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View Full Version : Media Writing Campaign

Dawn Torrence Ireland
11-16-2007, 12:55 PM
Ok, everyone, with Thanksgiving coming up we should all be in a thankful mood - whether we have surviving cherubs or thankful for the time we had with our cherubs in Heaven. Let's take all that and put it towards awareness! How many of you are writing to your local newspapers? There is a letter template in the downloads section if you don't know what to say.

I also have a list of the contact info to submit story ideas to most major television news shows and newspapers. And I have a few ideas on how to get the letters noticed a bit easier.

How many of you would be interested in participating in a media campaign and sending about 50 letters out with YOUR story in it? Wouldn't it be great if one of us could be on 20/20 again or Oprah or Dateline? Even if you *don't* want to be on TV yourself or have your photo in a magazine, you can point them to one of the CDH groups and they can find a family who is willing.

I'd also like to extend the invitation to join in this campaign to all other CDH groups. I hope that a few people can put the competition stuff aside and join in to try to bring awareness to CDH - no matter whose letter is read or who appears on television, etc. The important thing is Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness and getting research funding to this devastating disease.

Let's please start working on letters! And in the next few days I will post the contact info here so that *all* CDH families, members or not, can see it and write in.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could get all off our 2050 members + the other organizations 50 or so members to join in? That's over 2100 CDH families campaigning together, supporting all and searching for a cure through awareness! And if we can each get 10 family member or friends to join in too - imagine all that we can do! It only takes 1 letter to attract the eye of the right person and CDH can be talked about in front of millions! We can do this! :D 0:-)