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View Full Version : Medina, Ava

04-25-2014, 04:07 PM
Me and my husband were blessed with a honeymoon baby and had a perfect and normal pregnancy until I went for my 30 week ultrasound. There our little girl was diagnosed with LCDH and referred us to the Children's hospital of Philadelphia. Me and my husband prepared for the worst since every test they ran before she was born couldn't tell us how bad it was. I went in to labor at our home on June 6, 2011 so we drove the hour and 10 mins to philly and delivered her there by emergency c-section since she breached herself the night before. They took her right to the nicu where she was place on a ventilator but by the grace of god she was taken off of it 24 hours later. She was breathing on her own and even taking a little breast milk. She had her surgery at 7 days old where they found that a sac had formed over the hole and was holding her intestines and stomach in place. The sac was over her lung but the lung was still able to form fully. They didn't use a patch to repair they stitched her diagram to her rib cage and she now has permanent stitches there. She recovered quickly and was able to come home 4 days later. We have been blessed she has had no medical problems or recurrences. She is truly a miracle baby.

Chris and TracyMeats
04-25-2014, 04:21 PM
Ava is beautiful! She sounds like a precious miracle and so happy she is doing so well since leaving the hospital. The sacs that form sure help the lungs develop more.

Thank you for sharing Ava with us!

04-25-2014, 08:27 PM
Ava is beautiful! My son story is just about the same. He was treated at CHOP and also had a sac holding everything in place. He was only in the NICU 12 days.

04-27-2014, 01:16 PM
Christina, thank you for sharing Ava's story with us. She sounds like a strong girl and it's great she has stayed healthy!