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  1. Icay, Candice Georgina

    My husband and I find out that I was pregnant last January 22, 2014. Based on my ultrasound, I was 8 weeks pregnant and my due date will be on September 1, 2014. I was so lucky with my pregnancy, I only have few morning sickness. On my second ultrasound I was 18 weeks pregnant. We found out that I have an intramural myoma but they assured me that my baby is safe. During my third trimester, my doctor suggested caesarean section because of my myoma and my baby’s breech position.

    On ...
  2. LCDH after care for adults

    Is there any where in Georgia for adults who were born with CDH for adult care and is there any adults who still have or have had repeated surgeries I am looking for any information I can to better understand my own condition to better help my providers help me thank you for any information you can give
  3. Adult CDH Clinic Required (Multdisciplinary)

    Quote Originally Posted by VirginiaP View Post
    Hi I am a 35 year old survivor and I find that Amy is correctabout physicias not understanding until they have exasperated every other test they can. I'm sure it's hard for the doctors but it's hard for us to have a normal life until we have been repaired again I sometimes feel like a robot lol but let me encourage everyone please please get your child's surgical notes get all your child's medical records I don't have mine my parents back then no one knew what a L CDH was hardly it's so uncommon
  4. Cdh

    Hello this is day 1 for me on here I stumbled across this website while trying to get all of my medical records together for my next surgery I was born on Aug 20th 1979 with a Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia on the left side as you all know what that means I had my first surgery at Columbus Medical center in Georgia at 2 hours old my left lung was punctured and of course fixed the right lung was a resection and I had like many of you guys pins and surgical sutures to put the puzzle back together.In ...
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