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01-23-2007, 04:39 PM
It has taken me weeks to write this letter. After receiving the “Summer 2000” newsletter with the dedication to my son, I felt like it was time to tell my story. I also have a very special “Cherub” in heaven. His name is Parker Daniel. He was born on Monday, May 29, 2000, and he was called home on Thursday, June 22, 2000.

At 32 weeks, I was sent for an ultrasound because I was measuring to big. That is when they found the problem. My doctor sent us to Lynchburg VA for a level 2 ultrasound and CDH was confirmed.

The doctors in Lynchburg recommended that we go to Duke Medical Center. So 3 days later, we headed for Durham, NC. It was such a long day. We had so many tests done and met so many people. The surgeon recommended that I take steroid injections to help with the development of the baby’s lungs. So I did. They let me bring the medication home, so my doctor could give me the 2nd injection. I saw my doctor on Tuesdays and we went to the hospital on Fridays. On Friday, May 26th, after the ultrasound showed that my amniotic fluid was very low. We were told that I was going to be induced that day. So we called our families. At 3:30, the doctor came in and said they wanted to wait until Monday. My emotions were running wild! At this point I had dilated to 2 on my own. The weekend was very long, I had to stay in the hospital. In my mind I was not ready for the baby to be born, but in my heart I knew he had to be. Before they started the IV, I had dilated to 3. Parker was born at 6:16pm. He weighed 7 lbs. 15 oz. He let out 2 small sounds and then they took him away. I did not get to see him until 11:00 the next day. He was in the NICU. It was very hard seeing him with all the wires and machines. He looked so big next to the other baby’s. He was stable and would have surgery on Thursday or Friday. But on Thursday morning they took an x-ray to check his chest tube and found that he had an infection in his intestines. Surgery was canceled. He was given more antibiotics. On day 10, Parker got worst. He was moved to the PICU to be placed on ECMO. On day 24, after 14 days on ECMO, Parker was ready for surgery. When the surgeon started on Parker, he realized his intestines had ruptured in his chest cavity from the infection. It was much worse than we thought. To fix the hernia, was the easy part. It was the rest that made it so hard. When the surgeon came to talk to us, we knew it was just a matter of hours. He told us Parker was a fighter, he did not know how he was still alive. We were able to spend a few hours with him before the machines were cut off. After 24 days, I finally got to hold my son.

We know that God does not make mistakes. Parker Daniel was a true blessing to my husband and I. In his short life, he touched so many people. Each day I think God for Parker- my special angel.

Written by Parker's mom, Paula Setliff (Virginia)