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  1. Jaxtyn- my hero! :)

    [color=darkred:ea7796ab9e]Here's our little Jaxy boy! Grandma & Grandpa Smith sent him this costume last Halloween but it was too big. (Grandpa Smith is a retired fire captain from Santa Anna, CA) He looks so handsome![/color:ea7796ab9e]
  2. today

    Today Docs said no to going to Michigan-it upset all of us so-but i know there is light at the end of this tunnel.
    We have a time for Shelby's scope-Monday at 8am. She has been sweating during her feeds and I think that is a sign of distress. I hope and pray we find the answers we need Monday.
    Shelby is standing a lot, she will be walking soon!!!
    Isolation ahs begun now that we all have our flu shots. Some of our friends will get them and some won't-I guess you truly find ...
  3. U of M visit #1

    Yesterday we went to U of M and LOVED it there! They are so much more knowledgeable there and kind. We had an ultrasound and she is 1 lb 4 oz at 21 weeks gestation and 23 weeks for me. We had some more 4D pictures taken and they are ADORABLE! The docs at U of M really put us at ease letting us know that she falls into the high better to low great outcomes. So her condition is high on the mild side and low on the moderate side. If that makes any sense. They were upbeat and positive about the ...
  4. Courage and Contentment

    "When fear controls us and our faith is small, the courageous person calls to Jesus, Who is always there to rescue us."

    Heavenly Father, give us a radiant courage to face the dark places in life. Foucs our minds on the light and strength of Jesus Christ. Remove all panic from us so that we may know You are always present and caring for us.
  5. November 6th

    Today Shane (my husband) and I have been married for 9 years. It is also Shane's Mother's birthday and Shelby's God mother's b-day!!!It has been an awesome day!!!Everyone is so happy.
    Were looking forward to going to a Cherubs gathering this week-end, we just found out Daddy can't come.....Nana(girls's Grandma) is taking his place. YEAH for Nana!!!!
    I just am looking so forward to it, as are the three oldest...I can not cancel now!!!
    Shane feels so BAD!!! It breaks my heart...but ...
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