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  1. My Little Peanut

    Hello, My Little Peanut,

    It has been quite a while since I've posted a blog and I feel like there is so much I need to catch folks up on.

    Last week I became CHERUBS' VT representative. I am really excited to be a part of such an amazing organization! It is my hope and goal to do great things and continue to make you proud and help you lgeacy grow and blossom!

    Daddy went away this weekend to see Uncle Jeff, Auntie Kristina and their new little man, Harrison. ...
  2. Thankful for All Blessings

    Good Morning our Mighty Lion!

    Nonna had a good weekend. LanMan came to hang out with Nonna & Grandpa on Saturday. You would love your Big Brother. He is so smart and so darn cute. I have to admit that while watching he & grandpa playing cars, I broke down & cried. I miss you Angel so much and think about you each day. Knowing that you would be smiling, giggling, roaring, crawling by now. I understand you are doing all those things in heaven. Sometimes it just overwhelms ...