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  1. Our 1st blog entry...

    Well, after much frusteration I got a few pictures up. Wow was I getting extremely frusterated.
    It has been a long week w/ all the days off the kids have had & they are getting cabin fever. I hope this is NOT a sign of the winter we are about to have.
    Hoping for a restful week-end before our trip to the ped. surgeon on Monday.

    Off 2 sleep!! :)
  2. Chocolate Everywhere

    I have been keeping very busy. Today after work I decided I needed a day of nothing so I came home and slept, and of course now I am up and probably won't be able to go back to sleep. O well.

    I have been selling truffles for a mini fundraiser for Cherubs, and it has done a whole lot better than I ever expected. I estimate that I have already sold over 170 boxes and continue to get requests and orders. So in between working and other stuff you can find me in my mini kitchen playing ...
  3. Goose Egg

    I'm so glad this week is about over. It's been kind of weird. Weird in the sense that there are a lot of bad vibes floating through the air. I think Wednesday was the worst of all.

    I thought I was doing a good thing by putting Adam in his crib while I folded laundry. Aaron happened to be in Adam's room playing when I hear this loud scream for me. I ran as fast as I could into Adam's room to find him crying and laying on the FLOOR! Adam had found a toy in his crib to stand on ...