afternoon meds and take a nap. I'm having a rough day with my back & hips today and have been flat on back today. Had cortisone shots in my hips yesterday and the sites are a bit sore today. Had so much planned for today before leaving for Walter Reed in the morning that I haven't even started. UGHHH!!! What I wouldn't give to be pain-free for just one day! Life sucks, but at least I have beautiful things that I can dream about attending and doing something about it! And like I said, even if I can't make it, if I can order the cake, it would still be giving me something beautiful that I can plan and execute for everyone to enjoy!

Do we have an approximate number of people attending yet? Are ALL the ladies wearing gowns? Is there a seamstress amongst us that can make all those togas that so many have mentioned? Maybe I could get one of those made out of Satin White King-sized sheets? LOL

Sending my love and prayers to everyone! xxoo Judi

04-23-2008, 08:17 PM
Woo hoo, Judi for purchasing your tickets! Duh - that's something that I totally haven't even thought of doing. I'm so blond sometimes. But hey, at least I did book a hotel room. Which by the way, you just give a credit card number to hold the room.

Judi, I think your dress sounds just FAB, darling! You'll be stunning, simply stunning! I almost went for a tea length dress, so you're not the only one thinking that direction. Course I ended up with a full length one.

Oh my Judi! That's so generous and kind of you to offer a cake!

Corin Nava
04-24-2008, 07:27 AM
Oh I wish I lived closer to NC-I would have so much fun designing an angel themed cake.... somehow I don't think one would travel the 700 miles in the heat very well :)

04-24-2008, 09:01 AM
Oh Corin,

How I wish we lived closer to each other and then we could both work on the cake together, you leading & teaching, of course!! I've seen Duff travel all over the country, even LA, delivering cakes, but then again without all the baggage we'd be carrying! LOL

I have a vision of a beautifully teired white cake with angels floating all over the cake made out of sugar (no not the kind you'd find in the candy stores, but the handmade ones that you can see some of the cake designers doing on Food Network). With a beautiiul angel as the cake topper!

And I'd have each of the tiers/layers made out of different flavors/fillings. Yummy!

Can you tell that I've been watching too much of the Food Network, Duff, and their cake challenges? LOL

Let me know as soon as you can Dawn about the cake idea, so that I can start researching bakeries in the Durham area that can make this cake for us. It sometimes takes a couple of months to order of cake like this. Thanks!

Everyone have a wonderful day in the neighborhood! I'm off to Walter Reed in the next couple of hours and since I only have 1 doctor appt today and one tomorrow, hopefully I can catch up a little on emails in the hotel. xxoo Judi

Barbara and KevinWagner
04-25-2008, 09:44 AM
Yesh! I got my dress!! Doing a happy dance!! LOL and Tara.....Shane does not wanna burn it..........or wear it.....woohoo 2 for 2 on that one! ROFL It is not puffy or floor length (but almost cuz I am so short lol) but I really like it and it has sleeves which "hide" my insuling pump.....well ok the sleeves are lace so it really just covers/conceals but I am HAPPY with that! See Dawn you were right....I shoulda listened.....u said that I would find something! LOL

Corin Nava
04-25-2008, 11:47 AM
Judi- There is so many things you can do with sugar! thats why I love pastry arts! I have so much fun playing with cake! Some day I will have my own cake shop. Duff is my hero! :)

04-25-2008, 02:04 PM
Do you have any pictures of the dress, Barb? Where did you find it?

I got curious the other day about what the consignment shops had in the way of formal white gowns, so I went to a couple of them. I was absolutely astonished to find that they were selling used white formal gowns for $175!!!! That's no bargain!

04-26-2008, 09:45 PM
Corin - I agree totally!

I've been doing some on-line researching for a bakery, I've got to get a little more input from Dawn as far as for closeness to location, etc.

I'd love to get about a 3-4 tiered cake (depending on how many people attend) with the Angel Ball Angel logo in crystalize candy on top or around the layers. I'd also love to have a different flavor for each tier.

When I do finally locate a bakery (that will hopefully give us a nice discount for it being for a charity) I'll have to BEG Dawn to do the nasty, gritty, grimmy volunteer job of going to the bakery to do the taste testing! LOL Think she'll mind the really nasty job of tasting all the different flavors of cakes & fillings? ROFL!

Geez, if I was only closer!

BTW - Barb, your dress sounds beautiful! I'd love to see a picture of it! I'd love to post a picture of mine, but I don't have anyone around here that can take a picture of me in it. Same with yours Kara, it sounds beautiful.

Has anyone tried going onto E-Bay or Craig's list to find a "wedding" type dress? I get a TON of catalogs sent to me and although I pitch most of them at the PO so I don't have to schlep it out myself to the bin, I have taken a look through some of them and if you're thin enough (not plus size, like me) there are some really georgous white romantic dresses in them. If I find any links, I'll post them here for you to review if you want. xxoo Moi

04-26-2008, 09:46 PM
Corin - I agree totally!

I've been doing some on-line researching for a bakery, I've got to get a little more input from Dawn as far as for closeness to location, etc.

I'd love to get about a 3-4 tiered cake (depending on how many people attend) with the Angel Ball Angel logo in crystalize candy on top or around the layers. I'd also love to have a different flavor for each tier.

When I do finally locate a bakery (that will hopefully give us a nice discount for it being for a charity) I'll have to BEG Dawn to do the nasty, gritty, grimmy volunteer job of going to the bakery to do the taste testing! LOL Think she'll mind the really nasty job of tasting all the different flavors of cakes & fillings? ROFL!

Geez, if I was only closer!

BTW - Barb, your dress sounds beautiful! I'd love to see a picture of it! I'd love to post a picture of mine, but I don't have anyone around here that can take a picture of me in it. Same with yours Kara, it sounds beautiful.

Has anyone tried going onto E-Bay or Craig's list to find a "wedding" type dress? I get a TON of catalogs sent to me and although I pitch most of them at the PO so I don't have to schlep it out myself to the bin, I have taken a look through some of them and if you're thin enough (not plus size, like me) there are some really georgous white romantic dresses in them. If I find any links, I'll post them here for you to review if you want. xxoo Moi

Dawn Torrence Ireland
04-27-2008, 01:20 PM
Hi All,

Bear with me please, crazy week around here and I'm behind on responding to posts. Between all this event stuff and the boys having 5 baseball games this week (was 3 but they made it into the championship) and Craig in a golf tournament, not to mention several work projects and regular CHERUBS stuff.... it's a zoo here. I need to take some vacation days just to catch up on CHERUBS regular stuff.

Ok.... let's see... so much to respond to!!

Judi and Barb - your dresses sound beautiful, I can't wait to see you in them!

Judi - we have a bakery donating a cake for the Angel Ball and I think Penny's found one for the conference... but thank you so much anyway! I wouldn't mind doing the tasting errands... already have 20 places to run to for event stuff, what's one more?

Penny (and anyone local) - are you available to meet in Durham a week from Monday?

I haven't tried Craigslist but have looked at Ebay. Had to get a new Ebay identity since I was stalked there too and now I can't remember what it was so have to figure that out before I buy anything there again. But I looked a few months ago and they had some really nice dresses for good prices there.

I'm sure I'm missing a response to something???

04-28-2008, 01:25 PM

What a bummer about the cake on my end! I've had so much fun looking at bakeries in the R-D area and had such a beautiful cake idea in my mind. But I'm thrilled to hear that there are not only one, but two cakes donated!

For those of you still looking for dresses, I found 3 of my favorite websites (yes, I have ordered from them all with great results) and checked out some of their white dresses. I looked at them all today and there are some really beautiful dresses out there. I'm started to think I may change my mind and get one from one of the sites and surprise everyone, but have to wait until I'm closer to the date and see what size I am then.

Anyhow, here are those sites to check out:

www.seventhavenue.com (Will let you set up an account with them)
www.midnightvelvet.com (Will let you set up an account with them)
www.victoriantradingco.com (Have to pay up-front but has excahnge/refund policy)

Going to get on the phone later (after 7 due to Sprint cell only) and make my hotel reservation. I'm going to make my reservations from Thursday to Monday. I know I'm going to need rest once I get there, and rest in-between. I can't do what we did during the last conference (those that went knew, those that didn't - I'm keeping quiet! LOL)

Any count yet on how many are attending yet, Dawn?

Once there, depending on how I feel, Dawn, I'll help out with whatever I can. Running back & forth to get things from one room to another should be my job - I'll have my scooter with me and I can be back & forth in a jiffy! LOL

Outta here for now. Time for my lunch and meds. Can't wait to see everyone in their dresses!

