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View Full Version : CDH Awareness Trademark Update - possibly some great news

Dawn Torrence Ireland
03-09-2010, 08:29 PM
Though paperwork has not been filed officially with the USPTO (you can stay updated through their site at http://ttabvue.uspto.gov/ttabvue/v?pno=92050284&pty=CAN&eno=2 ), Breath of Hope has posted the following:


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Statement on Trademark Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness
In light of the ruling regarding the trademark for Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness, Breath of Hope has decided to cancel the registered mark. While we feel that the ruling was unfavorable, the Board of Directors at Breath of Hope has decided that we need to move forward in other areas concerning awareness, helping families with this truly horrible diagnosis, and raising money towards research.

Our intentions of trademarking Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness were never to stop others from raising awareness, create lawsuits, or negatively impact the CDH community. Instead, we were attempting to protect what we perceive as our intellectual property. It also should be stated there are literally thousands of health conditions as registered trademarks in use today, including Prematurity Awareness DayŽ, which does not impede anyone from raising awareness or conducting research.

We, the Board of Directors, are saddened by the misleading, incorrect, and negative information that has been advertised all over the internet by others. We have no intentions of slandering any individuals or other organizations, we feel strongly that this is immature behavior and it is a deterrent from what our goals really are. We will continue to strive to support parents and families, the medical community and other CDH groups and nonprofits.

- Breath of Hope Board of Directors

We are very, very glad that they intend to remove the trademark. It would be an answer to prayers said by 1000's in the CDH community for many years. I hope and pray that this post is truthful and that BoH is quick about filing to remove this trademark. This would be a great relief to all the CDH community and CDH Awareness would be returned where it belongs - to ALL families and researchers affected by Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia.

However, I'm sad that it's taken so much time, effort, resources and conflict in the CDH community to deal with this trademark from the start. Several years, over 6500 signatures from CDH families from around the world, lawyers and a very firm letter from the USPTO itself to let Breath of Hope know that they indeed, had no hope in this case to get them to remove the trademark... all of it needless and negative and not serving the CDH community in any positive way. None of this should have happened.

I also feel that the inaccuracies in that statement and blatant lies that it was never used to harm others (there are court records in 2 different courts plus IRS records to prove otherwise) and there are other trademarked cases of awareness on the books (yes on diseases - but not 1 on awareness of a cause except this one) are just further needless attacks on others who spoke up against this behavior.

I hope and pray that the attacks and false filings against CHERUBS and other stop and that ALL CDH charities focus on their own services and members and work towards a more positive CDH community like the one we had before all this started.

Our babies deserve that.

This is a GLORIOUS day for ALL the Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Community!!!!!! Through the hard work, dedication and commitment of several CDH organizations, 1000's of families, 100's of researchers and our amazing pro bono attorneys, Breath of Hope has finally made the right decision CDH awareness will be restored. Way to go everyone - we have done our children proud!!!!!

Chris and TracyMeats
03-09-2010, 09:18 PM
This is great news Dawn!!! A prayer was answered!! Let's hope they follow through and finish the necessary paperwork.

03-09-2010, 11:17 PM
WONDERFUL NEWS!!!! Thank you Breath of Hope.

Dawn Torrence Ireland
03-10-2010, 12:00 AM
Tracy, I hope they do. If they don't, they have USPTO paperwork due next week so either way, they have to file something.

Doing a happy dance here tonight!!!!!!

I want to say something.... I know I've driven everyone CRAZY with this stuff for 3 YEARS!!!! I know I've personally alienated a lot of CDH parents who didn't want to hear about the trademark and the stuff Breath of Hope has been doing to try to shut CHERUBS down and how the trademark played in that. I know I have had a big mouth and posted a lot and annoyed a lot of people... but my heart has been in the right place. And if it all led to getting here - getting this trademark removed - then it was worth it. But it hasn't been easy. So I want to say thank you...

Thank you to our members who have put up with me for the past 3 years when I talked about it, shouted about it, and banged my head against brick walls until you were sick of hearing about it.

