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Crystal Benitez
03-01-2010, 11:07 AM
Can anbody tell me how to get my Picture down to size and how to add the discription on the bottom of my posts. thank you.

Chris and TracyMeats
03-01-2010, 11:24 AM
The only way I know how to resize a picture is using a free service online, www.photobucket.com. You can resize your pictures pretty easy once you have uploaded them to their site. The pictures can't be bigger than 150 x 150 pixels for the Avatar. Photobucket also will give you IMG codes you can copy and paste within a message too, for you can't just copy and paste a picture into a message. The codes come in handy.

You can add a signature panel at the bottom of your posts, by going to the Profile Link, right about the calendar at the top of this screen, next to your inbox. Click on that and go a little ways down and you will see a box that says Edit Signature (right under your birthdate). Click on that and type away! To add your Avatar picture, that is at the very bottom of your profile page.

Crystal Benitez
03-01-2010, 11:32 AM
Great thank you I will work on the picture right now!!

I have to tell you scense Scarlett was born I have had a huge weight on my shoulders not knowing if everything will be ok. Not knowing if I am doing the right things for her and her care. It hasn't been until now that I have been participating in CHERUBS that I feel the wieght has lifted off my shoulders. The support is amazing and the stories I have been reading about are soo inspiring. I believe that evey hospital should know about CHERUBS. I wish I had known about this when she was born but I am greatful I know now!!

Chris and TracyMeats
03-01-2010, 11:38 AM
I see you figured out the signature panel! Scarlett is a miracle! Hope you can figure out the picture. Maybe some of our members can help with resizing a different way, but I always go to photobucket when I need help putting pictures on CHERUBS.

We are always here for you!! I too wish I would have found CHERUBS early on too. I spent hours in the library and internet research trying to figure out what was CDH. I had never heard of it. We are a big CDH family and friends and the support is amazing!

03-01-2010, 12:29 PM
Glad you figured out the signature! Can't wait to see pictures of Scarlett!

03-01-2010, 02:10 PM
Glad you found CHERUBS and you have some weight lifted! Cant wait to see a picture of her!

Dawn Torrence Ireland
03-02-2010, 02:28 PM
Chrystal, your post made my day! It's so good to hear that we help. :)

LOVE your avatar photo! Scarlett is just adorable!!! :)