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10-18-2007, 11:51 PM
And how do I get my pic by my name???

10-19-2007, 06:01 AM
Holy cow - that's a whopper of a question! It only took me about 8 attempts and 3 hours worth of time.

Oh Amy - I think you are the guru at this - how about a post for all on how to get your avatar up. Your tips really helped me a ton, and once I knew how to do it, it took me maybe 10 minutes. I'm just not great at putting it in writing.

I know I used the Paint program on the computer. You have to keep stretching/skewing your picture down. With each time I would do that I would then check attributes to see where I was size wise. I just kept doing it till I was within the size requirements.

And now you are all blessed to see my silly face with each reply. Poor you!

Amy Rademaker
10-19-2007, 08:31 AM
There are two options, One is you can use a "cartoon" that Dawn has designed. You can get to this in your profile, it is at the bottom of the page, they are called Avatars.

The second, is to upload a picture of yourself. It is not that hard, once you figure out how to make it the right size. It can't be larger than 150 x 150 pixels. I have a program that allows me to change this in a custom setting fairly quickly. Let me know if you have trouble with the sizeing and I can do it for you if you email me the picture. I think this option is also in your profile (but I can't look while I write this!). Email me at CMC052007@gmail.com and I would be happy to help.