View Full Version : Congratulations to CHERUBS Volunteers!!

Chris and TracyMeats
09-08-2015, 03:29 PM
The following news was announced on the CDH Conference Cruise this past August:

Every year we award Volunteers of the Year trophies to 3 worthy volunteers. Our winners for 2015 are (in no particular order):

* Nicolle Colvin
* Nicki Young
* Laura Henderson

Congratulations, ladies!!!! The winners are selected by our Volunteer Coordinators, who select nominees based on amount of volunteer work, forums participation, events, fundraisers, selling raffle tickets and other criteria such as positive attitudes, dedication to the cause, willingness to help others, etc.

What the Volunteers Coordinators (and our VP) didn't know, is that for our 20th Anniversary, we recognized 4 volunteers who have gone above and beyond for many years, who spend hours every day away from their families to help all of yours, who make this charity tick and allow us to do all that we do. So we recognize the following in appreciation for all that they do:

* Tracy Meats
* Felecia Woodruff
* Josh Hensley
* Ashley Barry

We also wanted to recognize 3 centers that work tirelessly to not only help babies fighting CDH but who have given 110% to our charity over the years, supporting us, encouraging us and traveling around the world with us:

* David Kays, Joy Perkins and the CDH team at Shands for Kids
* DHREAMS Research Study (Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia)
* Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) Genetic Research Study at Mass General

Certificates of Appreciation are being mailed out to all of our incredible volunteers:

*Alicia Gilbert
*Amber Bradley
*Amber and Dylan Winthers
*Amy Schlueter
*Ashley Barry
*Cassandra Carter
*Clair Maher
*Darlene Silverman
*Dawn Trodglen
*DeAnn McGilberry
*Donna Stolz
*Elaine Moats
*Elizabeth Burton
*Elizabeth Lopez
*Elizabeth Payne
*Felecia Woodruff
*Gemma Van Rilliar
*Heidi Forney
*Jennifer Cuomo
*Jessica Cummings
*Jill Gibson
*Josh Hensley
*Julie Tunnell
*Karen Myers
*Karla Holt
*Karol Napers
*Laura Henderson
*Lisa Baxter
*Lisa Carter
*Lisa Thibeau
*Lynne Brogden
*Marie Marchesseault
*Matt Willis
*Megan Kramer
*Melanie Hensley
*Melanie Parsons
*Nicki Young
*Nicolle Colvin
*Patricia Houle
*Rikke Hammer
*Shelly Moore
*Stephanie Tolley
*Teresa Meherg
*Tracy Meats
*Tracy Meyer
*Zoe Burchell

We also have mailed out trophies to everyone who raised over $1000 for our cause:

*Chippewa Hills School
*Minnesota Hopkins Gymnastics Association
*Proactive Lifestyle Events
*Kaitlin Uncapher
*The Dance Haven, Inc.
*Kimberly Gannon and David Boyd
*Amanda Plackholm
*Jessy Tunnell
*The Koop Family and Friends
*Julie Alyssa Wolfe
*The Erazmus Family

Thank you, everyone for all that you do for the cherubs!!!

Would you like to volunteer? Please email volunteer@cherubs-CDH.org

09-13-2015, 08:40 PM
Lizzy loved the gift! THANK YOU