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  1. Update: Amairani vianney

    Surgery was not done today last night she came down with a fever and lab work was done to see if she has any type of infection, result would be back in 48hrs. another delay but worth it i dont want to send her in at a bad time, i rather her wait and be prepeard for the surgery to come out strong:] I still dont know the next date they have set but ill update once again :]
  2. A New Week

    Hello, My Gorgeous Boy!

    It was such a long, difficult weekend and I'm grateful that we made it through in one piece! Thank God for our wonderful church! I look forward to Sunday worship and feel enlightened and some peace when I am driving back home. Pastor and Sandy Jo are really helping me with maintaining my faith in God. The grieving process and all that it encompasses really tests your faith and can make or break you, so to speak. I am trying to lean on God, let Him walk with ...