Thank you to the Board who has been supportive all along in fighting this trademark. Who stood by me and listened to me cry, who helped research and fight the legal stuff and complaints against CHERUBS. Who put their own selves in the line of fire. Who have represented CHERUBS so well and never gave up and never once said to give up, move on, let the trademark stay... no matter how hard it got. Who have been amazing advocates for all CDH parents.

To the groups who helped us and supported us and weren't afraid to stand up to the trademark and didn't sell out to be "neutral" or "ignore the drama"... they stood up for all CDH awareness and all CDH families. They backed CHERUBS all the way.

To all the CDH researchers, nurses, doctors, families, survivors, friends who signed the petitions, who e-mailed BOH, who posted on their sites and blogs and said the trademark was wrong. All 6500+ people who knew this trademark was wrong and weren't afraid to say so.

Thank you. I know it's not officially over but even if BOH retracts their post or pretends they never said it... we've done the right thing. It hasn't been easy, it hasn't been pleasant but we stood up and never gave up and never gave in. We really did make our children proud. Thank you, all of you... for believing in doing what's right, for believing in CHERUBS and for putting up with me. Thank you. :)

03-10-2010, 09:24 AM
Great news way to stand strong Dawn!!

Crystal Benitez
03-10-2010, 10:01 AM
That is awesome you stayed strong and kept fighting! If you feel in your heart something is right then you should fight for it!! Congratulations!!

Chris and TracyMeats
03-10-2010, 01:15 PM
I was doing the happy dance too last night!

Thank you Dawn, the board, and all the families and CDH organizations that stood their ground and fought for what was right!! CDH awareness belongs to all of us!

03-10-2010, 04:01 PM
Great news! Thank you for all you have done Dawn and others!

03-10-2010, 06:58 PM
Great news!

03-16-2010, 04:41 PM
That is wonderful news for the whole CDH community. I hope all the drama is behind us.

Dawn Torrence Ireland
04-05-2010, 04:52 PM
Lynne, who is that young man in the photos???? That cannot be our baby Baer, OMGosh!!!! He's grown so much!! Still adorable!!!

Dawn Torrence Ireland
04-05-2010, 05:47 PM
BoH did indeed submit a letter to the USPTO TTAB. You can read it here:


It means she gives up rights to the trademark on "Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness" so that means it's free again for everyone! :)

BUT she reserves the rights to it in case anyone else tries to trademark it (who else would do that???!!) and she claims all rights to any trademarks including that phrase, such as "Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness DAY" (which she already owns).

And also to any future ones such as "Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness T-Shirt" or "Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Walk" or "Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Fundraiser" or anything like that. She hasn't trademarked those but reserves her right to fight for ownership if anyone else does.

So as long as no one else tries to trademark those phrases, we should be ok.

CHERUBS will however NOT participate in CDH Awareness Day because it's trademarked and we don't want to deal with drama. Nor do we use turquoise because we don't support these drama either.

But anyone can now say "Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness" without fear of her suing, threatening to sue or harras anyone. Which is all we wanted anyway - for CDH Awareness to be free for anyone to use.... because it does belong to ALL families, researchers and especially these babies.

Chris and TracyMeats
04-05-2010, 08:51 PM
GOOD news!

04-05-2010, 09:39 PM
Dawn, That is great news! When I joined the forums I read a little bit about what was going on (which was under a year ago now). Today when I saw the link on Facebook, I read through it and was amazed at how long of a process it was to get to this point.

Dawn Torrence Ireland
04-19-2010, 10:54 PM
I hereby declare April 19, 2010 as "CDH Awareness Day" - as today it was
granted back to the people it truly belongs to - CDH families and


As if I had any power to declare anything! LOL But still, it's a WONDERFUL day!!!! :)

04-20-2010, 01:32 AM
Dawn we thank you for all the effort you have put into this for each and everyone of us, and the memories of those we've lost.

Chris and TracyMeats
04-20-2010, 11:12 AM
Yes, it is a WONDERFUL day!!!

04-22-2010, 07:26 PM
Awesome!!!! All smiles over here!!! :)