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  1. MonicaForquer's Avatar
    Hi Danielle!

    Beautiful blog post! I love your tradition of eating Chipotle at your daughter's gravesite! I loved running and biking with my son, Sammy, so I an doing a fundraiser that involves my completing 1000 miles for him. It's great to have those memories to fall back on of our babies in the womb!

    My parents live in Columbus, OH! I bet my mom would be happy to help you with a fundraiser. She's recovering from a pretty nasty broken leg right now so she's not very mobile, but she's very computer savvy and she's full of good ideas! She's here for the weekend so I'll ask!

    I saw your post on Facebook. Isabelle was such a beautiful baby. I hope you no longer feel isolated from us! There are plenty of moms out there just like you who have only gotten a few hours or days with their babies. But to all of us who were in that situation, those brief moments were some of the most important memories of our lives! As far as thinking of volunteering with Children's, I've actually wanted to give back to our Children's hospital too. I actually just applied at Children's (in DC) to work in their Fetal Medicine Institute. I think that pregnancies like ours brings a lot of value to the Fetal Medicine department. It's hard for most women to empathize with how if feels to be pregnant with a baby that may not make it. I've also tried to brainstorm how I could be helpful in the NICU too. It hasn't come to me yet, but if I think of something I'll share my ideas!

    Thank you for sharing your birthday tradition with us! I'll be thinking of you on the 29th!