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  1. Our Story

    After our first ultrasound at 20 weeks, we were told that the doctors were concerned about the placement of the heart and stomach. My world had been turned upside down during my hour drive home from work. I held it together, until my husband fell apart.
    This is our first child together and we could not believe that we were recieving this news. The doctors told us not to look it up on the internet because it would sound worse than it actually was. It was fixable was all they told us. ...
  2. Our journey begins

    [color=black:8d2a06cf28][/color:8d2a06cf28] :D

    We got the news we've been waiting for yesterday afternoon. Lily doesn't have any other genetic disorders! We are over the moon! We now feel like she truly has a chance and we're so excitied to get up to Philadelphia and get things in order for her birth! We leave Thursday morning and we have our first appointment at CHOP on Friday. I'll be 32 weeks.

    I'm scared and anxious to get the ball rolling. I'm so ready to meet ...
  3. Mass General Memorial Service

    Yesterday was a very emotional but good day. We went up to Mass General Hospital to their Annual Pediatric Memorial Service which was beautifully done. Some of the staff from the NICU attended, and it was nice to see them again. They really became an extension of our family during our stay there, and I will never be able to express how much I appreciate all they did. Being back at the hospital brought back so many overwhelming emotions, but I was very glad we went. I plan on going back up after ...
  4. The waiting game

    :pout: [color=green:1da3b1729f][/color:1da3b1729f][size=18:1da3b1729f][/size:1da3b1729f]
    Even though it's only been about a month, it feels like forever since we found out Lily has CDH. I'm thankful for all the information we've received. I feel much better knowing what to expect, well atleast knowing the different outcomes.

    However, there is one hurdle we have yet to jump. We're waiting on our amnio test results. They said we should know by Wednesday. All of our plans are ...
  5. Thank you all for your support

    Thank you so much everyone for your kind words, love and support. Yesterday started out rough as it always does. Every year I cannot erase the memory of Amanda looking me in the eye as she took her last breath @ 0701 am in the living room, what seemed like CPR forever then the chaos of police and medical personnel that followed. I remember as EMS was lining her up and intubating her telling her to keep going. I knew she was without oxygen way too long and I could not bear the thought of her ...
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