Everyone, just keep saying your prayers that I can actually make it! I know prayers make a HUGE difference and I'm really trying to be so positive about everything. I just don't need any new health issues popping up! Thanks and love you all. xxoo Moi

04-28-2008, 01:26 PM
PS - Love your new picture Dawn! xxoo Moi

Dawn Torrence Ireland
04-28-2008, 04:17 PM
Judi, I think you should bring your mom if possible! Both because it would help you not driving so far alone but also because then I can finally meet her after 10 years! I know she's not been feeling well so I'll add extra prayers for her too (and you're always in my prayers).

No head count yet... estimate 40 to 60 right now at the conference but a lot of people will wait until the last month or two to decide (vacation time, school, etc). I expect to see about 100 there.

Head count here of how many of you are going to the Angel Ball? And how many of you are staying at the hotel? We need a car pool / designated driver set up going on here. If I can get a limo company to give a discount would you all be interested in splitting the cost for that and you'll be rolling up to the Angel Ball in style and won't need to worry about drinking and driving? Just a thought.

Corin Nava
04-28-2008, 05:03 PM
Nate, Kim, and I are coming to the Angel Ball, my MIL is staying at the hotel with Ayla. I would be interested in transportation....but it would depend on how much $, I need to budget! :)

04-28-2008, 05:41 PM
Corin are you driving or flying to NC? Steve and I are driving down. I don't want to be a taxi service, but would be willing to drive a few people back to their hotels. I think that we will stay at the hotel the night of the ball and find somewhere else to stay the rest of the time that costs less money.

04-28-2008, 05:42 PM
Dawn I love your new picture!

04-28-2008, 06:26 PM

I'm hoping that Mom gets to come also. We talked a lot about it when she visited and she's excited about it. But it all really depends A LOT on her health also. She went to the dr's today and it looks like she might have had a slight stroke about a month or so ago. She's going to undergo more testing Friday to find out. She's been so depressed lately and I know that IF I were able to get her down there, that she'd have a wonderful time. I know that she desperately wants to meet you, Tara, and a few others. She met Corin around New Year's Eve timeframe and she just fell in love with her and is always asking about her and Makayla. She asks about you, Tara & Brandon about once a week. So I know it would be such a blessing if she could attend.

If I do attend (with or without Mom) I'll have my car with me since it has my scooter lift on it. Although I doubt I'll be taking the scooter to the Ball and just use my cane. So if anyone wanted to leave to go back to the hotel when I go back, I'll have room in my car. And since I don't drink, I can be a designated driver.

How far is the Ball location from the hotel? How about the Golf Course from the Hotel? Can someone just be a spectator at the Tournament?

xxoo Moi

Corin Nava
04-28-2008, 07:18 PM
Amy-we are driving down. Now I'm not sure if we are going to be able to take one car or if we are going to have to take two... its going to be 4 adults and Makayla with the stroller and all our stuff so its going to be a tight squeeze even in the SUV. Anyway, we could always drive our own car to the angel ball which is probably what we will end up doing, but it would be nice not to have to worry about having a designated driver.

Judi- Tell your mom that I am praying for her health! I hope everything is ok. I really enjoyed meeting you all when you came up a few months ago and really hope you both can make it! :)

04-30-2008, 01:52 PM
We are coming. So far it is the four of us. Jeff isn't to keen on it by I will drag him kicking and screaming if I have to. We just have a lot going on with a lot of mini vacations this year. I think we will be driving the van but not sure, otherwise it will be the 4 Runner. I just thought of something, is there going to be childcare for the Angel Ball? How far from the hotel is it? Brandon will be 12 and Jonathon almost 15 and we have left them together before but that has been at home so my overprotectiveness is coming out LOL.

Judi, tell your mom I said hello and I think of her often and would love to meet her. She doesn't want to meet Brandon, he's a hellion. I swear it is all the drugs he was on. He is Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde!


Dawn Torrence Ireland
04-30-2008, 02:17 PM
Tara, tell Jeff that I'll be personally insulted if he doesn't show up with a huge smile on his face! :D Brandon was an angel last year at the picnic... I can't believe he could be a hellion. Brandon will be good for me. :) Looking forward to finally meeting Johnathan!

Judi, try and talk Alyssa into coming with you! She needs some time with her CHERUBS friends, we all miss her.

The Angel Ball location is about 15 to 20 minutes from the hotel. I'm working on childcare but honestly, childcare for the conference is my childcare priority right now so can't guarantee it for the Angel Ball just yet.

Golf Tournament spectators... hadn't really thought of it. I guess but since they are all moving around to different holes, not sure how much fun that would be to watch.

My computer is being a royal pain this week, my e-mail keeps freezing on me. I think I may have a virus. :(

04-30-2008, 05:24 PM
I understand about the conference being the priority. I think the boys would be fine anyway. I'll just make sure there are no cute teenage girls around. Jonathon's hormones are raging LOL. He has a little girlfriend now that he "loves" Heaven help me, puberty and a girlfriend I will be insane by the time you guys see me. :)


04-30-2008, 08:24 PM
Corin-LOVE the new picture of Miss Makayla.

Judi--thinking of you and your mom. Keeping you both in my prayers.

Have you booked any entertainment for the conference Dawn?
Can you believe that the conference is only less then 3 months away???

Tara- hang in there! Oh the joys of puberty and on top of that--a girlfriend!
I can't imagine what it will be like with four girls.

I am So excited---I found a dress today. I wasn't even dress shopping and happened to stop at a bridal store I had been to before and there my dress was.
It is silver and on the bottom has these ruffle like things--kinda reminds me of the 20's flapper dresses (just the bottom). Has some beads on it and I can say that I am now really excited about the ball.
I was afriad I may not find a dress and was going to skip the ball--but it was like the dress was meant for me to find today.

What color are your dresses--for the ones that have gotten them already?

Dawn--I hope you don't have a virus on your computer.

04-30-2008, 08:59 PM
Stephanie I am so jealous! I just can't seem to find that dress that says MINE LOL. I am happy for you though. Take a pic when you can. From what I have heard everyone that I know is going with white, ivory, or a silver so far. One I tried on was a sort of soft brownish/light mocha can't even describe it color LOL. I'm afraid if I got that I would be the only one wearing anything with a color though so I didn't get that one. I am still on the hunt though. I have been looking online like crazy. Ebay actually had a ton of stuff but I have no clue what size I would need so need to do some measuring, UGH!


04-30-2008, 09:05 PM
Tara I have a dress that if I can lose weight, is champaign with black trim that I would love to be able to wear again. All that money for a bride's maid dress that I wore once. If you were that one, then I may just wear what I have. Either way I gotta stop eating or start smoking crack! I do not want to look like and igloo! I have a brown dress too but I will look like a UPS truck in it

04-30-2008, 09:11 PM
Oh Lynne stop! I have been trying to do sit ups but not often. I was wondering if I could heal from lipo in time LOL. I emailed Kara a picture of what we have dubbed the "Big Bird" dress, bright canary yellow with some kind of ruffle that was just hideous. I have my eye on a black dress that has white trim too, need to go back and try it on. I need to stop stressing :)


04-30-2008, 09:20 PM
You will look great no matter what you wear. The important thing is that we all get to be together. I have a son three months younger than Brandon and I hear ya on the girl issue. He has a stalker as we call her.

04-30-2008, 10:25 PM
Tara--You know what--you will find a dress. DON"T STRESS!!
I was totally stressed and today there my dress was. The same will happen to you. Lynne's right--you will look great in whatever you wear.

I can tell you I can't remember the last time Shane and I have gone to a formal affair. In Indiana--you can wear jeans everywhere.
I can't wait to see everyone's dress and just the whole Angel Ball has the sense of romance.

I am wondering---will there be tables set up? Standing only? With the public being invited--I wonder if we should save tables for CHERUBS members, so we can all be together when we are sitting?

04-30-2008, 11:38 PM
Tara - I know you'll find "your" dress - you just have to stop stressing about it so much. Since you've been out on e-bay looking, have you tried Craig's list or Overstock.com? Just a couple of other suggestions.

Dawn, a while back when the Ball was just in the talks, you had mentioned something jokingly about having a "bachelor auction" or something similiar. Do you know if there are any bachelor's attending? LOL HINT HINT for those of us that are single?

Lynne, I'm sure if you put your mind to it, you can lose the weight. Just by cutting out things with sugar, pasta, rice and potatoes for a month or two (I know - shear hell - but I had to give them up on all my health-related diets) but I took off 32 lbs in 2 months. Everyone cracks me up with all their funny remarks about dieting and looking like UPS brown trucks! I'll be the one looking like a stuffed marshmallow since I am at the heaviest I've ever been at in my life and can't do anything about it due to all the meds and cortisone I'm on now.

If I can't fit into the dress I bought, I'll just look for another one. Maybe I might go back to Ross and find another similiar dress for $34.95 again! For me, I just look at it as a small loss and hopefully not have to spend a fortune on another new dress if the one I bought a couple of months ago doesn't fit! I guess I'll try the dress on again about 2 weeks before the conference and if it doesn't fit - THEN I'll stress out! lol

I have a feeling that everything will work out beautifully with everyone looking "heavenly" in their white dresses!

