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View Full Version : Caleb's struggles

04-09-2016, 11:59 PM
Hello everyone my name is mayan tenorio. My son Caleb was born in guam on July 28,2015... I guess you can say he was undiagnosed because the doctors didn't find his condition until he was 8 days old...he was diagnosed with right sided cdh. Don't really know how to handle this because here on guam the doctors don't really know what to do so they tell me we are just going to go day by day with him...so i am really hoping to get some help and guidance to how to keep my son Alive anything will help alot..don't know what else he has because they never ran any test so I'm pretty much on the blind side and read everything on Google about the condition because no one here on guam really knows

Chris and TracyMeats
04-16-2016, 05:47 PM
I am so sorry your son has been diagnosed with CDH. 15% of cases to this day still go undiagnosed.

Have you asked the doctors to consult with other doctors in the states or other countries? It can be very scary to have the doctors not experienced in CDH and not knowing what to do. Has your son had his CDH repair surgery?

Praying for strength for Caleb.

04-16-2016, 08:34 PM
I'm so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. We will pray for you.

04-18-2016, 04:23 PM
Thinking of you and your sweet boy. I hope you can seek outside countries to see if they could be of any assistance, please keep us posted!

04-25-2016, 09:46 PM
I'm so sorry Caleb has been diagnosed with CDH. Praying that the doctors consulted with some Dr's with experience.