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  1. update: amairani vianney

    yesterday was a hard day for amairani...
    she needed blood something i asked to try to be avoided but she needed it im scared for the risk involved but i said yes i cant imagine anything happening to her and it was cuz of me.
    she got about 30ml of blood in a period of 4hrs.
    she did well responded very well i wasent sure if she would because during my pregnancy i was allergic to everything under the sun. i prayed she didnt reject the blood and she did well. finally today i ...
  2. A Bit of My History

    My reply on Looking for Others. I thought it was a good explination of what I've gone through so I figured why not repost it here?


    My hernia was repaired when I was an hour or so old. I have a gortex patch, and part of my stomach was used to create the non-existent sphincter. Because of the CDH, I was born with severe scoliosis and 1.5 lungs. In eleventh grade I had reconstructive back surgery in NYC, but not after ...

    Updated 01-31-2013 at 12:04 PM by Courtney Deuro

  3. New Year 2012

    The new year has been off to a great start. Ethan and Christa were both sick the week before Christmas. They acted like they had the flu but their flu tests came out negative. They both got flu shots in October. It appeared to be some kind of flu-like virus. They both got well enough to enjoy Christmas. We had a great Christmas except Santa brought both of them a power wheels and it rained Christmas Day. They begged to go out all day. They got to go out and ride Monday after Christmas. ...
  4. update: Amairani Vianney:)

    Surgery is set again for monday the 9th, at 8am...
    shes doing really good!!!! shes a strong little girl
    everything will go good shes a figther!!
    as far as anything new not really just they set the date and signed up for the operating room i belive 2 bbies are getting suregery that day amairani will be number 2 starting at around 12pm its gonna be a long day for all of us.... but its a very important step to take for her recovery.
  5. See You When I See You

    Hello Again, Little Lion Man,

    Since I didn't post yesterday, I wanted to post again today. I wanted to share a little story about how God works in mysterious, but purposeful ways. [Let me make mention that I truly DO NOT, nor will I EVER understand why God took you from me. That is beyond comprehension. I just don't get it- AT ALL! And I'm still very mad at God about that. And God knows I'm mad at Him, and yet He walks with me anyway.]


    Your ...
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