Oh, I just had a thought. If so many people have so many white dresses that they can't fit into, maybe they can bring those dresses with them and see if anyone else can fit into it there? Sorta like a "borrowing" or "dress exchange" kind of thing. Know what I mean? I'm sure someone out there will likely purchase a dress and not really like it and if they see one that someone else has brought with them and it fits them, it would work out perfectly. Maybe we could even have the dresses in a room on a rack or closet that people can go through and someone may find something they like and then return it to the owner. All they'd have to do is agree to pay to have it cleaned afterwards. Just a thought - I know I have several white dresses and a beautiful white & black bridesmaid dress that I wouldn't mind letting someone use, but unfortunately, they are all in my main storage unit and I'm totally unable to get to them. But others may have a dress or two to bring along with them that they wouldn't mind sharing. Like I said, just a thought. xxoo Moi

05-01-2008, 08:27 AM
Judi, I promise I"m going to call you , you must think I'm awful!
You guys at the dresses LOL
I know all of you will look amazing !

05-02-2008, 08:04 AM
Lynne, It is our 14 yr old nephew who has the girlfriend. So far Brandon hasn't shown any major interest. I keep telling him he will marry the girl I babysit who is two years younger than him. They are so cute together and would make really pretty grandbabies :). Both have brown hair and big brown eyes. I have watched her since she was 7 wks old and she will be 10 in June so she is like my own. He can't stand her though LOL


05-02-2008, 06:28 PM
Jake went to the dance after school today(6th grade). He did not want to talk to me about it, only dad! He put on about a ton of body spray. I could smell it all morning. That's how I knew he was going some where 'special"

05-02-2008, 07:28 PM
I see what I have to look forward to ....

05-02-2008, 07:41 PM
I am more worried about my sons than my daughters. Let daddy worry about them. They are 17 and 16 and talk to me about everything. Some times too much! My boys are mama's boys! And when guys get wrapped up with girls and women, they loose their minds! I can't stand the thought of some other female being #1 in my boys lives. Everyone used to call Jake the MLB, for mama's little baby! He would say, "so, I know where my bread is buttered"

05-02-2008, 08:33 PM
That is a good one lynne !
i know, i hope i'm not a mother in law from hell if/when i become one
a hhhhhhhhhhh
i just cant think about it

05-02-2008, 08:35 PM
YOu'll do fine! But I can see already that Cole is mama's boy too!

05-03-2008, 08:30 AM
Oh yes .. i'll have to remember the butter and bread thing ! LOL!

05-03-2008, 08:35 AM
My wedding dress is coming today. I think it might be too poofy to wear. Otherwise I need to look for a dress and soon, prom season is almost over.

What are you all doing for your hair?

05-03-2008, 09:58 AM
I'm getting an appointment somewhere to have it done. I'm a short hair girl, but the past 6 months I've been growing it out for the ball. I've gotten it down to just below the chin.

05-03-2008, 03:33 PM
LOL Lynne, does he use that Axe? Jonathon sprays that stuff like crazy!

Hair, I am hoping to get it done down there or see if someone can do something with it. I am trying to grow it out (it is about shoulder length now-just had it cut a month or so ago). I give up on my hair LOL. I have a look in my head that I want but I doubt I can get my mop to do anything close.

Dawn, is there a place nearby we can make appts at?


05-03-2008, 04:14 PM
Tara Jake uses about a can a week! Pehew! i just cut all my hair off today! It looked like crap and with goingto first shift I have to look more professional

05-04-2008, 06:10 PM
I am going to call Felcia (sp) tomorrow and find out if she can recommend a salon to get hair done at. Something close to the hotel.
Maybe we could all go together???
What do you ladies think?

05-04-2008, 06:50 PM
I would be in for that. Do you know if we made the minimum # of rooms to get the discount?

05-04-2008, 07:17 PM
Oh oh, and makeup, too! I have to admit that I only wear makeup once every month or two. I'm a naturalist!

05-04-2008, 07:26 PM
I never wear makeup either kara!

I just tried on my wedding dress. I have to admit that I knew it wasn't going to fit, but I tried anyway. Since my ribs expanded about 2 in during pregnancy and who knows how much my hips did I can't get it zipped. I don't think they would be able to take enough out for me! So now its off to go dress shopping sometime this week.

05-04-2008, 07:36 PM
You tried! Join the rest of us who don't fit in their dress, either! Ha ha!

05-04-2008, 07:39 PM
I knew I would always join that club one day! :) Realistically probably about a month after I got married!

Have you found shoes yet? I haven't even found a dress, but shoes are always the hardest to find for me.

05-04-2008, 08:56 PM
Forgot about make-up. I do not wear make-up either.
I will call tomorrow and see what I can figure out.
I don't know if we made the quota for the rooms yet. I am hoping we did.

I would like to hear who IS wearing their wedding dress? I think they deserve to get in for free! Since I eloped--I did have a white dress for pictures and that was gone a long time ago!

Amy-you will have good luck finding a dress. All the prom's are getting closer to being done and all those dresses will be on sale. It is a good time to buy a dress-I would think.

Shoes--I haven't even thought about those yet! Gee-I thought finding a dress was good--now shoes. Size 11 shoes. I do have some silver sandles. So I guess is I can't find the perfect pair--they will have to work. But they are pretty ugly.
Do you think we could go barefoot to the ball? lol

05-04-2008, 09:45 PM
Why not go barefoot. I'm hillbilly and rare is a day when Chuck comes home and finds me in shoes or socks. Really, I do LOVE shoes. My weakness!

As far as dress shoes go, Nina brand carries size 11. I usually go with that brand for formals. I haven't found my shoes yet. I looked real quick on the day I bought the dress, but haven't since.

Even if I did fit into my wedding dress I wouldn't wear it. It's cheaper to buy a dress than to have it re-preserved. Times have changed, too. My wedding dress was all big and I wanted more sexy and lady like for the ball. Below is what my wedding dress was.


05-04-2008, 09:50 PM
Oh my gosh Kara----your wedding dress is BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Corin Nava
05-05-2008, 07:18 AM
Steph- I would love to get my hair and makeup done-let me know if you find a place thats reasonably priced. I very rarely wear make up...I would rather get the 10 extra minutes of sleep!

I hate trying to find shoes. I'm almost always in flip flops or sneakers b/c I can never find anything that looks good. I found a cute pair in high school and wore them to three proms! :) I need to start looking for a dress soon too! I think I've put it off long enough!

05-05-2008, 12:17 PM
Guys, they ahve "wedding Flip Flops". White with rhinestoneS That sounds great to me. wouldn't wear my wedding dress if i could. i got married in 1990. Short, with big puoffy shoulders!

05-05-2008, 09:20 PM
Felcia did call back today and said a town called Briar Creek area is close and that I should look there.
I will be looking into that and try and find out how much a hair do and a make up job will be!!!lol
How many would be interested? I would love to see a salon come to the hotel and do all this!!!!
I wonder if that would be a possibility?
When I get some prices and information--I will let you all know.

05-05-2008, 09:45 PM
I'm interested Steph so count me in on the hair and make up bit.

Kara, your wedding dress is beautiful!

I didn't elope but should have LOL. Jeff and I got married in our home (it was my second marriage) and it was very simple and my dress was just an off white short nice dress, nothing fancy. So I am looking for something sexy :) Haven't even thought of shoes. I know I will get heels that will be taken off shortly after I get there. I am with you Kara, I am barefoot most of the day and in t-shirt and shorts.


Damon andSharonknott
05-05-2008, 11:34 PM
Kara, your dress is beautiful!!

I like Lynne's idea of the wedding flip flops (we call these thongs!)

You guys are going to have SO much fun!!!

05-06-2008, 06:06 AM
Thongs are a kind of undies, lady!

Damon andSharonknott
05-06-2008, 06:56 AM
LOl - I knew you guys would say that......
Not to us Aussies...

Dawn Torrence Ireland
05-06-2008, 08:12 AM
I'd love to get my hair done too so count me in.... BUT.... Conference ends at noon, decorating at the ballroom begins at 4:00 and any errands (including hair) I need to do, I have to do in that 4 hour window. Same with any volunteers who want to help decorate (hint, hint).

I will call Felicia today.

Kara, you look gorgeous in your wedding photo!!!

I may wear a wedding dress to the Angel Ball.... we'll see.

Stephanie, Ebay some shoes... I've had awesome luck with shoes from Ebay.

Nightmares last night about decorating for the Angel Ball... 3 month countdown and the nightmares begin! LOL

Corin Nava
05-06-2008, 08:30 AM
Dawn, breathe! Everything is going to turn out wonderfully!

