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Kristin Morrow
11-30-2007, 11:34 PM
Does anyone know if CHERUBS or CDH awareness has ever been featured on the Today show? If not, I think it would be a good idea to write the producers to get our CHERUBS on the air and let America know our stories? Anyone in?

Kristin, mother of Landen James 9/18/07 LCDH

Kristin Morrow
11-30-2007, 11:49 PM
I found this from the today show website:

Please send story ideas to Noah Oppenheim, Supervising Producer, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, Rm. 374E, New York, NY 10112. If your story idea is accepted, we will notify you.


Corin Nava
12-01-2007, 05:41 PM
I don't know if CDH has have been featured, I don't think it has. I think its a great idea to write to the producers-it can't hurt and it would be amazing if they actually did a story!

12-01-2007, 05:49 PM
I think the more people that send letters-would be great.
I will send a letter and send pictures to!!!!!!!!!
Great idea Kristin!!!!!!!!

Dawn Torrence Ireland
12-03-2007, 11:54 AM
Love your new photo, Kristin! :)

What a great idea!!!! We'll see how many parents we can get to do this, it would be wonderful to have a cherub on that show - or any talk show.

12-03-2007, 12:08 PM
I mailed a letter (used the one from the downloads section) today.
I included pictures of Shelby.
I think it would be awesome if they did do a show, Dawn you would have to be on the show and it would be great to get as many famiies on it to!!!!
Come on ladies- send letters!!!!!!!!!!!

12-03-2007, 12:25 PM
i'm all for it! i will get on my letter today.

12-03-2007, 12:33 PM
Fantastic Carrie!!
I feel the more it is in Noah's face - the more he will be apt to get it on the show.
Kristin - look at what you started!!!You go Girl!!!!!

12-03-2007, 02:08 PM
Stephanie, can you send me the link for the download letter so I don't have to hunt and search?

Dawn Torrence Ireland
12-03-2007, 02:16 PM
I say we send one of you on the show instead of me. Or at least 1 survivor and 1 grieving parent. I really hate public speaking. I do it when I have to but I don't volunteer to do it! I like being behind the scenes rather than the center of attention anyway. Those who have met be in person will atest to the fact that I am rather shy when not behind a keyboard. ;)

Media Letter - http://cdhsupport.org/members/dload.php?action=file&file_id=51

12-03-2007, 02:20 PM
Oh my goodness, folks, Dawn isn't joking! I was super shocked at how shy she was. Oddly enough, it made me more comfy with my own shyness. I'm good once I get to know you, but yikes, I hate new settings and hate meeting people for the first time. Freaks me out to the point that I get migraines.

Kristin Morrow
12-03-2007, 02:23 PM
Thank you ladies for supporting my idea! I will work on my letter and get it in the mail.

Dawn: I cannot open that file to download the letter, my computer says its corrupt?

12-03-2007, 02:25 PM
Kara - Dawn beat me to it!!!!Thanks!!!
That's only three letters ladies!!!!!!
Corin - I saw you posted on this-will you send your story?
Good call on the survivor and grieving parent, but it would be so cool if they would get a whole bunch of us for the show.
I really hope this works- what a great awareness for CDH!!!
I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Kristin Morrow
12-03-2007, 02:27 PM
I just got the file to work!!

Sheri Smith
12-05-2007, 12:26 AM
I've only read the 1st post in this thread but I wrote to Oprah once or twice. I'd love to try and get her to do a show.

Kristin Morrow
12-05-2007, 12:41 AM
I got my letter done...I will be putting it in the mail tomorrow!! Also, I will be working on my letter to send to the Oprah show too!!

Dawn Torrence Ireland
12-05-2007, 03:53 PM
You ladies are awesome!!!! :)

Kara, I didn't think you were shy at all at the Ohio picnic - you did a great job overcoming it there! I know what you mean about crowds and people you don't know! But usually anything to do with CDH and CHERUBS gives me courage thankfully.

Ok, how many more letters are going out everyone?!?!??!

Bethany Gillham
12-05-2007, 05:38 PM