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  1. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy Thanksgiving!!
    I really love this holiday! It gives us a chance to reflect. I am so very thankful for so many things. God has really blessed me more than I imagined possible. :D
    My husband's family was supposed to come up for the feast, but all are sick. :( So it will just be us and a couple of friends. But that is really ok. I mean, they can't help it that they got sick!! The only problem is I have a huge turkey defrosting in the fridge!! We will probably be eating leftovers ...
  2. Feeling good



    Today, Justin and I have been married for 4 years! It feels like it was just yesterday. Then again, on some days it feels like it has been 10 years since we tied the knot. So much has happened in these short 4 years.

    Anyhow, he flys up tonight. So atleast I'll be able to give him a kiss before the day is over. He lands around 10pm. It's been hard being away from him so much. Yet, I think it's making ...
  3. Makayla's Ultrasound

    We went in yesterday for yet another level 2 ultrasound, and again everything looked great! She was very active during the whole thing and decided to give us quite a few wonderful pics. Again, they pointed out her long feet and super long toes :D No big surprise there, Gabe had long feet and toes, and so do their mommy and daddy! We got a great shot of her diaphragm, and all her organs working properly and in their place. We watched her practice swallowing and she played with her face and stuck ...

    My name is Christy Michel.I am 25 wks pregnant. My son Drake was diagnosed with LCDH in my 20th wk.I am going to see a specialist on Nov 23,2007.So far the amnio came back normal. :D I dont know what has herniated yet but I am praying for the best.
  5. Gabe's Party

    Yesterday was a really "good" day. We had his memorial party with friends and family and the turnout was amazing. We put everyone to work assembling Information Packets for CHERUBS and we were able to put together over 400! I can't wait to start getting them out to hospitals where they can help families! We also had a kids table where they drew pictures of Angels for the holiday cards and we got some really beautiful drawings! Everyone really got into the activities and it was ...
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