Dawn Torrence Ireland
05-06-2008, 08:52 AM
I hope so. Last night I had a nightmare that we were decorating for the Angel Ball in a high school gym with a theme crossed between Christmas and the Wizard of Oz. Even in my dream I knew it was beyond tacky! That's what I get for drinking wine with dinner last night! lol

Corin Nava
05-06-2008, 08:59 AM
lol-thats too funny. It's amusing how our dreams bring out our fears in some interesting ways. Wizard of Oz-huh... that would be interesting :)

05-06-2008, 11:27 AM
I will help decorate for the Ball.
So we are looking at a 2pm appointments? Right?
Where is Briar Creek?
Dawn-do you have any suggestions for hair salon's?
I can help run errands to!!! or even better we can send the MEN!!
Us ladies will need to ENJOY getting ready for such a BEAUTIFUL event!
Even better--we need to get the men to decorate for the ball--so we don't mess our hair and make-up.
I volunteer Shane to help also!

05-06-2008, 11:31 AM
We can accomplish so much together and we will Git 'r' done PERFECTLY!

Dawn Torrence Ireland
05-06-2008, 12:07 PM
Hair Salons..... I'm sure there are probably 100 within a 5 mile radius of the hotel and ballroom. I'll see what I can find out.

05-06-2008, 02:26 PM

05-06-2008, 03:13 PM
My search as begun for big foot shoes for the ball. GRRRR!!! I'm so frustrated already. First, there aren't many size 11 out there and second, the formal shoes that are out there are so matronly or skanky!

I did buy a swimsuit, though, today. No I can't wear it to the ball, but you see . . . . . my ball gown is halter type with an exposed back. My old swimsuit leaves a big "X" tan line on my back. I just bought a halter swimsuit top so I don't have to have funky tanlines!

Corin Nava
05-06-2008, 03:24 PM
Skanky shoes huh? I don't think I have ever heard SHOES being described as skanky-lol. I know what you mean though-us size 11 shoed women have it tough! :) I probably will be wearing my one goodpair of white shoes that I wore to my wedding. I'm not even going to bother to try and go shoe shopping! Dress shopping is bad enough right now!

05-06-2008, 03:32 PM
And why does everything have to have a 3 - 4 inch heal? I don't mind that every blue moon, but most times I don't feel like being 6'3"!

05-06-2008, 03:46 PM
I think drop-me-off-at-the-curb shoes are out too if you plan on dancing!

05-06-2008, 03:49 PM
If your feet are too big you can always borrow some from a drag queen!

05-06-2008, 04:49 PM
I know where I can get the shoes, I just don't feel like paying $80 for them.

Corin Nava
05-06-2008, 05:59 PM
Well if you where a long dress you could where flip flops and no one could tell-lol :)

05-06-2008, 08:05 PM
Oh dear . . . . my my! I think I'd rather go barefoot than wear flip flops. I absolutely can't stand flip flops or anything in between my toes and the noise they make is hideous. Flop flop, flop flop, flop flop. Not a stitch of gracefullness about them.

05-06-2008, 09:19 PM
I'm with you on the flip flops Kara, I can't stand things between my toes. LOL

Dawn, stay away from the wine :)

I had a thought but then I caught myself. I was thinking while the women were getting beautiful the men could decorate but then Dawn's nightmare would be realized!


05-07-2008, 10:10 PM
I Cannot live without FLIP FLOPS! Even wear them in the winter time ! NO, NOT WITH SOCKS and between my toe ! LOL
I feel like a scrooge for not going to the ball .. you guys will NOT give me grief when you meet me, will you?

05-07-2008, 10:11 PM
KARA .. go on and pay $80 for the shoes or you could always hit EBAY

05-07-2008, 10:12 PM
SHAZ .. where have been ?

05-08-2008, 06:53 AM
And I'll be the one losing my mind. The sound of flip flops is like nails on a chalkboard to me.

05-08-2008, 06:55 AM
I always tell Aaron that mommy is allergic to noise. I think I get sensory overload.

05-08-2008, 06:55 AM
oh NO!
is it that bad?
you can talk me into not wearing them then LOL

05-08-2008, 06:57 AM
That's how I am with biting nails and popping gum , my insides feel like they are going to explode from nerves whe n i hear that

05-08-2008, 07:04 AM
It's not just with generic flip flops either. A lot of women's dress shoes don't have backs on them and when I hear the noise of the shoes, I want to run and tackle the woman wearing them. I think part of it is the way I was raised. A woman should enter in like a gentle breeze - softly and quietly.

05-08-2008, 07:08 AM
Popping gum! Oh my goodness - just gum, period! Another very unlady like habit. I have all these unlady like things that bug me, but man do I ever know how to rip the belches and be unlady like!! LOL!

05-08-2008, 07:10 AM
I know what you mean, my mom is the worst ..!
her's bug me
she wears the clarks ones and not only do they flop flop it's like her feet stick, too and make a squishy flapping sound

05-08-2008, 07:20 AM
I will survive! You can wear your flip flops and I promise I won't do bodily harm to you : ) Just expect lots of razzing!

05-08-2008, 07:23 AM
I dont know, now i'm scared for my life i'm only 5'3"
i have some that dont flop so embarassingly

Corin Nava
05-08-2008, 09:06 AM
Uh oh kara-I wear flip flops from spring to fall! I hate socks and love bare feet so its the closest I can get! I am also one of the most unlady like girl you will ever meet, I don't think I have ever entered a room like a gently breeze, more like a blizzard! Even on my wedding day all dressed up and I was ready to physically chase and beat all the other brides who were invading the garden I had rented for the ceremony! Thankfully the limo driver stopped me and made them leave. Ugghh I will never forget the bride in the hot pink dress :crazy: You can dress me up but you can't take me out :)

05-08-2008, 09:18 AM

05-08-2008, 09:19 AM
Was that you CORIN in the HOT PINK DRESS ??

05-08-2008, 10:32 AM
im jelous of all of you dress shopping!! i wish i was able to come...Ive been researching flights but from seallte to NC they are just SOO expensive!! but i am still looking!!

Corin Nava
05-08-2008, 11:46 AM
Penny-oh no it WAS NOT ME!!!! Who gets married in hot pink??!!!!

Georgia-I hope you can find a way to come! It is going to be sooo much fun, I would love to see you there!

05-08-2008, 12:37 PM
Just makin sure Corin ! LOL!
i didnt think so but didnt want to put my foot in my mouth

05-08-2008, 02:10 PM
I have a picture of me on my wedding day where I'm in my dress and about 5 minutes from walking down the isle and I'm eating McDonalds hamburger. Nobody could believe I was doing that, but I was so hungry and wanted to pig out!

05-08-2008, 02:28 PM
speaking of funny pics. My SIL got married in Nov. 3 weeks before Baer was born. We had disposible cameras and she just got them developed. There is one of me 37 weeks pregnant, with a Crown Royal bottle. Ofcourse I was not drinking, but she is going to show Baer that pic and tell him look what Mommy did before you were born!

05-08-2008, 02:38 PM
Ha ha! Truth be known, before I knew I was pregnant with Adam, I drank moonshine!

05-08-2008, 06:44 PM
ya'll know what moonshine is in OH? LOL

05-08-2008, 07:48 PM
Kara I will make sure that I don't wear flip flops around you or that I at least don't walk too fast in them when I am around you.

I was thinking about having my dress altered to have a lace up back, that way it doesn't really matter what happens weight wise!

05-08-2008, 07:50 PM
Um, I don't get it. What is moonshine in Ohio?

I was in Raleigh drinking it and it was made in West Virginia.

05-08-2008, 08:02 PM
I think that she is suprised that us "Northerners" know what moonshine actually is!

05-08-2008, 11:54 PM
We hillbilly's here in Indiana know all about shine!!!
I am the filp flop queen. I love em, love em....
Penny, you and I will walk around Kara and see how quick we can get on her nerves!!!!Only kidding Kara!!!!

What are the gas prices going to be in July? I say $5.00 a gallon. WOW!!It will cost us big bucks--maybe we all should wear flip flops--you can get some for .99 cents!! To help save on gas!

Georgia-I hope you can come. We would love to see you there!

You guys realize that it is coming up sooner than we think!!!YEAH--I am so excited.
The girls are getting excited to--they want to come to the Angel Ball.
Could you imagine if we could bring the kids---having to get dresses/suits, shoes for them?
It will be nice to have it just adults. That sounds so funny to me. Just adults. Gosh--I do live in a world filled with children. lol

05-09-2008, 06:11 AM

05-09-2008, 06:22 AM
yeah, that's right AMY that yall knew what moonshine was
Lord, I have never had moonshine LOL
hear it'll put hair on your chest it's so strong

05-09-2008, 01:42 PM
I am way behind and you guys are cracking me up. We have gone from dress shopping to flip flops to moonshine! ROFLMBO. When we were clearing my grandma's house out to sell I found some liquid in the old garage that I think was some very, very old moonshine. No way in hades was I going to try it to find out but it sure smelled like it.

