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  1. Robot Funk

    "Mom, what does a robot smell like? Do they use deoderant, too." "Mom, if God made everything, then did he build our house?" "Mom, Santa and God are just alike cause they both know everything about me." Mom . . . . . . oh, mom . . . . . .

    Oh my goodness - I think I am going to go bonkers with the questions of a genious 4 year old. I'm learning a lot right along with my kiddo as I have to look a lot of info up to answer his ...
  2. Sputter, sputter, cough, cough, bang!

    Up and at em gang; it's another fun filled day of sputtering and coughing around. It seems to be so much fun that I think dear ole mom will joing you today, if you don't mind.

    I'm so sick of being cooped up with the icky sickies! I think I'll see if I can get the boys to go sit outside today. Chuck came home from work last night to pretty much find me with a purse on my shoulder and keys in hand; I had to get out or I was going to lose all bits of sanity that I had left. Not ...