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View Full Version : Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness - CHERUBS 1999

Dawn Torrence Ireland
01-08-2008, 01:32 PM
Per the thread at http://www.cdhsupport.org/members/viewtopic.php?t=938&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=45

CHERUBS has been removed from Yahoo until I send them documentation and the court timeline, because Elizabeth Doyle-Propst filed more false charges.

Going through things for Yahoo and our lawyers I found some great old posts on CHERUBS Listservs.....

Jenn wrote about how CHERUBS and myself raises CDH Awareness back on September 14th, 1999, in response to my son's death:


Hi Dawn:

I am so sorry for your pain and for the loss of Shane. I have cried
many tears for you during the past few days. When I talked to Jay
Wilson on the phone, I think he cried too, when I told him. Your
efforts for CDH have been appreciated by so many and Dr. Wilson feels
that you have done more for CDH than any other parent or physician ever
- and Shane was your inspriation. You have been such a wonderful mother
to him and done so much to help him and the rest of us by raising CDH
awareness. I am sorry that a complication took his life and I will
always remember him as your inspiration for such a wonderful

I am thinking of you a lot today, as you lay Shane to rest. I have been
thinking of the songs that you chose for him and about the balloons you
will be releasing to heaven. I am so sorry that you have to do these
things today and I hope you are able to find peace and strength to go
on. You said you don't know what you'll do without him and I know I'd
feel the same way too, but please know that you are needed and
appreciated by so many.

With lots of love and deepest sympathy on this very difficult day for
all of us.



That was just the first of many posts about CDH Awareness on CHERUBS Lists... a full 8 years before Breath of Hope, Inc. decided to claim ownership to the Awareness of a disease that has devastated all of us.

On January 28, 2000 Ellen talks about CDH Awareness after the 20/20 showed aired (that ABC linked to CHERUBS for CDH awareness and support).

On November 20, 2004 Danielle B. posted a list of awareness colors as members were discussing Awareness Bracelets.

Just some of the post on just one of our 100 listservs.

The word "awareness" was used with CDH on BoH by Sheri on April 29, 2005, not Stacy Everett-Harding.

You see, CHERUBS has used the term "Awareness" with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia for years... long before Breath of Hope existed. And CHERUBS is proud to say that we have never, and would never try to claim or capitalize on the name of CDH. Our motives are pure.

So...... it's perfectly LEGAL for CHERUBS to use, say, write, encourage "Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness" and we have been for almost 13 years and will continue to do so.

01-08-2008, 01:52 PM
I cannot believe CHERUBS has been removed from Yahoo. How did you find out about this?
Dawn- I am saying a Prayers for you today that you have the strength to continue on through all this crap......YOU HAVE DONE so much to help CDH families. Be proud of yourself and STAY STRONG. If I can do anything-Do not hesitate to ask. I know their are other members here that feel the same.
That is what true friendship and people believing in each other is all about.

Dawn Torrence Ireland
01-08-2008, 02:10 PM
I had a phone conversation on Friday with a really nice lady named Holly from Yahoo. I told everything that had been going on and she said she'd help anyway they could. But it's their policy to remove people first, make them prove their innocence later - nothing she could do about that. I got the official complaint sent to me yesterday, along with the paperwork for our lawyers to subpeona info from Yahoo. I have some paperwork myself to fill out and fax back to Yahoo and we should be back on by next week. Just a pain to deal with... but I'm so used to this behavior I'm not surprised.

I also found out that last spring when I kept posting ads on Craigslist for my company and CHERUBS and some personal ones to help out a family member... someone kept flagging them. Then someone posted a few rude, and of course, anonymous posts about my company. I blew it off as a jerk pranster and hadn't posted ads for a long time (I got quite a few clients from Craigslist for my company). Now I find out that Elizabeth had been stalking me on Craigslist and no doubt was the "prankster" there too, trying to wreck havoc on my business as well. Nothing to do with CDH - just to personally try to hurt me. Lawyers are on that too. She posted to her slander blog about a Craiglist ad that I posted for a family member last spring, that isn't even live anymore and hasn't been for at least 6 months - of course she twisted the facts around to try to hurt me / embarrass me (I've met a lot of you in person who know that post isn't true). This takes her obsession with me to whole new, dangerous levels.

Now that she's showing her true colors publicly and just adding to the slander suit.... at least now new CDH parents can see what her real goal is and they can avoid her. That makes all this pain worth it to me. CDH parents don't need to deal with this.