Still haven't found a dress.....


05-09-2008, 03:40 PM
I hate to admit it but have had moonshine on more than one occasion. My dad called it Racin' Gas cause it makes your car stand up on its end! If you get the good stuff it's actually not bad!

05-09-2008, 08:19 PM
I've got chills thinkin about it , i even saw a guy each peaches that was in peach moonshine and they say they are the most powerful (the fruit) b/c of the alcohol absorbing in it, .. yikes

05-09-2008, 11:20 PM
My, oh, my oh my! I'm off-line for a week or so (and somehow not getting ANY notices watching topics for some strange reason to my email) and WHAT IN TARNATIONS IS GOING ON HERE?

:dpc: :crazy:

Ladies, Ladies, Ladies, we go from Kara's absolutely beautiful dress and talk about dresses to talking about wearing flip flops, sneakers, barefoot, thongs, and NOW Moonshine?????

Are we going to have to have designated drivers and HALLWAY MONITORS at the hotel AFTER the Ball with all the moonshiners???

Just what the heck am I going to do with you Ladies?


Join ya'll of course! Gotcha! LOL


Thought ya'll were going to geting a real reaming out didn't you initially? LOL

Geez, ya'll sure have been active in the last week or so. Sorry I've been AWOL, but lots going on on this end behind the scenes and also being sick a few days. Strange, though, I haven't gotten a single notice to my email about ANY updates to ANY of the topics I'm "watching." Now I noticed there were almost 1,000 new messages/postings since I last logged on!

I think that whatever feels comfortable on your feet, especially if you're going to do any dancing, should be worn. Maybe bring that pair of high heels for pictures, but then bring a pair of sneakers, flip flops or bare foot for dancing. I know whenever I hit the dance floor, many-a-moons ago, that I always danced barefoot, even the two-step or cotton-eyed Joe. I always felt I could dance better barefoot than in heels, except for slow dancing when dancing with my Dad or my parent's male friends at Hungarian festivals. They FORCED me to keep my shoes on!

I think that would be wonderful if we could get a couple of the local stylists to come to the hotel to do ladies' hair & makeup. But just remember, it'll be an untried person doing your hair. If you know how to put make-up on, do it yourself and save some money (for the moonshine). And I think each and every single one of the Ladies will look spectacurly beautiful!


And I don't see what would be so wrong if the guys spent a couple to few hours setting up the ball location while the ladies get primped. Shoot, all they have to do is shower, shave & put on their penguin outfits, and that certainly doesn't take more than an hour. I'm sure that a couple of the guys out of all the guys that volunteer to do it, can follow the meticulous instructions that Dawn gives them. And with the threat of ALL of us LADIES ganging up and kicking their butts if they screw anything up, they'll be wise enough to follow all the meticulous instructions! But if I'm not mistaken, I think Dawn has a Coorindator to handle all the vendors coming in and doing their set-ups, etc.

And as far as for Hall Monitors at the Hotel after the Ball - yep - totally necesarry - so that they can guide people into the rooms where there are mini-parties going on afterwards! I'm sure that if it's anything like our Conference at Disney, there will be mini-parties afterwards in rooms! Some of us can attest to how many people were crammed into one small tiny room with double beds, just kicking back after Disney closed and the true partying started. I will be the first to admit that during that week, I don't think I slept more than a couple of hours each night or shall I say morning? We sat up and just talked, joked and got to know each other so much better. We were in one of those 2 sided, 2 level outdoor entrance hotels, and people were going up and down the outside sidewalk looking for people who's room doors were open with people in them. Other people would then come join in. Then we'd end up wondering into someone else's room. And I won't devuldge here, who's room was the most used for hanging out in! Those that were there know! LOL


Well, that's a lot of catching up and in-put I just gave!I hope I get a chance to log on in the next day or so. If I don't, I'd like to wish each of you a beautiful, peaceful and blessed Mother's Day! xxoo Moi


05-10-2008, 08:51 AM
Ok, ok, so it was only a teaspoons worth of shine that I had. I'm a total light weight with alcohol, well, that and I'm allergic to sulfites which is in most all wine. One glass of wine and I usually have a buzz. Therefore . . . . . chances are pretty good that I'll be doing the ginger ale and water. I'm super anal about drinking when I know that children are in my care. I don't drink unless I know my children are tucked in bed and sleeping.

Partying after events in each others rooms. Hmmmm . . . . . . sounds like a blast if I didn't have children with me. We're designating all the husbands to babysit while us women party, right?

Who cares if I've never used a hairdresser before. It's still gotta come out better than what I could produce!

Dancing . . . . . . . . . did I forget to mention that I don't dance! I was raised in a super strict and religious home and taught that dancing is of the devil. Of course as an adult, my own views are different and I don't mind if others dance, but I'm not into for myself. It's so much more fun to watch all the drunks on the dance floor!

05-10-2008, 11:32 AM
I CANNOT dance either!
or sing, hmmmmm i'm still searching for my talent LOL

Corin Nava
05-10-2008, 02:34 PM
I dance! Or atleast I attempt it. I may look ridiculous but at least I'm having fun :) I'm also affectionately known as the two drink wonder, so I have to be careful or everyone will be seeing a side of me that I try to keep contained-lol. Atleast I have a babysitter for the night!

Judi- Hall monitors and mini parties, reminds me of school overnight trips :) Only 2 1/2 months till I get to meet all of you!!!! Whoo hooo!

05-10-2008, 08:25 PM
IT'S going to be so funny b/c dont we already feel like we know each other so well ??

05-11-2008, 01:05 PM
Believe You Me, we've become friends on-line, some have already met others, BUT when you get all of us together, and especially for an extended period of time, you TRULY become even closer and better friends!

Anyone who went to the Orlando/Disney Conference will attest to that!

Dance? I used to LOVE to dance and as a real youngun' in Germany, at the NCO Club, used to get into all kinds of dance contests and even win most contests! Today, can barely stand for 5 minutes, let alone dance! It'd look mighty strange, if asked to dance of course, dancing with my scooter or walker! lol xxoo Moi

05-15-2008, 07:44 AM
URGHHHHHH - Tried on my skirt portion of my 3 piece outfit the ther other day and I can't even begin to zip up the zipper!!!!!!!!!!!


Now I'm definitely in the STRESSED OUT mode. Went to the docs yesterday and FINALLY got put in for Lyrica (YEAH) after 6 months of trials of other meds (military hospitals have strange rules of trying different meds before putting you on a NEW med and on top of it, had my doc of 13 years who had previously approved me for it, depart suddenly after her d/h retired and also had the loss of her dad and mom within a 5 weeks of each other and now moving to CO). It'll probably be 2 weeks before I can actually pick it up at my next Walter Reed appts since it's 76 miles away from me. Hopefully, the Lyrica will help my fibromyalgia and therefore able to do more! Was told that even the Lyrica puts on weight! URGH - can't win for loosing! But PLEASE PRAY IT WORKS! Thanks!

Went on-line to look at David's Bridal and saw a lot of reasonable priced dresses. Only thing is that they've got a very weird dress sizing chart and I don't think I could even begin to measure myself for one of their on-line dresses. Even if I got a larger dress and had it altered, I don't want to take the chance.

BUT David's Bridal is having their $99 dress sale that's still on until May 19, so I think that I'll be stopping off at the closest one to me, about 30 miles away, on the way home from WR on Friday and check them out. If I can't find one that's reasonably priced, I'll at least have my measurements so then I can order one on-line.

Ok - gots to scoot - have to get ready for a doc's appt in an hour and I still need to get in the shower! Great being in a hotel in a regular suite that has a shower that I can actually get into with a chair!!! The Hilton I come to treats me like a Queen and like family. I've only had 40 stays in the last year and half! I'm already a Gold VIP member! I'm actually wondering if there's a Hilton closeby to see if I can redeem some of my 65,000 points for a free stay, although I doubt that'll happen since I REALLY want to be with everyone else.

More later! xxoo Moi

05-15-2008, 08:15 AM
Don't stress out Judi!!!!!!
You will find a dress--I just know it!!!
Thinking of you and praying that all goes well with your appointment.
Big Hugs to you.

05-15-2008, 09:32 AM
How are you JUDI ???
good luck !!

05-15-2008, 01:50 PM
My hubby and I dance if nothing else but to embarrass our teens! Nobody likes to see their parents "booty dancing" which is all the more reason to do it!

Corin Nava
05-15-2008, 02:02 PM
Ok-so I have started looking at dresses, but all the ones I like aren't white :( All the white dresses I like cost a small fortune! Very frustrating. Maybe I will have to break down and check out Davids Bridal's sale this weekend. I attempted to try the corset I wore for my wedding to give me an idea if I could even attempt to fit in my wedding dress.... Ha, I had to unlace it soooo badly to even attempt to squeeze in it. I'm glad I didn't try the dress on, too depressing. Oh well, some day I will be a normal size again, but two babies in two years really seems to ruin your figure-lol.

