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  1. No News Is Good News

    On New Year's Eve, I found myself realizing that we haven't had to take Adam to any doctor appointments since September! Of course he has his normal check-ups and Synagis shots, but other than that he is very healthy and continuing to maintain or gain weight. He is 17 months old and developmentally is tracking at an 18 - 24 month range.
  2. A reintroduction

    [color=dark red][/color]Hey all! I just figures that it's been so long since I have been active here. Well since Katrina hit us a couple of years ago. Thank God we were one of the lucky ones and only had a tree on the roof. Our neighbors had one through the top floor of there home. Yikes!
    I have 3 munchkins here. Skylar is 9 and training into a beautiful young lady. I home school her in third grade and will continue hopefully into high school and on to graduation! She is so helpful to us ...
  3. She's coming soon!

    :D [color=black:6ce9a6b9fc][/color:6ce9a6b9fc]

    Wow, I haven't been on here in a while.

    Lily has done so well that the doctors and nurses are calling her their "little super star"!
    It looks like she'll be coming home in a week or two! We couldn't be happier.

    Lily has a caringbridge website. Here is the link if anyone would like to read that blog. It has been updated much more then this one and has more information about her ...
  4. Getting close

    [size=9:28bd64a903][/size:28bd64a903][color=indigo:28bd64a903][/color:28bd64a903]Steve started the police academy today. I am home by myself. I have just been on here all night. I get to think about Shannon without depressing myself about it. The days are getting closer to her birthday and angelversary. It's getting tough. I cried on the new year. I didn't want 2007 to end. I miss the year, but I think I miss those three days the most. When Steve is home, it is hard to actually get a chance to sit ...
  5. 31 weeks, oh my

    Wow already at 31 weeks. I am already so anxious to meet the little angel. Though I am starting to worry more. Preterm birth is the biggie as we are 2 hours away from U of M where we are supposed to deliver. I don't really trust anyother hospital with her life. So I pray that she cooperates:) It was good to know that the mild cramps I am having are normal. That puts my mind at ease.

    Went to the reg OB Gyn today and things are measuring fine and her heartbeat was 148. She is ...
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