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  1. A Sluggish, Tearful Morning

    Good Morning, My Precious Boy!

    Today has had a sluggish beginning. I'm having one of those days where I have no motivation or desire to do, well, anything. I can't get out of my own way. I'm at work, smiling and being chipper but inside I'm like, "Ahhhh! I just want to scream and cry!"

    I am just heartbroken and devastated for Bryson's family. His Mommy is right that when he arrived, you took him by the hand and showed him around Heaven. I know you both are ...
  2. update: Amairani Vianney

    everything is still going good....
    my baby girl=] still has pulmonary hypertension...
    but has been put on medication to control and so far has done good on it. she has been weined to 56% O2=] she started at 100%. Surgery got moved to manday the 9th, because she was started on a new medication and want her to be strong for surgery. I finally got to see her open her eyes! which there olive green!=] but the nurses said they would change=[...

    i update once again if i hear ...
  3. Hello Everyone!!!

    I'm a survivor!

    I'm a 21 (soon to be 22) year old survivor of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. I've had my health issues that have stemmed from it, but with the help of my family and friends, and of course my amazing doctors, I've gotten through it all. I have a bit of a morbid sense of humor, but its a sense of humor that had helped me cope with everything.

    In high school I was active on a Patient Advisory Board at my local Children's Hospital, and through that board ...
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  4. In Loving Memory of my Cherub-Bryson Alexander Dobbs

    Bryson Alexander has went home to be with Jesus, and walked straight into His loving arms. He was taken home at 12:10 p.m. Wednesday afternoon on January 4, 2011, and greeted there by his grandma Judy Dobbs and his little friends Liam and others.
    This probably will be one of my last post as my journey is slowly coming to a close and God's path that he has taken our family on is ready to conclude.
    The pain of losing my son is great and my husband and i are deeply grieved. The responses ...
  5. A Smoothie of Emotions

    Good Morning, My Perfect Angel!

    My heart is so heavy today. It is sad, scared, enlightened, peaceful, hopeful- a big smoothie of emotions!

    It is filled with thoughts and prayers for our friends who are going through an extremely hard time. I have become great friends with this little Cherub's Mom and she and I have discovered with are alike in so many ways- some good and some bad. It is quite remarkable actually.

    We e-mail regularly and give each other ...
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