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View Full Version : Brinley Addison Young

Cayla Young
03-31-2018, 05:19 PM
Hello to all! My name is Cayla and I am the mother to a beautiful 6 year old LCDH survivor!
Our miracle, Brinley Addison Young was born on March 6, 2012. I experienced a normal fullterm prgancy (1st and only pregnancy) but delivery was a c-section due to her being breach. Once born she was placed in NICU due to her breathing. No x-rays or test were performed and within 1 hour they were happy with her progress and felt no further test were needed. Hospital stay went smooth besides the lack of Brinley thriving to feed. She eventually began nursing well but at 16 days old she began vomitting nonstop and had not had a BM for 48 hours. We called her Dr. And he requested us to take her the ER to get checked out due to after hours. Once in the ER the ER Dr. literally laughed at us and told us we should not be there due to her not having a BM and that we were first time parents and being overly paranoid. He sent us home diagnosing her with gas. She got better but would have these spells on and off. She was growing as she should, she looked healthy and was such a wonderful baby!!!
Days and months passed and every Dr. appointment she was given a clear bill of health until August 14, 2012 at 5 months old. That morning Brinley awoke but laid moaning quietly in her bed. Diaper was dry with what appeared to me as blood crystals. She was still trying so hard to smile and be happy. Began nursing and immediately began vomitting and became lathargic. Made appointment with Dr. who sent us to Peyton Manning Children's Hospital for what he believed to be a surgical obstruction. Once at hospital xrays were taken and we were quickly made aware she had LCDH and was going in for emergency surgery. Surgery went amazingly well and we could not have been blessed with such an amazing hospital full of amazing nurses, Dr.s and surgeons!!! With all their help Brinley made a full recovery.
Brinley has been our lil blessing since day 1!! She amazed all Dr.'s and nurses!! For the most part Brinley is quite healthy. She continues to have recurrent infections and earlier this year was hospitalized due to a bacterial infection. We are working with an Infectious Disease Dr now.
I stumbled upon this site as we sat in the hospital as she fought this past infection. I am so grateful to have found this site as so many stories sound too familiar!! Thank you to all for sharing your stories and God Bless all the Families who have been touched by CDH.