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  1. Robot Funk

    "Mom, what does a robot smell like? Do they use deoderant, too." "Mom, if God made everything, then did he build our house?" "Mom, Santa and God are just alike cause they both know everything about me." Mom . . . . . . oh, mom . . . . . .

    Oh my goodness - I think I am going to go bonkers with the questions of a genious 4 year old. I'm learning a lot right along with my kiddo as I have to look a lot of info up to answer his ...
  2. Sputter, sputter, cough, cough, bang!

    Up and at em gang; it's another fun filled day of sputtering and coughing around. It seems to be so much fun that I think dear ole mom will joing you today, if you don't mind.

    I'm so sick of being cooped up with the icky sickies! I think I'll see if I can get the boys to go sit outside today. Chuck came home from work last night to pretty much find me with a purse on my shoulder and keys in hand; I had to get out or I was going to lose all bits of sanity that I had left. Not ...
  3. Missing Gabe

    I miss Gabe. I miss him every second of every day. I miss the dream of our happy little family. I miss being naive. I always had this dream of our family. The simple typical dream. Two carseats in the back-a boy and a girl. In my dream they always had names-Gabriel and Makayla. I am so happy about being pregnant with Makayla, but I feel robbed. It is bittersweet knowing that I will be having this beautiful girl-but she will never know her special brother. It's hard to know that I have to live ...
  4. Just Peachy

    I like setting the mood to "angelic". :)

    Well, it's been a crazy 2 weeks.

    CHERUBS... We've had over 50 new members since the site has gone live. We've had a lot of people overwhelmed by all the information. I'm not sure that's good or bad. We have a couple of new volunteers and lots of current volunteers really stepping up and helping out. We've had some behind the scenes drama that we've been dealing with for 3 years but we're above all ...
  5. Indians and Bean Burritos

    Yeah, the Indians won again! I never thought they'd make it this far, but go Tribe!

    I got to thinking yesterday that Adam is probably lacking in the protein department since he hasn't been eating well the past week. I decided to give the kid a bean burrito and I'll be . . .the kid loved it. Now there is some good mother/son bonding time . . . . sharing a bean burrito together. I'm sure in about an hour he'll share that burrito with me again.

    Lots have been wondering ...
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