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View Full Version : MEET OUR VOLUNTEERS - Karen Myers

Dawn Torrence Ireland
07-23-2012, 11:17 AM
Hello, my name is Karen Myers, and I am the mother to Kaleigh Marie who was born on 30 July 2002. She was born at Wilford Hall Medical Center, in San Antonio TX, after learning at 20 weeks gestation she would be born with a left sided Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. She spent 10 days on ECMO and had her CDH repair on her 15th day of life. Unfortunately she passed away when she was 17 days old. I am also the mother to another angel, William Logan, who was stillborn on 26 May 2005, at 27 weeks gestation, due to non-immune hydrops fetalis. After much testing and genetics couseling it was deemed that there was no connection between the CDH and Hydrops.

I have 3 other beautiful children. Alec, who is 20 and off at college. Aubrey, who is 9 and going into the 4th grade and Jackson, who will be 4 and starting Pre-K soon. I also have a wonderful husband, Will, who is active duty Army and I am a stay at home mom. We currently reside in Crestview, Florida but move when the Military says so.

I have been a member of CHERUBS since finding out about Kaleighs CDH and wouldn't be the somewhat sane person I am today with out all of the volunteers love and support over the years as well as all the wonderful parents I have met along the way who journey through this horrible defect together.

Chris and TracyMeats
07-23-2012, 11:31 AM
Thank you Karen for everything you do at CHERUBS!!! You are a wonderful volunteer and such a neat person!! Look forward to seeing you again down the road, for TX in 2009 was wonderful!

07-24-2012, 07:57 PM
Many thanks Karen for all that you do. You have been a huge help to CHERUBS for many years and I thank you for that. I'm with Tracy....Look forward to meeting you in person some day.