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View Full Version : Emergency Plea for future CDH families!

08-19-2011, 04:42 PM
CDH parents:

Do you remember the day your baby was diagnosed with CDH?

Do you remember the day they were born, being nervous about what would happen after he or she was outside the safety of your body?

Some of you remember the awful day, hour, and even minute you heard the words, "I'm sorry.... we can't do anything more."

Others of you remember with clarity the day the doctor told you to breathe a little sigh of relief because the worst was over.

Regardless of the outcome your CDH child had, you have had to walk a terrifying road... one that you would not wish on anyone.

Go back to those moments. Would you have wished that something had been done in years past to make sure you would NOT have to walk that road?


It won't cost a dime. If you have a Facebook account, it will cost you 30 seconds. If you don't, a couple of minutes.

Families are getting this diagnosis right NOW, while you read this. You have the power to do something about it.


• Go to your Facebook account.

• Go to http://www.facebook.com/VivintHome?ref=ts and click "like."

• Go to http://www.vivint.com/givesbackproject/charity/3?ref=nf and click "login."

• Scroll to the bottom and click "VOTE."

Please don't count on enough others doing this. EACH ONE OF YOU makes a difference. The fact is that the babies need ALL of you! You, your spouse, your 13+ old kids, and all of your Facebook friends!