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  1. ChericeThomas's Avatar
    mom to CDH survivor born 5/23/2002 Left CDH with quick repair and minor complication post CDH repair. He is having more issues now as he is older with malrotation and possible volvulus. Pain in the scar site with his rapid growth wondering if anyone else has had these issues.
  2. Jayne's Avatar
    I am the Mom of a survivor. She is 20 years old Born 7-7-1996 with a rcdh. Trying to help her find other adult survivors to compare health concerns. Do you have recurring gastrointestinal issues ( excessive gas, gas cramps, nausea vomiting) ect.....? She was just rushed to the hospital last week with a possible gall bladder attack.
    I will suggest she find you on facebook.
  3. Morgan Nuchols's Avatar
    Born on July 26th 1993, with undetected Severe Left CDH + Left lung Hypoplasia. Ended up with Pulmonary Hypertension, have to wear my oxygen tubing more while walking around, and soon a 3rd PH pill. My health is stable right now, more like for 9 years since my last diaphragm hole repair, and intestine repair. Rod placed on spine in 2006, it was curving to my left side.