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  1. Missing You, My Little Lion!

    My Dearest, Most Perfect Angel, Liam,

    I had a dream last night. I dreamt that I was holding you in my arms and you were staring up at me, studying my face. I woke up to your big brother tossing in his sleep. I look at his face and I once again realized how much you boys are alike. I am amazed at how identical you are!

    I have so many questions and I am desparately reaching for any answer I can find. I miss you more than words could ever express! It hurts my heart to ...
  2. 27 weeks CDH Confirmed

    We had our MRI done a couple weeks ago, to get the final about if it is a LCDH or a CCAM.
    They came back and said it is " consistent with a CDH and there is loop of bowel in his chest."
    I haven't seen the pictures and havent read the report, we go tomorrow to meet with the doctor and for another ultrasound. We were suprised to hear the news especially after we had another high risk say that he didn't feel it was CDH. We were hopeful and believing that perhaps it wasnt, ...