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  1. Liam, I need your strength!

    My Dear Liam,

    Mama needs your strength right now! A good friend of Mama and Daddy's just had her baby, a boy named Austin. Your Auntie Whit sent me a picture, although I never wanted one. I know she wasn't trying to upset me, but now I sit here, a complete hysterical wreck, at my desk. I'm just devastated... I don't mean to sound like an awful friend, but it's just not fair! I'm devastated, bitter, upset and more sad than I knew I could ever be. If I can't have you, I feel like nobody ...
  2. Uncertainty equals answer to prayer

    We went yesterday for our ultrasound appointment. We had this one already scheduled as they were going to do the measurements, but the doctor wanted us to come in to be sure again. Aren't we glad we did. Or course the doctor on Thursday was not there and we had a different technician this time, but we have seen them before so we did know them. As she was putting the goop on me she started looking and kept saying, " hm.." she would cock her head to the side, press down in different directions ...
  3. Daddy's Birthday

    Good Morning, My Perfect Angel,

    Yesterday was Daddy's 26th birthday. He cringese because that means he's one year closer to being 30. I know you and your big brother don't understand why that such a big deal, but for grown ups, getting old is not always a beautiful thing.

    Daddy went to the driving range with Pop-Pop then had Subway for lunch- Daddy loves Subway! When he got home, Lucy had pooped, pee'd and vomitted in her kennel. Apparantly she was covered in it ...