05-15-2008, 02:44 PM
do you have marshalls or TJ maxx ??

Corin Nava
05-15-2008, 03:01 PM
yes... the problem is that I have been looking at prom dresses and falling in love with ones that aren't white :( I found this really cute lavender dress with an empire waist.... I keep searching for something similar but in white and have found a couple of wedding dresses that were very similar online but its like just because they call them wedding dresses instead of prom dresses they can charge 4x the price! I bet I will end up getting down there and still not have a dress. I will be out saturday morning dress hunting-lol.

05-17-2008, 09:53 AM
Hi All,

Still at the Hilton until noonish. Had to extend an extra day cause I felt too horrible to drive home yesterday in rain and DC rush hour traffic around the Beltway, let alone the tourist & vacationist on a Friday. Even my maid and her supervisor told me that I looked too bad to drive home and that it would be better if I just got back into bed. I didn't sleep all that well the night before (found my second set of night time meds still on my bed in the am, which I'm sure contributed) and then went down for the free full breakfast they offer (nice time sitting & eating with an older troop and sharing stories - try to do that whenever I go for breakfast downstairs.) and actually felt worse after having eaten. Extended my stay, went back to sleep (sorry I missed your call Barb, but I didn't even hear my phone ring right next to my head) and around 5 went back to WR to pick up my special ordered muscle relaxer, got din-din to go and came back to the hotel, ate, and fell back asleep. Didn't mind since there was nothing on the hotel's tv. Actually slept pretty good last night until 8 this morning. Now have hair coloring on my head! LOL

I've got 31 different disabilities, fibryomyalgia amongst them. Had a good meeting w/my primary care doc and she gave me all my refills and caught up on the last 2-3 months worth of stuff.

Mentioned my excessive sweating, especially around the head/facial area and was even a drenched wet rat going into her office. Told her about this Rich Bride/Poor Bride show I saw (It's on Style Channel or WE tv) a few weeks ago with a bride-to-be that was drenching wet as the store cosmetologist was trying on her make-up for her wedding day. The lady was shocked as to how much she was sweating, put cotton wadding around her face from ear to ear, and she was STILL sweating (just like I would). The makeup lady told her she heard that Botox stops sweating sometimes and the bride should try it. She did (they showed her in the dermatologist's office getting the shots around her forehead) and the bride stopped sweating, even a few months after her wedding! Dr. S knows I watch these bridal shows and even asked about her wedding about 6 months ago since she's Indian, and when I told her about this episode, she said that yes, Botox does work on sweating sometimes. She didn't know if WR would do it, but she said she'd give me a consult to dermatology and said that they were the ones that would handle something like that, IF they DO Botox. She said no harm in trying! I'm to call them on Monday since it takes 48 hours for a consult to go through. PLEASE say a prayer that WR will do it and it works, otherwise, I'll be a drenched rat all during the entire weekend and I couldn't even put on make-up!

Which BTW, if there is a local Mall or large department store, you can always go get your makeup for the Ball done there for free or almost free. Just go up to whatever vendor counter that does makeup and ask for a full makeup makeover. They will be more than happy to do it, although they will try to pawn everything on you that they put on your face! Even if you walk away buying lip gloss or mascara, or nothing at all, they will still do your face. We did this a couple of times when I went to my Sorority Sisters annual State Conference/Convention where Saturday night there is always a formal Dance. We even went in small groups!

Then I was happy with my Pain Clinic appt (every 2 months) since I ended up seeing a new doc because my doc of 14 years finally left. She just blew off a lot of my complaints, even though she did put me in for Lyrica about 4 months ago, when I went back about 2 months ago, she was gone for good and I was over-consulted with again for the Lyrica, and told they had to have "extensive" justification for the Lyrica (since it's non-formulary for WR) and had to try me on a combo of 2 other meds first. Naturally, had a MAJOR reaction to one of the 2 meds where my hands and feet swole up so badly that I couldn't get my shoes on for 3 days! Stopped taking the meds, consulted with my kidney doc who told me to double up on my HCZT, and it still took me an additional 2 days before I could put my sneaks on - AND naturally, having to extend my hotel stay during that time, although this Hilton is like my 2nd family and they always extend me, even putting me up in Deluxe or Suite rooms whenever I have a visit and am even a Gold VIP member now!

This go around, I saw another "new" doc in the pain clinic (until they find one they can assign to me permanently again, which is very hard to do considering their schedules). I was extremely impressed with this guy who had seen me once before a long time ago. He spent time to go through my records going back to 1992 (since starting to go to the pain clinic!) and told me he thought I was on too many narcotic pain meds and his goal was to reduce it. He also called in a "real" CDR/LTC PT DOC to consult with me about exercises to do in bed, realizing I couldn't walk that much and was bed-bound about 75R% of the time. I showed him the exercises that I do already and he said those were great also. He only added 5 new exercises to do in bed. The doc came back in after the PT doc left and he FINALLY agreed to put me in for the Lyrica, altough it would take him and the clinic chief to write an extensive justification to the pharmacy for it and then when approved, could take up to a week for it to come in. Fine with me! Perfect timing also since I have to come back to WR 27-20 May again and the Lyrica should be ready by then for me to pick up! PLEASE, once again, I BEG ya'll to pray that the Lyrica works for the fibromyalgia! Thanks so much! I REALLY need to get out of that blasted bed and be a little bit more productive. Oh, and on top of that, he also gave me a hand-written script to go back to Aqua Therapy! YEAH! Loved it when I went and my ortho doc didn't think it would help and didn't give me a script last month. Ortho doc was the one who knew I was in too much pain and hurting myself more and more each visit and after consulting with my PT (across the hall from his office) who told him I was getting worse with the exercises and she was afraid I was going to hurt myself more, he ordered me to stop regular PT twice a week. So I'm really happy with that also! And to top it all off, he even ordered me a new TENS machine to use at home since mine is about 8 years old and falling apart and not working well. I guess it was a good thing that my regular pain clinic doc finally did leave and got to see others - because they started me off almost as a new pt. Was in there for almost 2 hours! He still did keep me on all my narcotic meds for the time, but asked if I had ever taken methadone to try to wean me off them. Told him no, but he said that was his goal for me.

I'm still going to get a second opinion about it all since they haven't even taken an xray or MRI of my back in over 3 years and the back has gotten worse. I've even shrunk 3 inches since I joined the Army and retired in 1995! Have to get all my paperwork in order first and this doc is a spinal neurosurgeon who works at Georgetown University Hospital and now comes down to our neck of the woods once a week.

Know this is long - but ya'll asked how my appts went and how I was doing! LOL

BTW - on the way home, I'm going to stop off at David's Bridal to check out their $99 sale. Even if I don't find one, at least I can get fitted and maybe order one online since I don't even know what my measurements are! If I don't fit into my other suit/dress, believe it or not, my eye doc is interested in looking at it and buying it from me if it fits her! Hate giving up the dress for $34.95 though! LOL

Ok - gots to scoot. I've taken too long to write this this "novel" and have also taken a break to color my hair and "Nair" my legs! LOL Now it's time to pack up and check out by 12:00ish.

Can't wait to see you all and meet ya'll in person! xxoo o:-) Moi

PS - Penny, can you send me your phone # at my regular email addy so I can call you sometime soon? We need to talk about other stuff. Or you can always call me anytime, especially late at night - even past midnight. I'm up, unfortunately! Hugs to everyone!

05-17-2008, 10:20 AM
Corin, I still haven't found one either. I just checked Davids Bridal's website and it says you need an appointment. This is where Kara got her dress http://www.bestbridalprices.com/bridesmaid-dresses-jordan-couture-bridesmaid-dresses-c-24.html or do a search for Jordan Courure. Her style is 1502 but she got it in a different color. You don't have to go with white. I don't know what I am getting yet but probably a silver or maybe even a light goldish/brown from what I have already looked at. I have seen some really pretty darker colors I have liked too :). You can go wtih off white also. There are a couple of stores at our mall that has some really nice dresses that are fairly reasonable too that I need to get back too before the proms are over. Don't just search for wedding gowns, the prom dresses will have some styles too or do a search for ball gowns and you will find a ton. Ebay has some selections too. I have been doing a lot of searching can you tell? LOL

Good luck!


05-17-2008, 10:26 AM

After my posting my other msg, all of a sudden a whole new page popped up (before it only showed my last response) - Strange!

Anyhow, I'm going to David's Bridal today. Their $99 sale ends Monday. It's a little out of the way for me, but on the way home. And it's about 35 miles from home. Not bad time-wise, considering how much traveling I used to do going to and from work every day - 26 miles could take anywhere from an hour to 3 hours to get to work or get home, even after rush hour in the evening! 13 years of doing that, let alone going anywhere else in this DC Metro area, got me used to spending time in the car.

