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View Full Version : Tastefully Simple Fundraiser for CHERUBS

Chris and TracyMeats
10-05-2010, 11:03 AM
Our state rep. from Minnesota, Brenda Johnson, is holding a fundraiser for CHERUBS in honor of her son, Taylor!! Here is the info.:

A Tastefully Simple Coordinator is donating 20% of her profits from all of the Tastefully Simple sales book party to CHERUBS.

She is opening this to anybody who is interested in having a book party, even if they don't live in her state. Everything can be done on-line.

If you are interested, or know anyone who may be interested, please contact Stacey Stocker at simplystocker@yahoo.com.


Here is more info. from Brenda on the facebook fundraising page: As most of you know, our life was changed dramatically in August 2003 when Taylor was born with a birth defect known as Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH). He spent the first 161 days in the hospital and came home trach and vent dependent. He was able to have his trach removed before age 2 and his feeding tube bef...ore he was 3.

Our story has a happy outcome. About 50% of the babies born with this defect don't survive. CHERUBS was brought to life by a mother who's cherub earned his wings. I have become a volunteer for CHERUBS to help raise awareness and funds so that maybe some day no parent will hear those words "your child has a Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia".

Please take a few minutes to look through the catalog, even if you don't live in Minnesota. Your orders will be shipped directly to you. Here is the link for the Tastefully Simple Catalog. When ordering, please list the party as CHERUBS B Johnson.

You can buy from Brenda's party or you can contact Stacy to hold a book party in your own state to help CHERUBS! You can email Brenda at minnesota@cherubs-cdh.org for more info. as well.