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  1. Missing my boys

    The days are slowly passing. It feels like it has been 2 months and yet it has only been like a week. 11 days to be exact. I am resting more and not spending hours upon hours at your bedside yet when I wake up in the a.m. I feel like I am not complete until I can see you.
    The doctors don't think you even know I am here but when you are awake you look right at me. You are wide awake and I wish I could hold you. When that time comes it will be one of the happiest moments in my life, next to ...
  2. Your Little Signs

    Good Afternoon, My Precious Angel,

    You always have this beautiful way of reminding me that you are close by. You have these little signs. I feel you with me and all around me, yet sometimes I feel so far away. This morning, I know you could sense that...

    While I was packing my lunch and Landon's lunch, I thought to myself, "Geez, I am really dragging my butt today!" Just then, one of your brother's truck starting making noise. I looked in the living room and ...