Anyhow, even if you don't get a dress from David's Bridal, you can at least get your measurements and they have some really beautiful dresses on sale on-line. But their measurements are so strange that you really do need to be measured by at least their store if you're going to get a dress from them on-line.

Also, do you have a Ross store around you? That's where I found my original outfit I was going to wear for $34.95!

Geez, all this stress over one blasted dress!!!!!!! I'm so happy for those of you that found yours already!

Now to start worrying and stressing over the shoes and accessories like handbags, jewelry, etc.! LOL

Good Luck Corin and everyone in finding a dress! I know we'll ALL eventually find that "right" dress and we'll ALL look absolutely stunning in white and like the Angels that we all are! xxoo Moi

05-17-2008, 10:31 AM
Judi, can you take a picture of your dress and post it, maybe someone will want to buy it from you if you are willing to sell it? Just a thought. Also call David's before you go, they require appointments.


05-17-2008, 12:19 PM
Umm, no, I didn't get my dress from that website. I just used that website to show you guys a picture of my dress. I went to a local shop to get mine.

05-17-2008, 12:37 PM
Check the JCPenney website! Here is one that they have for $100.




Barbara and KevinWagner
05-17-2008, 09:17 PM
ok here is a pic of the dress I got.....not as fancy as all of yours


dang I shoulda thought about the long dress thing so that i could wear sandals (thongs!! LOVE it)! LOL

Holy smokes the last time I tried moonshine was at the campground a few years ago......bad, bad!! I helped open this campground and I worked there plus built and managed the website.....well they had a biker group that rented the whole place for a retreat. The main guy that rented it only wanted me and the grounds guy there for the weekend. These people were soooo very nice! great group of people!! As soon as they all started pulling in on Friday they were passing drinks out to me and Mike (the ground guy) and I am not a drinker!! So at the end of the weekend and my experience with moonshine and a AWESOME drink called apple pie I came home with a bumble bee tattooed on my leg......yikes!! LOL So yeah no more moonshine for me.....not sure what else I would do!

Judi.....MINIparties completely describes the 2000 conference! There are a few pics of these in Dawns video (Stand) also!! Take a look!! We had sooooo much fun!! I am looking fwd to having more of these!!

Barbara and KevinWagner
05-17-2008, 09:50 PM
OMG! I totally forgot about a handbag!! YIKES!! I was just looking at them on EBAY and they have a few pages of them....and they r priced good and cute!!

Corin Nava
05-18-2008, 03:09 PM
Alright, so I went shopping yesterday and had a very interesting day. We started out by going to this little wedding boutique shop that my friend had bought her wedding dress at. They have a small clearance rack where you can find dresses for $50-100. Well, apparently someone had mixed the dresses up and pulled off all the price tags! So we couldn't tell which was which and the lady had NO IDEA! We found one that she THOUGHT might be on clearance b/c its zipper was slightly broken, and it fit perfectly and looked nice. But she couldn't guarantee that it was clearance so she couldn't sell it to me! She couldn't sell anything! She wanted to call me when she figured it all out... ummm bad business if you ask me.

So we moved on and decided to give in and try Davids Bridal (I had a VERY bad experience with my wedding with them). We got in there and I remembered why I was boycotting them. The woman kept trying to get me to buy dresses I hated and wouldn't take no for an answer. At one point she tried to sell me a dress that had makeup all over the front and was way too big!! I went to try and look at the prom and bridesmaids section and she kept following me telling me to reconsider the wedding dresses that she had picked out. I ended up telling her to go grab the dress for me to try on and running out the door while she was in the back. I felt bad doing it but she just wouldn't take no for an answer!

My next stop was Macy's and after looking through some racks of prom dresses I found it. It was so perfect. It was a white dress with gold embroidery.... I really fell in love with it, except that the biggest size they carried was just barely too small for me. So now I am debating on going back and buying it anyway and putting myself on a strict diet....

05-18-2008, 05:32 PM
I didn't mean that you got your dress from that site Kara but is that the right dress? I did a search for the designer and liked what he had. I hadn't thought of JC P's although I have looked IN the stores we have here and didn't have anything. I am going to check out the sites you posted now though. Thanks!

Corin, sorry you had such a bad experience again. If you think you can do it I say go back and get the dress but you don't want to stress yourself out.


Corin Nava
05-18-2008, 05:43 PM
Tara-I think I'm going to go back tomorrow and get it. I need an incentive to loose a little more weight anyway :) I have been loosing weight and this week I lost 3 lbs, so I know I can do it if I stop eating fast food.... no more McDonalds breakfast sandwiches.

Barb-the dress looks great!

Judi-I got your message about finding a dress. So glad you found one!

05-18-2008, 05:56 PM
Way to go on the 3 lbs! We are bad here with the fast foods too. So get the dress, hang it up where you can see it every morning and keep up the good work!

Judi, I got your msg too, sorry I couldn't talk, wouldn't have been able to hear you from the party.


05-18-2008, 07:37 PM
Yes, Jordan Couture 1502 is my dress!

05-18-2008, 07:41 PM
I thought so. That one is beautiful and I can't wait to see if on you. Now if only I could find one :)


Dawn Torrence Ireland
05-25-2008, 10:16 AM
Corin, did you go get the dress? I hear ya on the non-white dresses... totally kicking myself on this all white thing. I have 5 perfectly beautiful ballgowns / evening dresses in my closet I could wear if this wasn't a white ball.

I found mine yesterday. I decided to look in the local paper and found one that had never been worn (she decided to elope instead). It's a halter top style on top with sequins, tulle at the bottom... kind of a ballerina look to it. Will probably get some ballet shoes to wear with it rather than uncomfortable heals. Detachable train that won't be attached at the Angel Ball. I got it for a steal (tag on it is $1500, I paid $50). She didn't want it to go to waste sitting a closet and was excited when I told her it was going to be worn to a charity ball (I snagged it before she decided to come to the ball and wear it herself! lol). I really love it, am very happy with it, need to lose 5 or 10 lbs though for it to fit better.

Some of you know I've been putting off shopping because I'm neither married or engaged but have been dating Craig for over a year now and there's an old wives tale that trying on wedding dresses when you're not married or engaged is bad luck. So I've decided... this is *not* a wedding dress but a ballgown! lol. If Craig and I get married, I'll get a different dress and just pass this one to someone next year. Sounds like a good anti-wives tale plan, right? Besides, when I was married before I followed all the wives tales and look where that got me! lol

Some ideas on finding cheap white dresses....

- Local newspaper ads (lots of women sell their dresses now rather than keep them)
- Thrift stores (Salvation Army, Goodwill, local thrift stores)
- Yard sales (they will usually say there is a wedding dress in the newspaper ads)
- Craigslist
- Ebay
- Dry cleaners (sometimes women drop them off and never pick them back up and the dry cleaner sells them for the cost of the cleaning)
- Bridal shops (ask to see the ones from last season that were the display dresses... they might be a bit dirty from being tried on but drycleaning usually fixes that)
- Remember those dresses from the 80's and 90's with big, puffy sleeves and lace and sequins everywhere (I have 2 stored at my parents house... long story but passing those on to 2 of my nieces)? Well, they are *cheap* now because they are out of style but a little seamstress work on removing the sleeves and some of the lace and they can be very pretty!

Now I'm breathing easier about this... no more nightmares about finding a dress at the last minute!

Dawn Torrence Ireland
05-25-2008, 10:21 AM
Forgot to post this.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&Item=220236672391&Category=63851 Gorgeous dress on Ebay for $30. Been looking around for my mom and sisters too and finding great dresses on Ebay and Craigslist near them. This dress isn't their style but I happen to think it's beautiful so Corin, Tara and anyone else without a dress, go take a look.

05-25-2008, 05:21 PM
GREAT news Dawn on finding your dress finally! :D i know what a burden that is to finally find one - and don't worry, I'm sure that it'll be easy for YOU to lose 5 lbs! What a bargain also! Hopefully the lady you bought it from was interested enough in the Ball to purchase a ticket and another dress for herself! LOL

I, too, believe in that old wive's tale about trying on wedding dresses before getting married. I did that at Potomac Mills at Penney's when I first started getting serious with Mike and look at me now - an old maid! And where do I get my 2nd dress from but David's Bridal and is actually a wedding dress! URGH!!!!!!! But I went in there stating I'm NOT a bride, just looking for an Angel Ball Gown! So that should break that stupid old wives tale for us!

I'm getting scared now too since I get to start taking Lyrica on Tuesday and I did a WebMD search on it (while looking at meds for Mom) and looked at the first 25 reviews that were written on it. Most of the people put on a significant amount of weight within a couple of weeks on the med. I certainly can't afford for THAT to happen to me! I'm already in the largest dress size they carry! I did go on-line and ordered 4 other dresses (they can be returned & refunded) just in case I have to have a back up dress!

