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  1. When I Get Where I'm Going

    My Dearest, Perfect Little Liam,

    It goes without saying that most days I struggle to trudge through the day. Inside, I feel so alone. It feels dark... I really don't like to be in the dark. When these feelings creep up on me and overcome me completely, it is only this one thought that comforts me: When God calls me to Heaven, I will immediately be handed the ULTIMATE gift- a gift that far surpasses any hope or dream. That gift is: YOU! When I get to Heaven, I will finally get to hold ...

    Updated 12-15-2011 at 02:08 PM by JadeHunt

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  2. A Blessing

    Good Morning Our Mighty Little Lion!

    This week has dragged for Nonna. I am on "vacation" next week and then we have holiday break at the college. I do love my job, but each year during this holiday, Nonna just wants to be home. G-Pa has been trying to get me to go get a Christmas tree. I honestly have no desire for a Christmas tree this year and quite frankly it doesn't bother me. Those that know your Nonna find this "not right" as I usually like the tree ...