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View Full Version : CDH International (formerly CHERUBS) Forum Rules

Dawn Torrence Ireland
08-13-2009, 03:02 PM
(Title updated on 2/16/23. All "CHERUBS" refer to "CDH International")

CHERUBS Advisory Committee has created the following rules and guidelines for use of our CDH forum and web sites. They were created to keep our sites and forums a positive environment for those affected by Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. By clicking Register below (new members) or continuing to use our site and forums (current members), you agree to be bound by these conditions:

1. Be adults – that means; No cursing. No rudeness. No fighting.

2. No gossiping, on or off of the forums. We won’t put up with catty “he said, she said” behavior. Gossip is defined by talking about others when they are not present.

3. Drama and cattiness is not tolerated. If you feel a need to act like you are in Jr High please do not join our forums.

4. CHERUBS is democracy and is run to do what is best for all or at least a majority of CDH parents. It is not about one person, one child or doing what 1 or a few people want. It is about doing the best we can for as many CDH families as we can. If you feel a need to always have your way or to do or say what you want to do or say without concern or care for others, please do not join our forums.

5. Be nice – welcome new members and don’t let anyone feel out of place or that their posts are invisible.

6. Think before you complain – for every complaint, no matter what it is, there are at least a dozen other parents who would give anything to be in your shoes.

7. Do not judge the decisions of others – this includes private messages and sending personal e-mails to them off of the forums.

8. No posting of personal e-mails or information to the list that were sent to you by another member, without their approval – this includes posting e-mails, repeating what was told to you in confidence, medical records, court records, or other such liable information. This rule may not always apply to Advisors who may have to post e-mails or court records for legal reasons (with a majority vote of the Advisory Committee).

9. Do not post “chain e-mail”, advertisements, or any other form of “spam” to the forums, including non-CDH poems, stories, or virus warnings.

10. Respect all members. Remember, there are parents of survivors and non-survivors on the forums. This includes survivors, parents of critically ill newborns and parents of cherubs who are now “normal” – and everything in between. This also includes newly grieving parents of newborns, stillbirths, older children and those who chose termination or comfort care.

11. ALWAYS post the proper subject in the topic name – some parents prefer not to read about certain subjects.

12. Try to stick to topic, start a new topic if necessary.

13. Posts are never edited or deleted – once you say something it is there forever so be mindful of what you post!

14. Short responses such as “I’m praying for you”, “We’re thinking about you”, “Hurray!”, are perfectly ok on the forums. So are long responses.

15. Photos posted in our albums remain the property of members but by uploading photos to CHERUBS site you are giving permission for photos to be used in projects and fundraisers for CHERUBS.

16. Please respect that we are dealing with legal, copyright and trademark issues. Please do not post the term “Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Day” or turquoise ribbons – both of which are “owned” by 1 group who has threatened our use of these. Let’s just not post them and avoid that drama altogether. http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/cdhawareness/

17. Do not post about events, fundraisers or projects for other CDH organizations except those who are members of ACDHO. http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/acdho/

18. Do not bring drama to our forums. If you have questions about legal issues or other issues, ask off the forums. Inciting drama on the forums is ground for immediate banning without warning.

19. You must be 13 years or older to join our forums. CHERUBS reserves the right to ban / reject memberships for those who are not over 13 years old.

20. You must be a CDH survivor or parent, grandparent, foster parent or medical care provider of a child born with CDH to join our forums. CHERUBS reserves the right to ban / reject memberships for those who do not meet this criteria.

21. To maintain peace and privacy, CHERUBS reserves the right to ban / reject memberships for those who were previously banned on our old Listservs or who are Board Members of “competing” CDH organizations who are not members of ACDHO.

22. While CHERUBS tries very hard to keep our sites up and running and navigation easy, we do not assume responsibility for access for individual users who have computer, firewall, network, internet service or other mechanical issues within their own systems.

23. While we work hard to try to make sure all birthdays and angelversaries are included in the calendar, it is each members responsibility to make sure that they dates are set up correctly (YYYY-MM-DD) and publishing permission is given in their profiles.

24. No member is allowed to use a nickname or other false username. Members are expected to use their fullnames or only 1 initial and a full name as their log in usernames for our site.

25. Your information is 100% confidential. Your information and e-mail address is not sold or given to 3rd parties for any reason at any time. You do not have join other sites (Yahoo, Facebook, etc) or give your information to other sites to access our forums.

26. What is posted on our forums, stays on our forums! Please respect the confidentiality of all members who post on our forums. Do not repeat or copy what is said on our forums to others verbally or on sites, blogs, listservs, etc. CHERUBS retains the right to permanently ban any member on their first offense of this rule.

27. If you feel someone is disruptive to the forums please contact one of our Advisors (their names are in red on the site) and send them proof of disruption (e-mails, PMs, links to posts, etc). Reporting disruptions without proof will be viewed as gossiping. All reports will remain confidential.

28. The Cause comes first at CHERUBS. No one person, child, opinion or friendship matters more than what is right for ALL CDH families. If you cannot get along well with others, want your opinion to matter more than anyone elses, do not like to follow rules or work as a team – please do not join CHERUBS.

29. You are free to use our graphics, the Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness ribbon, all printed materials, brochures, Parent Reference Guide, newsletters and other CDH awareness and educational materials on other venues to help raise public education and awareness of CDH. Please feel free to make copies and distribute or post on your blogs, web sites, memorials another other venues or sites. CHERUBS does not hold trademarks or other limitations on use of items that were created by our volunteers to help the CDH community. However, you cannot claims rights to said items and materials. They are free to use for everyone.

30. At no time can any member give medical advice. You may share your story but you cannot tell other members what to do. This includes medical professionals who are on our forums – except in cases where members are patients of theirs.

31. Most importantly, do not substitute proper medical care for advice given on the forums, site or any other materials published by CHERUBS or it’s members, that INCLUDES ADVICE GIVEN BY MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS. CHERUBS will not be responsible for the giving or taking of advice on the forums, site or other publications or services.


1. First offense – you will be flagged/warned by an Advisor

2. Second offense – you will be flagged/warned by an Advisor

3. You will be banned by a majority vote of the Advisory Committee

Depending on the severity of broken rules, you CAN and WILL BE temporarily banned even after just 1 offense. Bans are then voted on by our Advisory Committee and a majority vote can permanently ban a member for our forums, site, events and membership. All legal proceedings will occur in the state of North Carolina.

We want everyone to give and receive POSITIVE support, not have the lists cause anyone further stress.

BEFORE YOU JOIN, Please make sure that on your membership form (aka Profile):

1. You use your real name (ex: DawnWilliamson) and not a nickname

2. Make sure to date your cherubs date(s) correctly – YYYY-MM-DD

3. If you want your cherub’s photo used in projects, your story posted or your cherub’s date(s) on the calendar – make sure give publishing permission

4. For US Members – Make sure to use the 2 letter abbreviation for U.S. States in your address and USA for your country

5. Make sure to read the rules above!

08-17-2009, 10:31 AM
Hi Dawn
finally got on to site, many thanks for quick response,

Dawn Torrence Ireland
08-17-2009, 10:38 AM
You're more than welcome, Marie. : )

09-02-2013, 07:52 AM
Thanks for sharing this rules.

Shanell Browand
09-02-2013, 07:15 PM
Thank you for sharing!

03-23-2014, 07:26 PM
thanks for the rules!