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  1. A day I thought I'd never see

    One year ago today After many hours of waiting and one good push AXAEL LYXANDER VEGA came into this world, without a sound and not moving, to turn my world upside down. At 5lbs. 10oz. and 9 inches long he had all odds against him. He was diagnosed with Right Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia, Congenital Heart Disease, Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn, Low Muscle Tone and a great other things. After 4 months in the NICU, 5 surgeries (On ECMO, Hernia Repair, Off ECMO, Open Heart Surgery, ...
  2. Missing my boys

    The days are slowly passing. It feels like it has been 2 months and yet it has only been like a week. 11 days to be exact. I am resting more and not spending hours upon hours at your bedside yet when I wake up in the a.m. I feel like I am not complete until I can see you.
    The doctors don't think you even know I am here but when you are awake you look right at me. You are wide awake and I wish I could hold you. When that time comes it will be one of the happiest moments in my life, next to ...
  3. Your Little Signs

    Good Afternoon, My Precious Angel,

    You always have this beautiful way of reminding me that you are close by. You have these little signs. I feel you with me and all around me, yet sometimes I feel so far away. This morning, I know you could sense that...

    While I was packing my lunch and Landon's lunch, I thought to myself, "Geez, I am really dragging my butt today!" Just then, one of your brother's truck starting making noise. I looked in the living room and ...
  4. Our Christmas Tree

    My Dearest, Liam,

    This weekend was a melting pot of emotions. Saturday we took your brother, Nonna, Grandpa, Mimi and Pop-Pop to get our Christmas tree- your FIRST Christmas tree. I was dragging my feet all day and really didn't feel like getting a Christmas tree or celebrating at all. When we got home, I couldn't prolong the time any longer. Your brother was beyond thrilled to decorate "his tree," as he fondly calls it. I got all of our ornaments out, including two that ...
  5. 12/11/11

    We have had a great couple of weeks. We took Ethan and Christa to Disney On Ice last Saturday 12/3/11. They both loved it. Ethan was enthralled through the whole show and loved seeing Mickey Mouse. Yesterday we drove to McRae, GA (about 1 1/2 hours Daddy and Mama grew up around there) and visited my Aunt and Uncle. We had a great time. Ethan fell and bent his glasses once again. Time for another visit to the Eyecare place to straighten them out. He is doing well. He has been ...
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