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  1. update: Amairani Vianney

    Surgery was done!!! all came out great! super happy... shes recovering now! i would like to thank everyone for there prayers!!
  2. 2 more weeks

    Our csection is scheduled for the 6th, right at 39 weeks. I am so not ready for this, but what momma is? I am however getting excited to meet our little guy. Not too excited though, he needs to stay put...we have been having issues with contractions, and I had to go to labor and delivery to get them stopped. I was there for 6 hours, got for shots, and a dose of procardia before they quit. Now I am on 20 mg of the procardia every 4 hours. Not looking forward to 2 more weeks of the meds, but ...
  3. researching cdh and vitamin a

    So while searching the internet for possible causes or links to cdh, i was looking at the possible link between cdh and vitamin a deficiency. As i started putting more and more together I started seeing weird patterns and even though it's not confirmed this is still hardly a coincidence i think. My gallbladder was removed about 1 year after i had my son ...they said the pregnancy caused the gallstones and i had to get it taken out. After looking into the vitamin a deficiency ...i looked into ...
  4. another rollercoaster day of emotions ( like i haven't had enough )

    So we have a beautiful little 4 year old boy and who to this day has just been perfect besides all the little things that happen to kids. Last night while on here reading all the other parents' stories, i came across a mom who had a son who was 5 and presented with late presentation cdh. After that i got into the forum where so many people are dealing with having another child with cdh. My son for the past 2 months seems to have been sicker than normal, first with strep, then right when we lost ...
  5. Having a rough day..

    Today has been very hard for me. I went to charleston this past tuesday and wenesday and met with all the doctors and everyone that will be taking care of me and my precious Jacoby. im not to sure why today it has bothered me so much but out of no where i begin to cry. It breaks my heart. But i know God made me the way I am because he knew i was going to have a baby with CDH. I know im not suppose to know the reason he gave him this horrible thing but i know he will take care of it. I got to see ...
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