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  1. update: amairani vianney

    yesterday was a hard day for amairani...
    she needed blood something i asked to try to be avoided but she needed it im scared for the risk involved but i said yes i cant imagine anything happening to her and it was cuz of me.
    she got about 30ml of blood in a period of 4hrs.
    she did well responded very well i wasent sure if she would because during my pregnancy i was allergic to everything under the sun. i prayed she didnt reject the blood and she did well. finally today i ...
  2. A Bit of My History

    My reply on Looking for Others. I thought it was a good explination of what I've gone through so I figured why not repost it here?


    My hernia was repaired when I was an hour or so old. I have a gortex patch, and part of my stomach was used to create the non-existent sphincter. Because of the CDH, I was born with severe scoliosis and 1.5 lungs. In eleventh grade I had reconstructive back surgery in NYC, but not after ...

    Updated 01-31-2013 at 12:04 PM by Courtney Deuro
