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  1. Just Peachy

    I like setting the mood to "angelic". :)

    Well, it's been a crazy 2 weeks.

    CHERUBS... We've had over 50 new members since the site has gone live. We've had a lot of people overwhelmed by all the information. I'm not sure that's good or bad. We have a couple of new volunteers and lots of current volunteers really stepping up and helping out. We've had some behind the scenes drama that we've been dealing with for 3 years but we're above all ...
  2. Indians and Bean Burritos

    Yeah, the Indians won again! I never thought they'd make it this far, but go Tribe!

    I got to thinking yesterday that Adam is probably lacking in the protein department since he hasn't been eating well the past week. I decided to give the kid a bean burrito and I'll be . . .the kid loved it. Now there is some good mother/son bonding time . . . . sharing a bean burrito together. I'm sure in about an hour he'll share that burrito with me again.

    Lots have been wondering ...