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View Full Version : Hold a fundraiser or event in honor / memory of your cherub!

Dawn Torrence Ireland
05-21-2010, 12:21 PM
Taken from All brochures at at http://www.cdhfundraisers.org

Dear Members,

Many of you have been asking what you can do to help CHERUBS and to also do something special in honor or in memory of your own cherubs. Our Fundraising Committee has been hard at work creating the following information sheets for many different fundraisers and events. Some are fundraisers, some are awareness events. Imagine how much we could do for CDH if each one of us did just 1 thing a year? The list below has some easy fundraisers, some a little more elaborate - but they are all FUN! Except maybe the blood drives. ;)

There is also an opportunity for you to create scholarships in honor or in memory of your cherubs. If you are interested in sponsoring an annual $1000 scholarship for a deserving and hard-working CDH survivor or sibling or even a parent who wants to go back to school, please contact me. We would like to set up 10 scholarships for the 2010-2011 school year.

We are also in great need of donations for our many services. http://www.cdhdonations.org

Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Fundraisers & Awareness Events

All brochures at at http://www.cdhfundraisers.org

Below are detailed brochures on how to hold a CDH Fundraising or Awareness Event for CHERUBS! Though these brochures are for information on fundraisers that anyone can download and use, we truly hope that you will chose CHERUBS as the beneficiary of your fundraiser. We have a lot of cherubs to help and we subsist solely on donations and volunteers, offering free services to families in 38 countries with a very small shoe-string budget.

More will be posted soon! All brochures at at http://www.cdhfundraisers.org

CDH & CHERUBS Information for all events

o CHERUBS Brochures

Fundraising Events

* Change for CHERUBS
* CDH HOPE Totebag Baby Shower
* Car Wash
* Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Change for CDH
* Horse Trails
* Trick-or-Treat for CHERUBS
* Valentines' Day Posters
* Breakfast With Santa

Fundraising Sports Events

* CDH Walk
* CDH Run / Marathon
* CDH Golf Tournament
* Baseball Tournament
* Bowl-a-Thon

Fundraising Sales

* Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Walk CDH Marathon
* CDH Bake Sale
* Silent Auction
* Ebay Auction
* Raffle
* Candy Sale
* Awareness Bracelet Sale
* Yard Sale / Rummage Sale

Easy On-Line Fundraisers

* Firstgiving Page

Awareness Events

* Blood Drive
* Balloon Release

All brochures at at http://www.cdhfundraisers.org