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View Full Version : Thompson, John Lee

01-22-2007, 08:18 PM
I just finished reading Cherubs and had to write to you to say Thank You! Although I am involved in several support groups I haven't been able to find one devoted to CDH. I read the letters from the other parents (in your newsletter) and cried. It was exactly what I went through. My son John Lee is now 2 and a half and is spastic diaplegia, Cerebral Palsy. The surgeon told us our son was a "very determined little fighter" to have survived his first months of life and I can tell you even now, everyday, his determination is inspiring. Please let me know if there is something I can do to help in the continuation of this successful newsletter and project. In particular, I would like to see pre-natal diagnosis- as I feel this knowledge would have helped us greatly in the medical and emotional crisis that we have gone through. Once again, thank you for taking the initiative and doing something to help so many of us. I look forward to hearing from you and Cherubs in the future.

Written by John Lee's mom, Margaret Thompson (New York)