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  1. Challenging Day!

    I am going to try to blog in the midst of all my spare time, (yeah right). lol!
    I know i have so many people praying for my little cherub and I don't doubt that God has a plan for him, but in spite of all of the prayers and the miracle that took place last night, today he has had to go on ECMO.
    The vent and the occilator was just not working. His numbers were heading down into the 60's and was refusing to go up even at 100% oxygen level. They couldn't do more than that. I knew it ...
  2. Hope

    Good Morning, Liam Anthony,

    I was reading the news and my e-mail this morning and read a "warning" e-mail about ways gangs and other criminals, specifically male, are trying to trap women, with the intention of doing unspeakable things to them. I got to thinking, "Why are people like this left on Earth?" It seems to me that the world would want to have less of these individuals and more like you, Liam. I dawned on me, God really does handpick his Angels! He must ...
  3. When I Get Where I'm Going

    My Dearest, Perfect Little Liam,

    It goes without saying that most days I struggle to trudge through the day. Inside, I feel so alone. It feels dark... I really don't like to be in the dark. When these feelings creep up on me and overcome me completely, it is only this one thought that comforts me: When God calls me to Heaven, I will immediately be handed the ULTIMATE gift- a gift that far surpasses any hope or dream. That gift is: YOU! When I get to Heaven, I will finally get to hold ...

    Updated 12-15-2011 at 02:08 PM by JadeHunt

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  4. A Blessing

    Good Morning Our Mighty Little Lion!

    This week has dragged for Nonna. I am on "vacation" next week and then we have holiday break at the college. I do love my job, but each year during this holiday, Nonna just wants to be home. G-Pa has been trying to get me to go get a Christmas tree. I honestly have no desire for a Christmas tree this year and quite frankly it doesn't bother me. Those that know your Nonna find this "not right" as I usually like the tree ...
  5. A Mother's Greatest Gift

    Hello, My Gorgeous Peanut!

    Momma has had a whirlwind busy day at work! I'm actually quite pooped out, so hopefully I'll sleep tonight. Night after night I ask you to help me settle down and relax. I even try counting sheep with my eyes closed- a sure sign of desparation! You know me, I have to stay busy. Busy is good right now- it's what I need right now.
    The most wonderful part about when I fall asleep is that you are always in my dreams!

    Last night your ...
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