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View Full Version : Landry, Brittney

01-23-2007, 12:30 AM
Thank you for sending me your Cherub newsletter. I was thrilled to discover your organization after six long years of looking. I'd like to tell you about my Cherub. Her name is Brittney. She is living proof that no matter how grim the situation seems to be, with hard work and determination you and your child can prevail. Brittney's first three years were a nightmare. She was in NICU from birth to 5 months of age. Fourteen days on ECMO, and vent dependent for 4 months. Once home she spent the next 2 and half years connected to oxygen. She had a trach until the age of 3, and she continues to have a G-button, although she's now eating baby foods and some pureed table food by mouth. Of course she's developmentally delayed, but that seems very minor when I think about how far she's come. Her medical status has improved almost 100% which is unbelievable. She has the most incredible personality, always happy and very loving. For me I think this proves that you must never give up hope. It isn't easy, especially in the beginning, but you have to except the responsibility and never give up. If I could pass along some advice to new parents who are struggling I would say, live every day one day at a time. Try not to look into the future or to make comparisons. Every child is different and every CDH case is different. Learn as much as you can. Seek out the resources that will help you to get through it. The more you know the better you can help your Cherub!

Written by Brittney's mom, Lynn Landry (Louisiana)