We'll fix the Yahoo issue and they will flag her and BoH as trouble-makers, just as Cafepress has, the NC Department of State has and countless others. It's all being dealt with.

Stephanie, thank you so much for your support. What can everyone do... just help us to make sure CDH families are supported... make others aware that we have a group that only has 1 goal - to help CDH families by supporting them, raising awareness and promoting CDH research.

And what those of you who are on BoH also can do.... ask BoH's Board why they continue to allow this behavior from their President? They are just as responsible for this by propagating it. Ask that they leave CHERUBS and me, alone.

Dawn Torrence Ireland
01-08-2008, 02:19 PM
I want to make note that I am *not* encouraging any of you to contact BoH's Board. I'm simply stating if you want to help - here's how you can do it.

01-08-2008, 03:33 PM
shaking my head in utter disgust at what e is doing.

01-08-2008, 03:40 PM
I just did a quick Yahoo search and CHERUBS still came up. Did you mean remove us from the search engine? Or from Yahoo Groups? If it is the search engine, we aren't gone yet! :D

01-08-2008, 06:34 PM
Why are we all here? Because we all have children with this horrible defect. We are here for OUR children.

This is not about who is more popular or who more people come to your site than another and it is definately not about money. We all are serving one purpose TO HELP OUT CHILDREN.

It honestly brings me to tears to know that there are people out there that are not in this for their children but for themselves. I would have died if it meant my daughter to live. I would NEVER argue/fight/steal whatever from people that are suppose to be in this cause to help.

It is absolutely ridiculous. I have tried not to comment on these BOH threads, but I could no longer hold back.

Grow up, and help our children, YOUR CHILD, have a chance a life.

That is why I am here at CHERUBS, because deep in my heart I know every person here is pure hearted in our cause.

Dawn Torrence Ireland
01-08-2008, 07:43 PM
I just checked... oh you're right, Danielle. But Yahoo sent the letter. Huh, maybe Holly pulled some strings for us. WTG, Holly!!!! :) I still am going to file the paperwork they asked us to fill out, just so they have the whole story on file.

Kate, I 100% agree with you. Thank you for posting. I think the more people that say don't like this behavior either, the more maybe the Breath of Hope Board will take some action to stop it.

I spent a loooooong time on the phone today with the IRS. The latest slander is that CHERUBS isn't a non-profit (ok, not the latest, she's said this many times, under many aliases). Now she's posted our EIN number and the IRS phone number. So I called, to hear what they say to people who call. 20 minutes on hold (which no doubt she's counting people will hang up instead of waiting and believe this mess)... and I talked to a really nice guy for another 20 minutes. CHERUBS is of course a non-profit, they had our address outdated so they listed it as temporary on hold. If asked they will pull that from the file notes. He gave me a fax number to send the current address to. It should be back to active status next week when it goes through their system. In the meantime, *every* single donation from February, 1995 and on has been tax-deductible.

I also talked to him about becoming incorporated and he gave me tons of advice (some helpful, but I've done all this before so we'll have this done ASAP). I'm filling out the paperwork, the accountant is checking over it. The only wait here is waiting on the state and IRS to filter the paperwork. He asked me what made me call today and I told him - everything - except Elizabeth's name and Breath of Hope's name because CHERUBS is *not* in the business of trying to cause others harm. He informed there is a code of conduct for Non-Profits and gave me all the info to find those codes on their site. Also each state has their own code of conduct for NPOs as well.

Elizabeth is risking Breath of Hope with all this crazy behavior. No one at CHERUBS wants to see Breath of Hope fold or be hurt. We just want the stalking, harassment and slander to stop.

01-08-2008, 08:31 PM
agree. I loved being a part of cherubs. I loved the friendships. Still do.
But this is just crazy.
Can elizabeth see this thread????
We are all a support group. I do not understand how being this mean can benefit any new grieving parent.
*She is making herself look so bad. I have heard from members at BOh who say that her recent stuff about the teeth is insane.

01-08-2008, 08:35 PM
Sorry..brain fart.
I meant I loved being a part of breathofhope.
I really did.

Dawn Torrence Ireland
01-08-2008, 09:09 PM
But you mean you love being a part of CHERUBS too? ;)

I know what you mean. :)

Her IP at home and work is blocked from this site so she can't see it. But some of her Board can see it and no doubt she's reading this somehow (only the News and Fundraisers and Media Forums are available for non-members to see). She's seeing this because she comments on it on her blog.

01-08-2008, 09:31 PM
OKOK...yea, I love cherubs!

Dawn Torrence Ireland
01-08-2008, 09:38 PM