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View Full Version : Imitation - sincerest form of flattery / lack of creativity?

Dawn Torrence Ireland
08-28-2008, 12:11 PM
If you're planning an awareness or fundraising event, please remember a few things....

1. Let us know so I can add it to the site / newsletter / calendar, etc.
2. Let us know so we can attend if we're nearby! :)
3. Post, ask questions.... many of us have experience and can help!
4. Make sure no one else is doing the same / similar fundraiser in your area.

We're having some trouble with #4. 2 blood drives to raise awareness are awesome... even in the same town - as long as they aren't at the same time. That would be a bit competitive and not about the point - awareness and helping people.

2 unique events in the same area by different groups as competition.... kind of tacky. If you know another group is holding an event in your area - don't try to hold the same type of event. Just common courtesy. :)

For example, Bethany's organization, The Jack Ryan Gillham Foundation, holds a golf tournament in her state. CHERUBS holds golf tournaments. Would we ever hold golf tournaments in Arkansas, where the JRGF is? No because that would competition and rude and well, just plain tacky. And Bethany wouldn't hold one in NC because she has more class than that. If Bethany (sorry, Bethany - you're a great example because you have so much class!)... wanted to hold a hot air balloon race... something so different and original - would we start one? No, again, that would be tacky. (but ohhhh I kind of like that idea as I just came up with it tryng to find an example no one has done. Hmmmm).

The same with the CDH Awareness Day stuff - BoH started that, we respect it and wouldn't do the same thing because we have class. (if you're a member of BoH and are participating in that - that's great, not what we mean - I mean we wouldn't compete with them). We started the formal ball idea and the NC golf tournaments, international conference, research surveys, new member packets... a long list of things... we're creative without stepping on toes or being rude. Sarah's doing a car show in Ohio... she shouldn't have to worry about someone else doing a car show in the same area (I don't think there is, just an example!).

Now, some well known fundraisers and events like blood drives, raffles, picnics, walks, ribbons, tournaments, etc - basic charity events. We're not talking about those. We're talking about original ideas and respecting them. We're talking about not planning the same events for the same areas and competing with other organizations. There are a lot of CDH organizations now and I just want it to be known that CHERUBS and our members mind our manners and we're about raising awareness and helping families and not competition. :)

So if you have an idea or event you're planning.... post it here! This particular awareness forum is PUBLIC - all other groups can and do read what goes on so hopefully since they know what events we are doing, they will be respectful as well and we can all work together in raising awareness for CDH and fundraising for our organizations in a polite, dignified way with class. :)

Dawn Torrence Ireland
08-28-2008, 12:43 PM
List of Awareness Events at:


If an event isn't listed, please let me know! I need to update this list and need the info for our newsletter.

Bethany Gillham
08-29-2008, 03:01 PM
When I read "raffle" in the list of fundraising events I thought of something to tell you...
Last Sunday at our board meeting we were talking about our Poker Run and we were going to do a 50/50 raffle. Well, you may already know this, but I didn't...and maybe it's only an Arkansas law, but it would be worth checking out...anyway, you have to have a license to do a raffle or you can get in trouble. Have you ever heard of that?? So, we had to change the name of ours to "50/50 cash back donation." Long story short, if you decide to do a raffle, make sure there are no state laws saying you can't do it without a license.

Not that any of you are close enough to attend, but The JRG Foundation is having a Poker Run/concert/silent auction on September 7th. We are also having "Jack's 2nd Annual Baby Shower" on October 6th. This is where we gather needed items for the NICU at Arkansas Children's Hospital and The Ronald McDonald House. If any CHERUBS members are interested in donating anything to the shower please send me an email and I will let you know where to send items. There's a list of needed items on our website www.jackryangillham.com. My email address is bethany@jrgfoundation.org.

Dawn, feel free to put any of the JRG Foundation events on the calendar. I appreciate you, and all the other members support.

And thanks for saying I'm classy. I try. :)

Corin Nava
08-29-2008, 03:37 PM
Wow Bethany-I just checked out your website, you seem to be keeping very busy! It's amazing! I love "Jack's Annual Baby Shower Idea"!!!! That is such an awesome project. I think that all you are doing to help families is amazing!

Bethany Gillham
08-29-2008, 03:40 PM
Oops! I meant www.jackryangillham.org.

Thank you, Corin. I appreciate that.

Dawn Torrence Ireland
08-31-2008, 09:15 AM
Yeah, we have crazy fundraising laws here in NC too. We can't do any bingo fundraisers at all. Raffles have to be done a bit differently too, it's donating and getting a free instead of selling tickets for a raffle. Getting our ABC license for the Angel Ball was a royal pain that took 2 days of running around all over the state. Anything to do with gambling or alcohol has so many hoops to jump through I try to avoid it when we can! Our state dept is harsh and very nit-picky so I'm very religious about following all the rules and after our audit last year I'm so glad that I am!