I was having a problem finding a halter bra for my gown in my size - I'm a 44C now and you can barely find any of those sized bras in the first place, let alone a halter or strapless bra. But I found a great website for those of you that are full-figured that have a different selections of nice bras and also several that are either strapless or halter or different type backings. It's at the Just My Size site - www.jms.com. I actually ended up ordering 4 bras since they are having a clearance sale (some as cheap as $11.99) and also got a halter top bra for less than $30. I know that none of my bras are as nice & supportive as the ones on the website. They aslo carry Platex, Bali and several different brands that you normally won't find in full-sized sizes at a cheaper rate than in the stores. I was really surprised! And they have a no questions asked return policy in case it doesn't fit - all you have to do is make sure it's clean.

Dawn, you had some great suggestions for where to look for dresses in unconventional places! And to top it off, retro is back in style too if you happen to come across an older gown at a thrift store, etc.

Ok - novel again and still haven't done a danged thing I set my mind on doing today. And I've GOT to eat something too! Been stuck on my puter for Mom, on the phone with Sprint w/billing problems for 1-1/2 hours, so much for my even making lunch or even being invited to a picnic with this place loaded to the gill & on overflow even with regular campers! Hope they don't party as loud & long as they did last night. I think someone called the MPs on whoever it was after 1025. I was going to give it til 1030 before I called the MPs - 1000 is quiet hour on the campground as far as roaring music!

Hope everyone is having a nice, quiet & safe Holiday weekend! xxoo Moi

05-26-2008, 08:29 AM
This weekend I found my Angel Ball dress for 15 bucks at Deb's. Another CDH mom helped me find the great bargain!! I am getting really excited.

Corin Nava
05-26-2008, 09:50 PM
Ugh, I am starting to think I won't have a dress. I really didn't believe it would be this difficult. I went back to get the dress, and it was torn, so I guess it wasn't meant to be my dress. I've been shopping two more times and found nothing. I am so afraid of ordering a dress w/o trying it on, since sizes vary from designers, I can be anywhere from a 12 to a 16! It's frustrating.

Dawn-glad you found your dress! :) I will have to check out the newspaper and see what I can find!

05-27-2008, 07:19 AM
You'll get there, Corin. Some of my best shopping is done at the last minute.

05-27-2008, 11:22 AM
Dawn and Amy--What great news you both found a dress for the Angel Ball!!!!
How exciting!!!!!
No pressure anymore!

Corin--you will get there! Kara is right---sometimes when you shop last minute--it is the best shopping!
Positive vibes being sent to you Corin and I KNOW you will find a dress SOON!!

Dawn Torrence Ireland
05-27-2008, 07:46 PM
We still have Corin and Tara and who else???? Penny, we'd love to see you there! Friday and Saturday morning... all about CHERUBS and medical stuff and learning and talking at the conference.... support group stuff. Saturday night is about CHERUBS too but it will be about all of us able to hang out and have fun as friends too! :)

06-04-2008, 10:32 AM
Now that things are a bit settled here I need to shop in earnest so hopefully when we get back from PA this weekend. Maybe I will find one there :)


06-10-2008, 06:30 AM
I bought my shoes for the ball last night and we picked out and ordered Chuck's tux. Went to MW Tuxedo (Men's Wearhouse). Went with a black tux with white shirt and Ivory vest and neck tie.

06-10-2008, 04:54 PM
That's great Kara!!!!!
I found shoes--but Shane does not like them!!!! Who cares---I am going to go get them anyways.
That's good you have Chuck's tux on order.
When will you pick it up?
I better get Shane to go to the store in town and get his ordered.
Thanks for the reminder.

You and Chuck will match nicely!!!!!

06-10-2008, 08:42 PM
Ya'll I just cant do it !
I just cant dress , I know I'm awful !!!

06-11-2008, 06:01 AM
Yes you can! Do it for Cole!

06-11-2008, 07:22 AM
I'll let you wear flip flops under that dress, Penny : )

06-11-2008, 07:59 AM
LOL thank you Kara !!!!!!!!!!!
I cant wait to meet you, you are a hoot !

06-11-2008, 09:48 AM
I found a silver dress i like but once again with this blonde hair and fat @$$ i will run the risk of looking like a baked potato

06-11-2008, 11:49 AM
That's a great analogy. I'll have to remember that one.

Penny, there ought to be an informal white gown out there that'll work for you.

06-13-2008, 12:03 PM
I had my first alterations meeting with the seamstress last night. I didn't have anyone with me except Adam to take my picture so please excuse the goofiness of this picture. I tried to take it myself. Also, the dress looks a little goofy on me cause I took it with all the pins and needles stuck in it. Anyway, here it is.


06-13-2008, 01:02 PM
:whistle: WORK IT GIRL! Can't wait to see you all the ball!

Corin Nava
06-13-2008, 07:55 PM
Kara-its beautiful!!!!!!

06-13-2008, 08:50 PM
You look great! I love the dress!

06-14-2008, 02:14 PM
look at YOU ... you are 1 hot MOMMA !

Dawn Torrence Ireland
06-14-2008, 04:31 PM
Looks beautiful, Kara!!!

I've got to get my dress taken in... losing weight and now it's lose. And too long.... maybe I'm shrinking. Since May. Ok, doubtful, but now I have to find someone who will alter it without paying more for the altering than I paid for the dress.

Dawn Torrence Ireland
06-14-2008, 04:43 PM
Penny, you can do it!!! You come down here on a Saturday or Sunday and we'll go shopping together! There's a great discount shop in Hillsboro - dresses under $100. Once we find you a dress, then you'll be excited to wear it! Or wear a fancy white pantsuit if you want. Day of the Angel Ball, we'll all get ready at the hotel together and it will be a blast.

Speaking of all that - looking for hairdressers who will come. What do you all think if I get students? They need to practice as part of their class and they don't charge much at all. If they aren't doing any cutting or dying... they can't mess us up! We can always wash it and do it over. I've gone to the local college and had my hair dyed, bleached and frosted more than once and they always do much better than the expensive salons and for a tenth of the cost. I went to expensive salons 3 times this year - wasn't happy with 2 of them and the one I liked went out of business. Tried the college and am happy every time I go there. They try harder to make you happy. And manicures for $2 and pedicures for $3... love that! Anyway, so I was going to see if we could get a couple of the girls from the school to come up to Raleigh for us.

06-15-2008, 09:11 AM
Dawn you don't have to rub it in! Stopped by David's Bridal yesterday Saturday and1 you'd think they were giving 'em away! TOO busy! Gonna order on line I swanny!

Dawn Torrence Ireland
06-15-2008, 10:01 AM
David's Bridal is a zoo... and totally non-helpful with the event so I won't shop there again. I found mine in the newspaper at a fraction of the cost. But... now I have to alter it, which I maybe could've avoided if I bought it at a store and found a size smaller and shorter to begin with. I'm 5'9"... I've never in my life had to alter anything because it was too long. Always had to deal with everything too short and looking like I'm walking around avoiding floods. lol.

06-15-2008, 04:49 PM
Dawn you are right students always do a nice job!

Corin Nava
06-15-2008, 10:20 PM
Thats an awesome idea about getting the students!

06-16-2008, 06:49 AM
Just wanted to let you know that I won't be doing the hair thingy and getting dressed with ya'll. Saturday morning we'll be going to my sisters and spending the day with her family. My sister is going with me to get my hair done and she'll primp me for the ball.

06-16-2008, 05:17 PM
LOVE the picture Kara!! You look great!!!!!

I think the students doing our hair and nails is a GREAT idea!! Count me in.
I still have to get my tickets--off to do that right now.

How many tickets have been bought?

06-17-2008, 09:57 AM
I think I may bite the bullet and buy the baked potato dress since i am not going to get down to my driver's license weight by the ball.

06-17-2008, 10:10 AM
Lynne you will look great no matter what you wear!

06-17-2008, 10:37 AM
Amy you are so sweet! You are one of the most positive people I think I have ever met! You are coming to the ball right?

06-17-2008, 01:42 PM
I agree, you will look just fine. I need to find a dress still. I forgot about having Jeff go and get fitted for a tux. Are you having him pick it up there or are you taking it with you?


06-17-2008, 01:47 PM
Hey my hubby is Jeff too! He said that he is just going to wear his black suit. He wears it every chance he gets. I think he likes the way he looks in it! He does look mighty fine if I do say so myself! Any of the other guys wearing suits instead of tuxes?

06-17-2008, 07:41 PM
We rented the tux here and will pick it up in Raleigh (Cary Towncenter). We're going to pick it up on Thursday before the ball.

06-17-2008, 08:07 PM
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I LOVE CARY TOWNCENTER !!!
you are going to myrtle beach the week before this ..... arent you ? or am i dreaming that