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  1. Venting - How do some people get to be parents?

    [color=black:d1f005a67e]We had an Amber Alert this week for a 11 month girl, Harmony Jade, who had been reported missing from her crib. Supposedly taken through a window in the nursery during the night, along with half her clothes. Her dad came back from Iraq that night, her mom was home raising 1 or 2 other kids. The alert went on for days and we all prayed for little, Jade. I was telling Craig "at least they took half of her clothes with her, so they must intend to take care of ...
  2. Ultrasound #2

    First I want to say a big thanks to all of my friends and family. Everyone has been wonderful letting me know that they are there for me lately and it means the world to me. I really appreciate all the love and support.

    Today we went in for our second level 2 ultrasound. We got to see Makayla moving around and saying hi. She is growing on target and everything still looks perfect. They estimate her weight at 1 lb 3 oz which is the normal range. We got another good picture of her ...