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View Full Version : Tote Bags-need suggestions!

Corin Nava
05-13-2008, 08:54 AM
My MIL and I have decided to put together tote bags for expectant CDH parents and parents in the NICUs in our area. We have an idea of what we would like to include in the bags, but are looking for suggestions. This is what we have come up with so far.

1. Journal (with the CDH Awareness ribbon on the front)
2. Quilt/blanket (we are getting the awareness ribbon and CHERUBS website printed on a small piece of fabric to put on the back of the quilts)
3. Eye Cover
4. Lotion
5. Lip Balm
6. Disposable camera (to leave with the nurses when the parents can't be there)
7. CHERUBS brochure and PRG

Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Think back to the NICU days and what you would have liked to have had.

Elaine Moats
05-13-2008, 10:22 AM
All of these look great, the only thing I might add is some kleenex.

05-13-2008, 10:52 AM
sounds great! How about gum or hard candy? It was so dry in the NICU,that I had coughing fits when I would visit.

05-13-2008, 01:27 PM
A pen!! I never seemed to be able to find a pen in NICU. Can you get pens made with CHERUBS logo on it?

Puzzle book. I went through a lot of puzzles during my 12 hour days bedside.

Corin Nava
05-13-2008, 01:30 PM
Elaine, Lynne, and Kara-Thanks for the great suggestions! Keep them coming! :)

05-13-2008, 01:46 PM
In our hospital pack that we were given were vouchers for the cafeteria. One for a free coffee; one for a free snack bag of chips/pretzels and one worth $5.00 for anything in the cafeteria. Those came in really handy! See if your local hospitals have anything like that to put in your bags.

What about a waterbottle. I went through a ton of water while sitting in NICU.

05-13-2008, 03:26 PM
Great ideas gals...most of these should be easy to come by. Maybe I can get the guy who is going to do the blanket labels to do a couple of other things for me, although I don't want to get too pushy. I know I've received catalogs where you can have pens/pencils, water bottles and other objects imprinted for a reasonable price. Hmmm, I'll have to keep my eyes open for something like that. I wish I could remember who it was. I also wanted to add cloth booties to the bag ideas. We'll have to check with the hospitals first. Maybe hats too? Does anyone know if they use them?

05-13-2008, 06:24 PM
A list of local hotels that have the hospital discount.
Local list of not expensive places to eat. Hospital food is expensive.
Local churches list (is the hospital does not have one)
Small inspiration books to read (dollar stores normally have these)
Coupons for stores locally. Stores will give these for hospitals.

I think all these suggestions are GREAT!!!

Barbara and KevinWagner
05-13-2008, 07:42 PM
Branders.com is a good place for items with the logo. Also (believe it or not!) EBAY is wonderful for this too and usually cheaper!

You all have such wonderful ideas!! The only other thing that I could think of was a nice comfy pair of slippers/footies for mom......do u all remember the feet swelling?!?!

05-13-2008, 09:29 PM
My suggestions may be out of th price range but I know when my mother was in hospital for 8+ months having several major surgeries and when she was dying these things would of helped us out a lot and taken off some pressure of having to organise them.

* a home delivered main meal for a month - like Lite n Easy home delivery - cuts out having to shop prepare and clean up eqauling more time able to be spent at the hospital or they could take the meal with them.
* a voucher for house cleaning for a month - once a week or even a fortnight - bathrooms, floors and vacuuming makes a massive difference
* a six pack of water bottles - 6 x 600ml - always nice to have one on hand rather than fizzy rubbish - also handy if you need headache tablets
* maybe a little frame that the parents can put a family photo in to leave with the baby when they have to go home

05-27-2008, 08:56 PM
I don't know if the hospitals in your area have music therapists, but U of M did. A woman who played harp and a man who played the guitar. They each had CD's out and our nicu gave us a tote bag with a hat, NICU tee, harp CD and information packet. A list of children's books to read and a list of local libraries to check out books. We loved to read to Faith.

Corin Nava
05-27-2008, 09:39 PM
Thanks everyone for the wonderful suggestions! I am going to go on a donation blitz and see what I can get companies to donate! It's all going to depend on what we can get for donations.... but I love these ideas.

06-29-2008, 06:20 PM
Corin how are the tote bags coming along. Did you and your MIL get them finished? I know you have been a super busy lady, but I just wanted to check in! Oh and if you PM your addy I can send a donation. Do you have a list of things that we may be able to donate to your bags?

Corin Nava
06-29-2008, 07:19 PM
Amy-you are the best :)

With all the planning for the conference and other events, I haven't had as much time as I would like to work on these yet. Once the conference is over I will be able to put most of my "CHERUBS time" into these. My MIL has had a quilting workshop with some family which was very successful and they were able to start a few quilts! We hope to do a couple more of these workshops soon (she still has to teach me how to sew-lol). I have been trying to contact companies and people for donations and have written up a letter for walmart (they sounded very interested in donating!) but I still have to drop it off. One of Gabe's nurses donated a few ceramic pieces for the bags that she had made which are really beautiful! We are hoping to have a couple done soon so that we can bring one down to the conference to show everyone!

Each bag will include:

Baby blanket or quilt
Eye Cover
Lip balm
Disposable camera
CHERUBS Info Packet

Things we would like to include if we are able to:
Gift cards (mcdonalds, Dunkin donuts, etc...)
Childrens Book
Puzzle book
List of hospital services
List of local services and coupons
Any other small gifts-beanie babies, nick nacks, frames, CD, etc... we can get donated

If anyone would like to donate items to make these bags PM me! I am very excited about getting these done and out to parents!!!!

06-29-2008, 08:25 PM
Sounds GREAT!

06-30-2008, 12:49 PM
Corin what hospital are you taking these to again? I want to make sure I get things that are found in your area/hospitals area. I know gas stations and such vary from region to region.

Corin Nava
06-30-2008, 02:07 PM
Our idea is to send them out to new and expecting parents around New England when they join CHERUBS, that way we know they are going directly to the parents who can use them. We will also drop some off at Mass General in Boston, Boston Childrens, and probably Woman & Infants in Providence. I think most of the CDH babies that are born in New England end up at Boston Childrens, but I know Woman & Infants and Mass General take them too (those were the hospitals Gabe was transfered to).

We don't have much for the bags yet... so anything off those lists will be greatly appreciated!

07-01-2008, 02:55 PM
I am a little late, but what I really liked is Shannon's Snoedel. It was a piece of cloth that looked like a baby dool of sorts. I slept with it at night, or kept it under my shirt and then when I wa snot there I left it with Shannon. She could smell me while I was not there. Not sure how much they would cost. Stand by, let me google . . . http://www.snoedel.com/

Maybe you can see if they would donate some?

Great idea though Corin! I won't be at the conference so post some pictures!!

Corin Nava
07-01-2008, 03:03 PM
Those are really cute! I'll have to look into them and see if they are willing to donate any!

07-01-2008, 03:07 PM
I still sleep with Shannon's every single night . . . ;)

Corin Nava
07-01-2008, 03:49 PM
:) I used to sleep with Gabe's dogbear-but I'm afraid of wearing it out so I stopped. I still grab it when I'm feeling down and cuddle with it

07-03-2008, 09:36 AM
Maybe notepads to go along with the pens?

Corin Nava
07-03-2008, 09:44 AM
we are going to include a journal to write in :)

07-03-2008, 09:52 AM
Cool beaners!