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View Full Version : Holiday Raffles - Local Raffles in Honor/Memory of Cherubs

Dawn Torrence Ireland
11-04-2007, 01:13 PM
Wal-Mart is awesome at supporting local events, so are grocery stores. With the holidays coming up we can probably convince a lot of stores to donate a huge toy, such as a bike, for a raffle. They can put the item in a prominent position in the store and you can supply signs/posters that say "Annual CHERUBS Raffle In Memory/Honor of" with your cherub's photo and story and some info about CDH. Raffle tickets $1 each that can be sold at the store as well as selling them to family and friends, etc. Even if the store won't donate an item maybe they will allow you to set up the table and an item on "lay away" - you can pay for the item out of the raffle sales.

I think I'm going to see if the local Wal-Mart here will let me put together a huge Sesame Street gift box or something (Shane loved SS) to raffle off. A wagon full of Tickle Me Elmo and other toys for toddlers and young kids. How great would it be to win a raffle like that for a child for Christmas? Or maybe if I can afford it I'll pay for it myself in lieu of what I would've spent on Shane if he was here. It will certainly make it easier to deal with the holidays and go toy shopping "for Shane" too.

Tammy Pettus-Kopacz
11-05-2007, 03:04 PM
WOW! let me know what store. Would love to buy some tickets to win a SS wagon!! Bryston love SS too!