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  1. December 5th Update

    Bryson is holding his own and doing fair. The nurses say he's better than text book! He has already overcome so many hurdles but has many more hurdles ahead of him. With the surprised esophagus surgery, (TEF/EA) it looks like a 3 month minimum stay in NICU. He NEVER was on ECMO. PTL. He has help from a ventilator when he gets distressed, but most of the time he is breathing our oxygen level of #21 on his own. So many miracles already. Preliminary tests are all good. We won't know about his blood ...
  2. Saved by You, Liam!

    My Dearest Liam,

    So many things have transpired since my last letter to you, although you have been there for them all because you are always with me- and I talk your ear off most days!

    I went to my first grieving parents support group last week, and I am so grateful that you gave the the extra boost and push that I needed. I was hesitant to go, but so glad that I did. I met some amazing mothers, all who have lost their children at different times in their lives, at ...